pouty | kotaro bokuto (female-reader request)

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prompt: Kotaro is pouting again

warning: strong language

word count: 672

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

His bottom lip was poked out. His warm dandelion eyes were narrowed, but he wasn't glaring at anything in particular. His strong arms folded over his broad chest as he slouched. He was surprisingly quiet, in fact, he was silent. Kotaro was pouting. As adorable as it was to see your grown-ass adult boyfriend who was capable of bench-pressing you sulk, you couldn't bring yourself to let Kotaro suffer by himself. You wondered what was wrong. Usually, it was obvious why he was being overly emotional. He often made a big deal about whatever bothered him.

Kotaro had been in a mood ever since you got home from the supermarket. He usually had so much fun when you shopping together. Your love always insisted on carrying the basket or pushing the cart, claiming it was his job to do all the heavy lifting. Yet, it seemed his job also included secretly grabbing items that were never on the list. You let him get away with most of it. Kotaro was such a baby, and you loved him. So, it hurt you to know he would not come to you with his troubles.

"Ko... " You sat beside him on the sofa in your shared living room. "What's wrong?" Kotaro frowned and slumped further into his seat. He shook his head. You gently stroked his head, trying to comfort him.

"It's nothing," Kotaro mumbled, clearly lying through his teeth. You scooted closer to him and sighed.

"Honey, we've been dating long enough for me to tell when something's up," You told him tenderly. You rubbed his shoulder, urging him to confide in you. He was normally so open about his feelings, his behavior kind of worried you.

"Talk to me, baby," You insisted with a sympathetic smile. Kotaro huffed, chewing on the inside of his cheek. Part of him knew it was silly, but he couldn't help how he felt. The poor man was sensitive about these things.

"You... " Kotaro began murmured, trailing off before you could catch the rest of his sentence.

"Speak up, hun," You said.

"You didn't hold hands with me at the store!" Kotaro exclaimed with a frustrated expression. You blinked, confused for a moment. You had not even noticed the times he tried to grab your hand as you walked through the building. You suppressed a laugh.

"That's what you're pouting about?" You asked, relieved it wasn't anything serious. Well, if your love was broken up about it, it was serious.

"I'm not pouting!" Kotaro asserted in the same tone. "I tried like seven times and you ignored me!" You watched as Kotaro's expression dropped. "Why... Why did you ignore me, (Y/n)?" His voice dripped with hopelessness. The man was left heartbroken, that much was obvious by his body language.

"I wasn't ignoring you!" You clung to his side softly. "Sweetie, I had no idea you were trying to hold my hand. I totally would have if I knew, I promise." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. You saw his lips twitch, he almost smiled. "I love you." There was nothing that brought him more joy than giving you affection, except perhaps getting affection from you. So it truly stings whenever you turn him down.

"I love you too," He told you, leaning into your touch. Yet, you could tell he was still bothered.

"How can I make it up to you?" You wondered aloud, but he didn't answer at first. "Do you want me to hold your hand for the rest of the day?" Kotaro nodded his head, holding out his hand for you. You chuckled, grabbing it happily. You watched the bright smile you fell in love with return to his handsome face. There was nothing you loved more than that smile.

"Babe... I have a question," Kotaro spoke up, a slightly confused tone.

"What is it?" You asked with an absent smile.

"If we're supposed to hold hands all day, how are we gonna use the bathroom?" Kotaro pointed out. Your smile faded, realizing there might be an issue with your settlement. You patted his cheek softly.

"We'll figure it out."

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