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Girls like Florence in the south side of Chicago were seen as unapproachable โ€” and by unapproachable meaning she wasn't easy and guys seemed to prefer the easy girls apparently. It wasn't much of a problem for her although sometimes she wondered why she'd never had a boyfriend before but she decided to pin it down to the fact that she's way too good for immature teenage boys and they wouldn't be able to handle her โ€” a person who is more than just a quick fuck. That and clearly she's a ten and the little high school guys are a six at most way too out of any of their leagues. Plus she had such high standards that no one met, she wasn't going to settle for anyone unless they treated her like the absolute queen she is and seemingly no boy could do that these days.

She was in Imogen Wiley's room, one of her three best friends โ€” along with Benjamin Clarke and Elizabeth Murphy. The four had been best friends for years. You had Imogen who had the most experience in the guy department, an outgoing party girl who was loads of fun, she encouraged her friends to step outside their comfort zone once in a while and let loose. Next you had Benjamin, subconsciously funny, always a laugh and the one you'd confide in no matter the problem. And finally you had Elizabeth but she insisted on calling her Lizzie or else. She's blunt, doesn't hesitate to call you out on your BS or give you an honest answer but she balanced everyone out and didn't let you get too in over your head. All her friends were great even though they occasionally all annoy the hell out each other but she wouldn't change a single one of them for the world.

The four were currently in Imogen's room, Lizzie perched on the window sill, window open and smoking some weed out of it. Ben and Florence were sprawled out on the bed stuffing their faces with various snacks and Imogen at her desk chair working on a new clothing design โ€” she wanted to become a fashion designer, she'd decided this after realising she was good at art and had a love for fashion. Music playing softly in the background as they all lounged around relaxing in a comfortable silence. Imogen was first to break it.

'Party this weekend Katie's throwing it, are we going?' She turned herself away from her work to look at the other three in question.

'Can't gotta look after Liam, Debs and Carl this weekend, I already promised Fiona I would sorry' Florence replied, still staring at the ceiling from her lying position.

Lizzie agreed to go, something about finding a hot girl and free shots of tequila. When Lizzie was high sometimes she could come out with quite random things but they were used to it now.

'I'll go I guess, not doing anything else anyway but I could stay in with you Flo if you need help with Liam and that?'

'No it's alright thanks. You go to the party and have some fun, maybe even find a nice guy to spend your night with. I'll be fine looking after the kids.'

Imogen sighed 'Alright fine, but next time you're coming with, you've not had a night out for ages. I know you need a good time to just let loose and have some fun. All of you come help me pick an outfit, use know I love to plan my outfits early and I need your opinions on it before you all leave.'

They spent the rest of the night trying on outfits and having a laugh before the friends left Imogen's at around half nine. Florence got back home at around ten after a leisurely stride back to the Gallaghers household.


Florence was stuck in a room with Debbie and Liam, not that she minded too much but it could get pretty annoying being a fifteen year old girl having to share a bedroom with two younger siblings when sometimes you needed your own space and privacy, emphasis on the privacy.

That morning she had been woken up by Fiona as usual to get ready for school but when you are living with six other siblings and there's only one shower it can be difficult to do so. Very morning was the same โ€” the boys fighting over who gets the bathroom first meanwhile Florence just waits because she knows there's no winning against them. She'd take Liam downstairs, change him feed him and get her own food before finally getting to use a free bathroom in peace whilst everyone else vacated downstairs for some breakfast before school.

She grabbed her bag from her room after getting dressed and headed back downstairs. 'Electric bills due again Flo, any spare cash you can add?' Fiona had asked no sooner than her stepping one foot into the kitchen where the rest of the Gallaghers were situated. 'Lizzie and I picked up some extra shifts last week and tonight I'll be at theย  Laundry six till ten. It's payday today so I can add some money I make from that once I get back?'

'Yeah yeah that's great thanks Flo, here's your lunch. I'll see you tonight then?' Fiona asked handing over the packed lunch, Florence nodded bidding goodbye to everyone and left, Imogen waiting outside with Ben so they could walk and get Lizzie on their way to school.

School was something Florence was good at and, no she didn't enjoy it but she did well, trying hard and getting good grades. She wasn't as smart as Lip but her mindset was good. If she's at school she may as well use her time there wisely and put effort in, her hard work pays off. Whenever there was a parents' evening she certainly got the best reports out of her siblings because yes she had good grades but she actually behaved well in school and didn't cause trouble unlike her twin and older brother.

I'm going to skip to season three because I want Florence to be older than fifteen, so I've looked it up and I don't fully know what age they are in season three, but I'm gonna go with around two years later for the plot meaning the twins are seventeen. If it's not right please just go with it for plot purposes thank you!

This chapter I'm just gonna make as another intro purely because it's boring and is not taking place the same time as the actual story will take place.

Not edited.

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