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Hi there, how are you all doing? I am still alive, even though I know I took a lot longer than usual. It was mostly due to the fact that I took my time researching this chapter, but it was also caused by college and other work. However, I am back with another topic from the guidebook: "characters."

In this topic, we will learn about character development and sketching. So welcome to wildflower, and this is your author writer_tee(to the people who don't know)

Let us get started with the topic.

As we all know, character is very important, so many of you may be wondering why we should talk about it now.

Guys, let me start by explaining the fundamentals of the plot, story, and concepts. Since the characters are a part of the book, it only makes sense that we get to know them.

It would be silly if I told what the character is, so I'm skipping it, as we know about the meaning behind the character, but still, just for satisfaction, a character is nothing but a fictional person, just like Y/N in fanfiction. 

So not every fanfictional writer uses y/n terms always; writers like me use an original character, which means a character that doesn't exist in another fictional book, movie, or novel. You might think Y/n is also an original character but not for more clarity y/n is just a term that the writer commonly uses in fanfiction and interactive fiction to allow readers to insert themselves into the story. This also allows them to imagine themselves as the protagonist or main character of the narrative.

Put differently, this is the reason that a lot of fans switched to Delulu. Some fans have now gone insane because they are unable to tell the difference between fact and fiction, which is also having a negative impact on their personal lives. It is important to remember that, while reading fiction is enjoyable, it is critical to strike a healthy balance and not let it harm your mental health.

Now, enough about me venting; let us return to the subject at hand.

Therefore, whether the character is y/n or an OC, we will have information about them, such as their appearance, background, backstories, traits, and so forth. 

The character sketch and development reveal details about the roles and their characteristics, as well as the character arc.

 Fun fact: Just like plot, story, and concept, character development, character arc, and character sketching are all different but related.

Do not worry about it; I will explain these topics using our very own hero potato, just as I did when I explained them using a potato example. First, let's learn about character sketch, development,  and arc

First character sketch

A character sketch is a brief description or outline of a character's main characteristics, such as their appearance, personality, background, and other relevant information.

example in story of process of making potato chips let's give a sketch of our hero potato

Character Sketch: Potato

Name: SpuddyAppearance: Spuddy is a russet potato, medium-sized, with a rough brown skin and a firm texture.Personality: Initially, Spuddy is content being a simple potato, unaware of the possibilities that lie ahead.Background: Grown in a farmer's field alongside many other potatoes, Spuddy dreams of something more but doesn't know what.

This is what a character sketch entails: it tells us who our hero is, where he is, and what he is. And in the same way, we describe the character.

next character development & arc

While character arcs and character development may differ, they are somewhat comparable. While Character development is the portrayal of a character's growth, changes, and experiences throughout a narrative, whereas a character arc is the transformative journey or change that a character goes through from beginning to end.

let's continue the same potato example by his development and arc

Character Development:


Spuddy begins as a simple potato, one of many that will be used in a variety of recipes.Spuddy's life revolves around the farm, where they bask in the sun and absorb nutrients from the ground.


Spuddy is chosen from the bunch to be a potato chip.They are washed, peeled, and sliced, transitioning from a simple tuber to thin slices.Despite the difficulties of being sliced and fried, Spuddy begins to see the possibility of greatness.


Spuddy emerges from the fryer as a crispy, golden chip that has been seasoned and is ready to eat.Spuddy discovers their true purpose and potential along the way, realising that they can bring joy and satisfaction to others in the form of a delicious snack.

Character Arc:


Without knowing it can change, Spuddy begins as a regular potato.


Spuddy faces the challenge of being chosen and processed into a potato chip, which involves discomfort and change.


Spuddy's physical and emotional transformation as a chip reveals their true identity and purpose.

In the end,

Spuddy embraces their new role as a potato chip, finding fulfilment in making others happy with their crispy and savoury nature.

As you can see, the arc and development are similar; the only thing that sets them apart is that the arc and development offer slightly more in the way of transformations.

Now you would ask about character sketches and development,

These fall under the story as the character sketch provides an initial overview of a potato, and character development involves portraying the growth, changes, and experiences of a potato throughout the story. 

and also, you might keep wondering if the character arc comes under the plot .

and the answer is yes, a character arc falls under the broad category of plot. As you can see, the character arc represents a potato's transformation or journey throughout the story, which is an important part of the overall plot structure.Events and conflicts in the plot frequently influence and drive the character's development, adding to the character's arc within the larger context of the story.

How does this help? Writers who write fanfiction basically use existing human stories with y/n.

This would be the main question after reading the whole lengthened chapter on character.like  how and why?

Though we are writers who write about existing humans, like celebrities or idols, we differ their real personalities from the fictional ones that we write. And it's important to know how to make the skeleton of them on our own and develop them throughout the arc. We need to know the key points of the topic, so that's why I wrote this chapter. 

I will also write another chapter on characters, like traits and roles, where we will discuss and hear my rant on them. It will take some time, because in the next chapter I will have to discuss another topic. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and learned something from it. Thank you 

See ya✨

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