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the tell

Waking up in the woods wasn't on Miles bucket list, he groaned as he let out a heavy breath and sat up. His body ached as he leaned against a tree stump, he rubbed at his forehead as he looked around in confusion. "Where the fuck am I?" It was dark out and for some reason he couldn't remember how he even ended up here in the first place.

He went to sit up but winced at the sudden ache that ran along his body. He pulled his shirt towards and yelped at the sight of bite marks lingering all over his flesh "oh god, I'm gonna get rabies...".

He looked at his arms seeing more bite marks making him cringe in disgust as he searched his pocket for his phone. "Great... the damn animal took my phone, gonna die of rabies and infection at this rate".

He let out a sigh as he forced himself to stand up, his legs were wobbly and he felt lightheaded as he made his way along the small trial. He didn't recognize this part of the forest and that made him panic a lot more.

He used to trial these woods every chance he could and yet he was never brave enough to go this far into them. He was scared he'd run into coyotes, his fear was already true at this rate, those coyotes did a number on him. The bite marks itch like crazy and he could see dry patches of blood coating the teeth marks as he tried to search for any more.

He could barely keep himself up as he tugged at the collar around his jacket. It was ripped on the back and he could feel the cold air hitting his exposed skin. He shivered as he stumbled along the pathway.

He groaned as he turned down a pathway and spotted a street light. He blinked slightly when the light merged into two bright red orbs. He grew tense as he moved back slowly, he couldn't tell if this was real or not but he knew to turn around and run.

He ran like crazy as he ignored the sting in his legs, he screamed when he was thrown into a tree. He coughed as the air left his lungs, he looked up in panic as the animal ran towards him. He lifted his arms and shielded his face as he waited for it to finish him off.

Instead he was meant by the loudness of voices, he could hear the familiar hum of his fathers radio as he opened his eyes. The animal was gone and he was alone as he held onto himself in freight.

"Are you sure you saw him be dragged this way?" his fathers voice sounded so comforting as he shivered against the tree he was resting on. "Yes! I'm telling you dad, it was definitely here, he's gotta be here somewhere and I know I'm totally grounded because this is totally my fault for making him walk to school. I'll never let him do it alone after this".

Miles winced when the flashlight was turned towards his face, "we got him!" he looked at the police officer and let out a breath of relief. "Miles your dads been looking everywhere for you kid, had us all worried".

Miles let out a weak chuckle "I think I have rabies" his train of thought was interrupted when he caught sight of his father and Stiles. "Miles! Holy shit you're alive! I knew you'd be okay!".

Miles groaned "I feel like shit" he leaned into Stiles when he helped him stand up. His father hugged him "don't you ever walk alone again!" Miles smiled weakly "I won't, but I should really get checked out for rabies or something, whatever dragged me here must've been hungry or something, it bit me all over the place and they itch like crazy".

Stiles turned around quickly "it bit you! Are you sure?" Miles nodded as he walked slowly besides Stiles towards the ambulance "it's weird, I don't even remember being bitten, I must've passed out from shock or something. I woke up all alone and they were just all over the place, kinda creepy if you ask me".

   "Are we even sure he was bitten by the alpha! I mean it had to have been another animal, you said it yourself it only takes one bite to turn someone, so why would the alpha bite Miles a bunch of times".

Derek looked annoyed as he looked at Scott and Stiles "the alpha clearly wants something to do with Miles, the second those wounds magically heal he's gonna find out about everything".

Stiles huffed "no way man! My brother isn't turning into a wolf alright, he can't! He's supposed to stay out of this shit, you went and got him dragged into it the second you kept attacking him. What was that even about! You clearly know something we don't, so you're gonna tell us the truth".

Derek sighed "I can't tell you, because I don't even know the full truth myself, and even if I did know the truth I wouldn't tell you two idiots. You'd only put Miles life more in danger, the alpha wants him to turn and it's clear he's desperate about it. Which means we need to make sure Miles doesn't kill innocent people when he finds out what he is".

"We don't even know if he'll turn! I mean the bite marks could just...." Stiles stopped talking when Scott sighed "Stiles he was bitten, he's going to turn whether we like it or not, we can't stop it".

Stiles let out a heavy breath "this is all my fault, I should've just told him the truth from the start, I gotta go and make sure he's okay... how long do we have until he turns?".

Derek looked at the clock "a few hours at best, you'll know once he's finished healing himself. He won't be your brother anymore once that happens, he'll be a killer".

   Miles hated hospitals, he didn't find any ounce of comfort laying around all day. He kept being checked on every hour and the food he was given wasn't even that good, he was more annoyed if anything.

Part of him wanted to just leave but he knew his father wouldn't exactly be happy about that so for now he'd endure being stuck inside all day. At least he had visitors ever so often, he felt pretty shitty when Erica showed up with a teddy bear.

He apologized to her for not telling her what happened right away, but in his defense he didn't think this would've happened so suddenly. Being attacked by a wild animal wasn't fun and part of him was glad he didn't remember it even happening.

By the time he woke up the next morning he felt someone aggressively yanking at the bandages on his arms. He thought it was the nurse until he heard whispering "they're still there". He blinked slightly as he opened his eyes and turned "Stiles! What the fuck are you doing?" his brother gasped as he moved back and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh you know, just admiring your really cool wounds?" Miles rolled his eyes as he looked at Stiles and then Scott "it's eight in the morning, what are you two even doing here? Shouldn't you be heading to school? Stiles dads gonna kill you if you ditch school, you're already grounded for leaving me at the house".

Stiles let out a weak chuckle "well uh funny story actually, we're ditching school..... so we could see you? Cause you know you're my brother and I care about your wellbeing so dad won't even be mad that I'm checking up on you".

Miles looked at Scott "and you dragged Scott here with you? That's real friendship right there, you're both gonna be grounded and stuck in detention which to me sounds absolutely wonderful".

Miles laid back into the pillows and winced as he touched his side "these damn bite marks burn like crazy, the doctor said it's a miracle I didn't catch anything, I'm perfectly healthy aside from losing a little bit of blood. I'm so glad I can leave this place tonight, it's depressing here and the food tastes like cardboard, what's it like on the outside?".

Stiles looked around slightly before looking back at Miles "well the entire school knows what happens to you so it's kinda what everyone is talking about. Which means you're kinda cool I guess since no one can shut up about you wrestling a wild animal".

Miles smiled "I mean I didn't really wrestle anything but if that's what they're saying sure go for it, you two better get out of here before you're caught. Can't ditch school the entire day, at least sit with Erica at lunch for me, Issac and Boyd could use the company too. I'll just be here alone, eating cardboard".

Stiles nodded "uh yeah we could do that, we'll see you later then" Stiles walked out of the room and turned towards Scott. "It's been twenty four hours, why hasn't he healed yet? I mean that's what happened to you, he should be fine by now".

Scott sighed "I have no idea but I get the feeling Derek knows something we don't, which means we need to figure out what's going on with Miles".

authors notes:
this is literally one of the only stories I have inspiration for right now, my update schedule is just currently a mess lol, but I'm trying my best to stick with it. For the most part I might just get rid of it all together and write for whatever books I feel most interested in during a certain day, for the most part I can't wait to keep going with this book. It made me rewatch teen wolf and gosh it's a vibe, anyways enjoy!

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