the five year reunion | yuu nishinoya fluff

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a/n: I've written a one-shot similar to this a while ago, but I thought it'd be fun to revisit the theme with a post-time-skip Nishi. I'm in love with like every post-time-skip character <3

prompt: Yuu takes (Y/n) as his date to the Kurasuno High reunion

warning: none

word count: 982

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

It had been almost five years since Nishinoya graduated from Karasuno High School. Ever since, the young man had been traveling the world, seeing new places, experiencing new cultures, but most importantly, meeting new people. You were one of those people. Nishinoya had bumped into you on accident on the streets of your home country when he was once again failing to pay attention to his surroundings. It didn't take long for him to offer you his number.

"If you're free this weekend, maybe you can show me around!" He had shown you a big grin, making your heart flutter. "Ya know, all the sights and best places to go!" You agreed without a second thought. And that was how your relationship started, and it's been going great for two years. You were the love of his life. At least, that's what he told you. You trusted Nishinoya, yes, but it was hard to believe he truly meant what he told you. Especially now, after you saw her.

Slicky black hair hung just below her chin, a sweep of elegant bangs across the left side of her forehead. Her eyes were narrow and a sharp grey, long lashes against her skin. She was of average height, but her body shape was the epitome of what was "desirable." There was a small mole below her lips that were curved upwards in a small smile.

"You must be, (Y/n) (L/n)," She spoke, her voice soft and rich, giving a calming effect. "Yuu has told Ryunosuke and I a lot about you." You blinked, stunned at her presence.

"Yeah, th-that's me," You shakily smiled in return. "You are?"

"Kiyoko Shimizu," She introduced herself politely. It had all gone downhill from there. Perhaps attending the Kurasuno High five year reunion was a poor idea, but you didn't have the heart to turn Nishinoya down. He had been so excited for you to meet his friends and former teammates. All was going well, but it seemed once people discovered you were dating Nishinoya, they felt the need to bring her up.

You cracked open the hotel window, allowing a cool breeze into the room. You took a deep breath, letting the crisp air flush out your lungs. You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, one that was so familiar to you.

"You good?" Nishinoya wondered aloud. You nodded your head silently, keeping your eyes locked to the dark city streets you could see from the window. Nishinoya's grip tightened slightly, forcings your body to turn and face him. When your eyes fell upon his face, you knew the look he wore. He was not buying your lies.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his tone much more caring and sympathetic than curious. "Talk to me." You let a sigh escape your lips.

"Just some stuff a few of your classmates said tonight," You admitted vaguely, patting his hand. "It's okay." Nishinoya's expression quickly changed from compassionate to visibly upset.

"Who said what?" He asked quickly, his protective streak showing clearly. Your eyes flickered to the floor, your hand nervously coming to scratch at your chin.

"It just felt like... " You paused, struggling to form your thoughts. "Everyone was so surprised we're in a serious relationship." Nishinoya tilted his head to the side, confusion written across his face.

"Why? It's not like I had a reputation," Nishinoya confessed, letting his arm fall to his side. "I didn't go out with anyone back then."

"That's why they were surprised," You explained. "They thought you'd never get over Kiyoko." You moved to sit on the hotel bed and Nishinoya watched. He realized why you were upset now. He followed you, coming to stand in front of where you sat on the edge of the bed.

"Does it bother you that I had feelings for her in high school?" He asked. It was not an accusation, rather, it was a genuine and soft question.

"It wasn't the fact that you had feelings for her," You bit the inside of your cheek, hating yourself for the truth you were about to admit. "It was how in love with her you were. They said you were obsessed with her; tripping over your feet, worshiping the ground she walked on." You felt something burn in your eyes as your vision got clouded. You swiftly looked up, hoping not to let the tears stream down your face.

"You were never like that with that me," You said in a low tone, nearly a whisper. "What, did she reject you enough times to finally make you lowered your standards?" Nishinoya felt his heart ache. He carefully reached up to cradle your face with his hands, tilting it down so you looked him in the eye.

"Oh, honey," He muttered, a light chuckle falling from his lips. "I've matured a lot since high school. These days, I can actually process the feelings I have for you." He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, I had a big crush on Kiyoko a long time ago, but (Y/n) I love you! You saw me in there, right? Did I look like I was head over heels?" He had spoken to Kiyoko that night. There was no blush on his cheeks, no stutter, needless compliments, insistence to continue the conversation, or nervous behavior. He had been calm, collected, and casual.

"I didn't settle, I found someone I can grow with and someone I'm comfortable with," Nishinoya stated with conviction. He smiled at you, rubbing small circles across your cheek with his thumb. He leaned in, kissing you gently. Your eyes fell shut, relishing in the feeling of his lips toying with yours. One of his hands slid from your face to the back of your hand, fingers winding in your hair delicately. He pulled back, still grinning.

"Besides, Ryu's gonna propose anyway." A small laugh left you, though you were still recovering your breath. You saw the smirk make its way onto Nishinoya's face.

"Maybe I should tie you down soon, hm?"

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