meet the parents | keiji akaashi fluff (request)

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Prompt: (Y/n) and her boyfriend Akaashi sit down for dinner with (Y/n)'s parents

Warning: Your parents being embarrassing, your parents being a little OOC, and spoilers for Shrek 2 (kinda)

Word count: 901

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

There comes a point in almost every teenage girl's life when she must bring a certain human whom she cares about deeply back to her home to meet her parents. Some girls remain composed, calm, and collected during the whole ordeal. Not you, though... not you.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can always reschedule," You asked, nervousness lacing your voice. Akaashi sighed and shook his head.

"Isn't the guy supposed to be nervous when meeting his girlfriend's parents?" Akaashi almost playfully asked you, attempting to put your worries at ease. You plastered on a smile and reached out to take Akaashi's hand in your own. He returned your grasp and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. The walk with your boyfriend ended soon as you both arrived at your long-awaited house.

You opened the front door and both of you removed your shoes. After your shoes were safely off, you called into the house for your mother. She responded instantly and informed you that she was in the dining room setting the table. Akaashi carefully took your book bag from your shoulders along with his and went to put them away, seeing as he has been to your house a few times before.

When Akaashi came back, you both entered the dining room to see the table set for four people. Your nerves began to build again when you saw your mother waiting for you. You greeted her with a smile and she returned it with an even bigger grin.

"This must be the Mr. Akaashi I've heard so much about," Your mother teased, gesturing to the boy standing beside you.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. (L/n)," Akaashi said politely.

"The pleasure is all mine, dear," Your mother responded, before turning to you to say, "your father's finishing getting diner around, so you two can sit down." You and Akaashi did as she said and sat together at the table. A silence fell over you as you began to overthink the events that might unfold over the meal. All you could think of was the horrible dinner scene from Shrek 2 and how horribly that went for everyone. What if something similar happened?

Akaashi could practically sense your anxiety and he placed his hand on top of yours softly. He looked at you with a glimmer in his eyes that told you there was not a single thing to worry about. You took a deep breath and let the feeling of Akaashi's warm and steady hand pull the fears from within you and cast them away. Something about him remaining so calm made you feel more at ease yourself.

"Hope you like (your favorite food)," Your father announced, practically marching into the dining room with the freshly made meal. You smiled at the sight of your favorite dish, becoming thoroughly distracted from your worries thanks to good food. For the first few minutes of dinner, everyone was relatively quiet and preoccupied with enjoying the meal your father had prepared. Small talk ensued and your parents got to know your boyfriend a little better.

"So, how long have you been dating (Y/n), Akaashi?" He didn't look up from his plate as he awaited a response from your boyfriend.

"We have been dating for several months," Akaashi responded easily. Akaashi could recall with crystal clear accuracy the day you had begun dating even if it was months ago; it was just that significant for him. You smiled at his keen memory.

"Several months, huh?" Your father examined with a thoughtful hum. You knew your parents have been dying to meet Akaashi as soon as they discovered you had starting dating. They hoped you would bring him around sooner but you were nervous, so of course, they had to push to get you to finally set a date. You reached for your glass and brought it to your lips.

"Have you kids had sex yet?"

You stuttered and the water that was previously in your mouth ejected back into the glass. You began to violently cough as your face burned a bright red. Akaashi's face flushed as well at your father's intrusive question. He expected something like this to happen, but perhaps not so bluntly.

"No!" you shook your head as soon as you were physically able. "W-We haven't d-done that." Akaashi nodded his head in agreement, a bit too embarrassed to verbally answer.

"So kids aren't due for a while then?" Your mother casually enquired.

"Mom!" You cried dramatically as you nearly slammed your hands on the table. Your face only grew a greater shade of red. Your mother chuckled blissfully with an innocent smile.

"Just curious, sweetie," She waved her head dismissively. "I want to be a grandmother while I can still move around and Akaashi here seems like he'd make a fine father."  

"Thank you, Mrs. (L/n)," Akaashi said, "however, I think (Y/n) would like to finish school before we start a family of our own."

"Yes, I do," You stated somewhat exasperated. "And I'd prefer to be married first."

"Well, I look forward to seeing how you two turn out," Your father proclaimed before standing up. He held his plate and took your mother's because she was done too. Akaashi took your hand gently and gazed into your eyes with love, admiration, and... excitement?

"I look forward to it as well," Akaashi confessed.

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