batch two

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I've decided to be more frequent with this shop, I literally have no life aside from gaming and writing. I have a shit ton of free time so why not! I'll be doing weekly batches, and keep them open from Monday-Sunday, if it's not a lot of requests I'll extend it another week and so forth.

current status: CLOSED!


Orders in process

Orders completed

max you can request at once is 2!
if a batch is still open after
I complete your request
You can request again!

Manip Gifs!
type of gif it is: (helps me remember)
Faceclaims: max 2
Mood/color scheme:
Anything extra:
Inspiration links: optional

Manips with words!
type of gif it is: (helps me remember)
Faceclaims: max 2
Text/title of book: text is for anything that's not the title of your story btw
Mood/color scheme:
Anything extra:
Inspiration links: optional

Faceclaims: max 2-4
Text/font style: text/font style optional and if text let me know on what panels there's 6 in total btw
Mood/color scheme:
Scenes you want: remember it's 6 panels! You don't have to have a panel with words on it unless you want multiple with words! So it could just be 6 panels with gifs or 5 with gifs and one with words, or three with words and three with gifs it's up to you so be very detailed here please!
how many Panels do you want: max is 6
Anything extra: this one might be useful here so use it wisely I need lots of details for gifspams
Inspiration links; optional

authors notes:
remember this will be open all the way till Sunday at midnight, so even if you don't request that's alright because I literally will keep making batches every week until I get bored lol. Enjoy!

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