pulling pigtails| keiji akaashi fluff (female-reader request)

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prompt: (Y/n) and Akaashi are usually mature, but around each other, they're practically ten-year-olds

warning: strong language, this one's not great, but it means something to me

word count: 582

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Even for a second year, you were a mature student. You maintained a good average grade. You never participated in rebellious or illegal activities. You were respectful, open-minded, humble, and hard-working. Your younger classmates looked up to you and your upperclassmen saw you as an equal. But, just like every human on the planet, you had a weakness. And his name was Keiji Akaashi.

It was impossible to rationalize or explain with any sense of reason, but around Akaashi it was like you were a different person. Instead of the kind and emotionally mature you, bystanders found a quick-witted and impish you.

"Well, if it isn't the ice-princess!" You sneered, a devilish grin was evident. "How are you, your highness?"

"It's ice-prince actually," Akaashi retorted coldly. "And I was doing great, but now you're here so... " You watched a small smirk appear on his face. Your heart skipped a beat. He hardly ever wore anything but a neutral expression.

Well, maybe there was a reason you acted so out of character. You had a massive crush on the setter. It wasn't your fault. He was intelligent, skilled on the court, and was by far the most gorgeous boy you'd ever met. He was looked out for and supported others, but he returned the venom you spat at him.

It was embarrassing how you reverted to an elementary schooler's mindset. You were capable of forming deep and meaningful connections with people. So why the hell did you act like a ten-year-old whenever Akaashi was near? You balled your fists, anger building up inside of you. You couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, pretty boy!" You called out. "I gotta talk to you." Akaashi stopped in his tracks. He knew you were talking to him because no one else was around. You were surprised to find him walking home by himself.

"Where's your other half?" You asked playfully, unable to help yourself.

"Bokuto had detention," Akaashi stated in his typical composed manner. "I was looking forward to not being around an airheaded, obnoxious, idiot but oh well." You rolled your eyes.

"Okay, look," You hesitated, hating yourself for what you were about to do. "Little boys show they like a girl by calling her names and pulling her pigtails. They're a jerk to get the girl's attention because they feel like they can't get it any other way."

"What are you saying?" Akaashi was thoroughly confused.

"I'm saying I'm sorry for pulling your pigtails," You confessed with a sigh. "I like you, Akaashi." Akaashi began to laugh. Instantly, you regretted opening your mouth. Your stomach sank, a nauseous feeling consuming you. You took a step back, the impulse to run away growing to become overwhelming. You were about to cry.

You knew he probably didn't feel the same, but he didn't have to shoot you down so hard. Did he truly have no empathy? You were vulnerable and he just tore your heart to a hundred pieces like it was nothing. He really was the ice-prince; cold, unfeeling. You looked away, your eyes beginning to burn with tears.

"I should be apologizing too," Akaashi admitted, a warm smile on his face. This smile was genuine and kind, one that could make any heart melt.

"I-I usually don't act so immature," Akaashi went on honestly. "I guess I wanted your attention too." Your head turned to look at him again. Was he not rejecting you? Akaashi reached out, very gently tilting your head upwards.

"Would you mind if I kissed you?" He asked, just above a whisper.

"Go for it, ice-prince."

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