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At first Violet didn't see anyone, the more closer she got to the trailer the more she saw no one. Not a single person was in her sights making her believe maybe she was just going insane.

She paused at the sudden loudness of music blasting throughout the air. The loud screeching of the bats entering the air "oh god, you kids are really not thinking this though".

She ran forward fast watching as Eddie Munson played his guitar. Dustin Henderson sat beside him looking at the sky for any sign of the bats.

"I don't see anything!" the boys voice sounded nervous as he struggled to spot any of the bats. The plan was simple, distract them long enough for the others to get inside the house.

However Dustin didn't see the bats at all, he didn't know if they were coming or not. If they were him and Eddie were screwed if he couldn't see anything.

Eddie kept playing ignoring the sound of Dustin panicking "I can't see them Eddie!".

The boy sounded so terrified his scream entering the air as a bat flew right at his face. "Eddie!" in a quick movement Eddie grabbed hold of Dustin.

The bats slowly surrounding them "shit shit shit!" Dustin cried as he leaned into Eddie. Fear hitting them both as they held onto one another.

They both screamed as the bats all flew towards them, but nothing got them. They both let out heavy breaths looking up.

The bats all screeched out in agony, Violets hand reached forward blood falling down her nose. "Get outta here! I'll save your friends!".

Eddie gripped Dustin pulling the boy safely off the trailer. "Why are you helping us!" Violet let out a heavy breath looking at Eddie.

"I'm sorry for everything, I didn't realize this was all his plan until now.. I thought he actually wanted me to help him, that he was doing this for me".

She sighed deeply "I'm going to kill him, I'll get your friends out, but only if you promise me, you won't come back here".

Eddie was hesitant "I can't just run away! They need our help" Dustin gripped Eddie's arm "she's right, we need to leave, it's not safe".

Eddie looked at Dustin "I'm not gonna run away from this" Violet pulled the trailer door open sending both boys flying inside.

"I understand you wanna help Eddie! But I'll handle this, I'll get them all out. I'll kill Henry. You need to get too Max! She's in trouble".

Eddie sat up grabbing hold of his guitar that laid on the floor "I'll save red, you better hold up your end". Violet smiled softly watching as Eddie and Dustin both climbed out of the upside down.

"Don't worry, I'll hold up my end!" she closed the trailer door letting out a heavy breath as she walked down the road towards Henry's house.

Eddie and Dustin both groaned as they slammed roughly down onto his mattress. "Okay, we gotta get to red before Vecna kills her".

Eddie pushed his guitar over his shoulder Dustin trialing behind him as they quickly ran outside. "How the hell are we gonna manage to get there in time? We won't make it by walking".

Eddie sighed at Dustin's words. The boy was right, they'd never make it if they walked, Max would be dead by the time they managed to get there.

Dustin paused for a moment his eyes lingering on something beside Eddie's trailer. "The bikes! We left the bikes here!" He ran forward grabbing hold of his quickly.

"Let's do this!" the duo acted fast making sure they didn't hit any rocks along the way as they neared Vecnas house.

"I got a bad feeling about this Eddie" they stood outside the house the blue light inside bright. "Nothings gonna happen, we're gonna win Henderson".

"I hope you're right" they walked inside fast the sound of fighting entering there ears. "Max!" Eddie ran up the stairs watching as Jason punched Lucas.

The boy struggled to fight back, his body aching with each attempt to push Jason off of him. In the distance Max hovered in the air.

Her cassette player broken along the wooden floor boards. "Hey asshole!" Jason turned around but before he had time to even muster a response.

Eddie smacked him roughly with his guitar, knocking the boy out completely. Dustin ran towards Lucas "you alright?".

Lucas nodded weakly as he stood up "we gotta save Max, Jason broke the cassette player, without it she's gonna die".

Eddie let out a heavy breath "it's a good thing, I'm here, I sure hope she hears this". He grabbed hold of his guitar quickly, ignoring the three kids behind him watching anxiously.

Violet kicked open the door, she let out a heavy breath as she ran inside fast. "H-Help..." she frowned deeply looking forward.

Nancy and Robin were against the wall, being choked to the death. Across from them Steve struggled as well, all of them looked terrified.

Violet ran up the stairs tugging them off of Robin first, the girl coughed the second they left her throat. Nancy was next and the girl groaned as she grabbed hold of her gun.

Steve's vision began to blur making him panic as Violet ran towards him ripping him free of nearly dying. He moved toward the girls "that sucked".

Violet continued running up the stairs the others behind her frowning deeply at one another. "What's she doing?" The sudden sound of screams entered the air, making them all run after the girl.

The attic itself was messy and on the verge of falling apart when Steve walked into it. Nancy and Robin stood behind him, holding tightly onto their weapon of choice.

"Where the hell did she go? She was just here a second ago" Steve walked forward slowly in case anything came running at him.

"Steve watch out!" the boy screamed his entire body roughly slamming into a wall. Henry appeared growing out angrily as he pulled a piece of wood out of his neck.

"You took her from me!" his eyes grew darker as he slammed Nancy and Robin into the floor roughly. The duo crying out at the pain of it.

"No they didn't!" Violet appeared from the window, climbing inside weakly as blood gushed down the side of her face.

"They didn't make me change my path, I'm gonna help them stop you, even if it kills me". She ran towards Henry slamming him into the ground.

She cried out as he sent her flying into the wall, the wood breaking behind her resulting in her to tumble down the stairs.

Nancy shot at Henry the second she was set free of his grasp, he glared at her. Making the gun fly out of her hand into the wall.

"Shit!" she screamed loudly as she was sent flying outside the window, her entire body aching as she hit the grass harshly.

"Nancy!" Robin sneered angrily at Henry her entire body filled with rage as she quickly lit the bottle on fire. The second it burst into flames she threw it at Henry, gasping when it stopped midair.

"You think you can stop me!" Robin looked terrified as he went to throw the fire directly at her. But she never felt the sensation of the flames hit her, instead it weakly flew into the wall.

Catching fire the second it touched the wood, "Robin, we gotta get outta here!". Steve grabbed hold of her arm dragging her away.

"We can't give up, we need to kill him Steve" before Robin could even think about attacking again, they were sent flying down the stairs.

The duo landing on Violet who was knocked out on the ground, blood escaping her lips at an rapid pace. Steve picked Robin up dragging her outside, Nancy laid on the grass groaning as she held her broken hand.

"Come on, we gotta get outta here" Steve grabbed her arm helping her off the ground. The house behind them burst into flames.

"Holy shit!" They watched as someone flew out of the upstairs window, landing on the grass in front of them. Violet cried out as she pushed herself upwards, tears staining her eyes.

The trio went forward in hopes of helping her, but the ground underneath them opened. Sending them flying into the real world.

The sound of a guitar playing music entered there ears as they looked at the house in front of them. "Max" they all ran inside fast.

Max hovered in the air, Eddie stood in front of her blasting out her favorite song. "Come on Max, snap out of it" the girl gasped loudly.

She fell downwards hissing at the pain in her body "that hurt" everyone around her all laughed lightly. Happy the girl managed to escape Henry's hold.

"You're okay" the girl stood up from the ground fast "but Violets not, if he kills her the forth gate will open, he marked her".

Everyone looked at one another with worry, "we need to go back, we have to stop him before he kills Violet". Steve sighed "where's Eleven when you need her" Max sat down onto Eddie's couch.

"She was there, when Vecna got into my head. Eleven must've somehow found me, if she can get into my head and help, maybe she can help Violet".

"How the hell are we gonna tell her that? She's not even here, and no one's picking up the phone". Max sighed "if I'm right, she's watching us. If we're lucky maybe she'll manage to help Violet, we just need to make sure it works".

Eddie pushed his guitar over his shoulder "anyone know her favorite song by chance?". Robin moved toward Eddie "I do, she mentioned it one time when we were hanging out, hopefully it's still her favorite".

"Well then, what are we waiting for, let's go save the world!" Eddie whooped loudly in excitement as he grabbed hold of the makeshift rope.

"We can't afford to miss this time, we need to stay close and work together". Nancy grabbed hold of a new gun from Eddie's table "I won't miss".

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