laugh | wakatoshi ushijima fluff

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prompt: (Y/n) is on a mission to make Wakatoshi laugh

warning: none

word count: 858

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

The melodious sound reverberated off the walls and crashed into your ears. A smile broke out across your face when you heard it. The beautiful sound was your favorite in the world; laughter. It was not fauxed to be polite, but instead real and genuine. That sound made you happy. But upon seeing him, your happiness was drained.

It was replaced with anger. Your eyes narrowed at him as you entered the cafeteria. The glare you mustered could have bore holes into his skull. Yet, he was completely unbothered--oblivious, rather. Unfortunately, someone beside you noticed your silent fury.

"Maybe if you keep staring, he'll explode," Tendo said in an impish manner. You sighed.

"I just don't get it," You confessed as you entered the large lunch room. "I've been trying for months, but he's just so dense!" Tendo chuckled, taking a seat next to you at an open table.

"Yeah, Wakatoshi's something," Tendo recounted first-hand. "I'd hate to say this, but maybe you should give up."

"I will get him to laugh, I swear it," You promised firmly. Tendo could see the determination in your eyes. You were dedicated to your cause, as seemingly meaningless as it might have been. Tendo found it odd, but he was curious nonetheless.

"Personally, I think he can't laugh," Tendo said, glancing over at his teammate. "He might be physically incapable of it." You shook your head.

"Everyone laughs," You stated confidently. "You just have to strike the right chords." You believed your words, even if all your attempts had previously ended in failure. Miserbale, embarrassing, and shameful failure.

"Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them." Dead silence. He hadn't even cracked a smile. You wondered if he didn't get the joke, or if he just found it that unfunny. "What do you get when you combine a rehtorical question and a joke?" Wakatoshi had proceeded to ask what the answer was. Another ruined the punchline, or lack there of.

You knew Wakatoshi was smart, he wouldn't be at Shiratorizawa if he wasn't. But like you told Tendo, he was extremely dense. You simply had to find his sense of humor, though his teammates insisted he didn't have one. You knew they were all wrong.

Each chance that presented itself, you took to crack a few jokes: lunch together, walking between classes you shared, after volleyball practice, and when he walked you to your dorm room. You gave it your all each shot, something that Wakatoshi shockingly picked up on. He could tell you cared.

That made Wakatoshi wonder why. Why did you care so much? You had been at it for weeks, constantly being faced with defeat. Yet you persisted. He admired you for that. That praiseworthy character trait didn't presented itself the same way Wakatoshi's dedication did through volleyball. Even if none of your jokes made him laugh, Wakatoshi enjoyed your regular company.

His juniper eyes locked with yours, not reciprocating your intensity. You stood directly across from him on the grass in the school's massive courtyard. The boy's practice had ended some time ago, and you swiftly grabbed his attention.

"Look... " You began, oh so seriously. "I've been at this for ages and nothing's worked. I'm gonna try one more time. If you don't laugh, I'll leave you alone forever, okay?"

"Okay," Wakatoshi responded. He watched as you took a deep breath, internally crossing your fingers. The captain wondered if you were serious. If you failed, would you really never talk to him again?

"A horse walked into a bar," You said, still mainting eyecontact with a sober expression. "Several of the patrons quickly get up and leave, realizing the potential danger in the situation." Your heart was beating too fast for the situation you were in. You liked a good challenge, and Wakatoshi provided that.

As if the heavens themselves had put their gentle hands on your shoulders and blessed you, Wakatoshi laughed. A small, rich, and deep chuckle met your shocked ears. You saw the smile on his face, disbelief rattling you. His laugh resonated within you, almost reverberating in your chest. Your stomach was quickly filled with soft butterflies as you saw that small twinle in his eyes.

"Yes!" You shouted in rejoyce, throwing your hands into the air. "Yes! I knew you could laugh!" You began to laugh in pure euphoria at your success, practically prancing around the grass. Authentic bliss overtook you, such a big grin on your face.

Wakatoshi liked seeing you so joyful; your happiness made him happy. He would love to cherish that smile forever. And that laugh? Whenever you'd break into giggles while trying to deliever a punchline, he felt refreshed and content. It was nice to see you in this way.

Truth be told, Wakatoshi didn't actually laugh at the joke. It was funny, sure, but he partially forced the laugh. He felt somewhat guilty, but he did it because of what you said before you told the joke. He admired your dedication. He liked your smile and your laugh. He found your company desireable. He thought you were wonderful.

The last thing Wakatoshi wanted was for you to leave him alone forever. So, you laughed together.

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