scaredy-cat | kenma kozume fluff

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A/N: Startin' off this book with one of my favorite boys, I hope you enjoy it <3

Prompt: (Y/n) doesn't handle scary movies well, unbeknownst to her boyfriend Kenma

Warning: None

Word count: around 607

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

You looked at the thumbnail of the movie on the screen in front of you. You held the popcorn bowl a little tighter, the images intimidating you. The movie looked really scary. Regardless, you trusted the judgment of your movie-watching partner and joined him on the sofa. While you were making the popcorn, Kenma was tasked with picking the film. He decided on a classic horror movie, which you were a little bit hesitant about.

The film started to play and you nervously chewed on a few kernels of popcorn. You were not the biggest fan of horror movies, but the rules of movie-nights-with-Kenma were very simple: you chose the movie one weekend, he chose the following weekend. That was just about the only rule and you had forced him to sit through a fair share of films he was not very fond of, so you ha no grounds to protest.

You jumped when the main villain of the movie popped up on the screen. Kenma took notice of your sudden movement but chalked it up to the cheap jumpscare the film-makers had a habit of including. However, he would later learn you weren't as brave as you looked.

You clung to the throw blanket that was previously draped over the sofa but had now migrated to your lap with your assistance. The tension was growing, the music building, and it did not help that the lights were off in the room you were in. You knew what was coming, a big scare. Yet, when it happened, somehow you weren't ready for it.

"Ah!" You squeaked, pulling the blanket up to cover your eyes like a child. This thoroughly caught Kenma's attention. You didn't remove the blanket and Kenma blinked several times in a row as his gaze remained on you.

"The scary part's over," Kenma stated in his usual tone. "You can look now." You knew he was probably right, but at this point, you were beyond embarrassed and refused to look at the boy sitting next to you. Had you really audibly screamed at a silly horror movie? You slowly lowered the blanket just enough so your eyes could peer at the television screen. You leaned further back into the sofa, hoping it would swallow you whole. You assumed Kenma thought you were some kind of baby now, but maybe there was some truth to that statement.

"Is the movie really that scary to you?" Kenma asked, his eyes drifting from the screen to your quivering frame.

"It's a horror movie, they're supposed to be scary," You muttered, your word muffled by the blanket. Kenma hummed and thought for a moment before he extended his arm that was facing you. It was a simple gesture, but one that invited you into his warm embrace. You quickly scooted close to the boy and securely wrapped your arms around his torso. Kenma pulled the blanket you were using as a shield over the two of you and let his arm drape over your shoulders.

Being tucked in close beside Kenma nearly made all your fear vanish. He was warm, soft, and his arm around you made a well feeling of safety set in. Being able to clutch onto the boy you cared for so dearly during the frightening parts also helped ease your worry. Every time you'd hug Kenma just a little tighter when the creepy music would come to a crescendo, Kenma would battle a smile. He found you amusing, how you could get so worked up over a movie. He also found your terror-filled expression to be rather cute as you clung to him with all your might.

"You're such a scaredy-cat, (Y/n)."

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