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the little girl pushed her blanket over her face, her fingers grasping it so tightly the cloth nearly tore. She could hear it, the soft sound of footsteps walking down the hallway. Each individual light snapping apart and sending shards of glass down beneath the surface. She held in her fright as she pinched her eyes shut, the wood freaking as the door opened slowly.

She could hear it, the low hum of the intruder as they walked toward her. Her fingers turned white the more her hold tightened, she was terrified. "Mommy's going to make you feel so much better Gabriella.... why won't you let me see you... let mommy see you".

The little girl bit into her lip to cover her whimpers, this couldn't have been her mother. She was dead, the woman's body buried beneath piles of dirt hidden away from the towns eyes.

She little girl let out a loud yelp when she felt a heavy weight hovering over her. She didn't move, her body tense as she grew paralyzed. Her mouth snapped open as she went to scream but no sound slipped out.

Only a loud crackling noise as the blanket was slowly moved off her face. She felt weightless as her eyes widen in horror, "what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see mommy? I've missed you so much".

This creatures jaw snapped open blood pouring everywhere as the little girl finally felt her lips open. She screamed tasting the blood on her tongue as cold fingers gripped her jaw so tightly.

The little girl cried "mommy's going to make you feel so much better" the creatures hold tightened and the little girl screamed when her jaw snapped.

Her body grew still as blood spilled out of her nostrils and eyelids, her mouth hanging awkwardly to the side. She was still alive, her body covered in goosebumps as long fingers pushed themselves down her throat. She gagged as blood ran down the cracks of her lips, oxygen felt pointless.

"now you can be with mommy forever" she felt the warmth of her own heart dragging along her throat, as it was lifted upwards. The creature laughed so loudly as they yanked the heart out of the little girls throat.

It was beating so fast as dark veins began to overtake it, the little girls body twitched as her eyes turned green. Her jaw snapping itself back into place as the creature looked down at her with a smirk.

The little girl didn't flinch when she grabbed a hold of her own heart. Her feet dragging along the wooden floor as she walked out of her bedroom.

Her breathing was heavy as she pushed open the door of her sisters bedroom. The girl whimpering as she pointed a baseball bat at her. "Gabriella that isn't mom... it's not mom...".

Gabriella kept walking forward her feet snapping into place as she pushed her sister into the wall harshly. The girl yelled out as the baseball bat fell out of her hand, her eyes widen in horror when her body grew still. Her posture straightened as sweat coated her hairline. She whimpered as her little sisters hand moved towards her face.

She could taste the blood on her sisters fingers when her lips were forced open. Her flesh ripped itself apart blood running down her cheeks as she cried.

"You're going to feel so much better Bethanne, mommy helped me see... now let me help you". Bethannes eyes rolled into the back of her head as Gabriella shoved her heart into her mouth.

Her jaw snapped as the heart shoved itself further and further into her insides. Her hands twitched as her fingers wrapped around the handle of the baseball bat.

With one swift movement she let it hit Gabriella in the skull. The little girls head bent awkwardly to the side as she laughed. Bethanne gagged as she hunched over and clawed at her throat.

The door opened "awww don't you wanna play with your sister Bethanne? Mommy and daddy wanna watch you girls play together again".

Bethanne looked at her parents as they walked towards her, they smiled as blood ran down their bodies rapidly. Gabriella snapped her head back into place as she pushed Bethanne onto the ground.

Bethanne gagged when Gabriella's hand shoved itself down her throat, she felt the heart enter her stomach. Her body slumped into the carpet as her parents hovered over her. "Our beautiful daughter, welcome home" Bethannes eyes glowed purple as her lips rose into a smirk and blood ran down her chin.

authors note:
I wanted to go down a really weird pathway for this story. Hence this entire little chapter, and no they're not possessed by anything, trust me it'll get explained as the story goes onwards. Poor little Deans got his hands full, it's a ghost, yeah right. It's straight up demons (not demons lol) anyways I'm gonna sleep.

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