timing | kei tsukishima bittersweet

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a/n: this one comes from a very personal place and after re-watching season three, I knew for a fact this premise had to be for Tsuki. I think he is surprisingly underrated, I love him.

prompt: Kei is playing the waiting game, but now he's out of time

warning: semi-strong language

word count: 1265

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

The second hand ticked, steadily making its way around the face of the clock. The students captivated by that clock anxiously waited for it to show the dismissal hour. The moment it was three-thirty, most of the students bolted up from their desks. Kei watched, almost rolling his eyes, as his classmates frantically tried to escape the classroom. The teacher groaned, not bothering to try and rein in their restless students. Kei packed his things slowly and stood up.

"Tsuki, come on!" Yamaguchi called for his best friend. Kei looked in his direction, seeing Yamaguchi was already standing in the classroom doorway. Kei walked over to his friend, who wore a smile, silently. Kei likes to take his time; he's patient. As the two began to walk the halls, headed for the exit, they passed you.

With a bright smile, you waved when Kei made eye contact. He waved back. Then you vanished down the hallway. Your interaction was brief and that was intentional on Kei's behalf. You were one of the only people aside from Yamaguchi he considered a friend. He wasn't as cold to you. The reason for this was simple: Kei liked you. He liked you a lot.

It had taken months for the blond to admit to himself that he was head over heels for you. He acknowledged your existence without a harmful snarky comment or an insult. Of course, Kei couldn't help but toss a sarcastic remark into conversations with you. It was a part of his personality, one that was not easily nullified. But Kei was careful not to hurt your feelings or say something that would piss you off.

Kei was calculating. He had a plan. Kei was cooking up a way to tell you how he felt. This was the only topic his bluntness did not force out. It was a strange feeling to him, it was new. Sure, he had crushes in middle school, but nothing like this. This was real, Kei wanted to be with you. So, he took his time. He wanted to build a solid foundation first; a friendship. That's what he had spent the first three years of high school doing, being your friend.

Kei was playing the waiting game now. He was just waiting for the proper moment, waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell you. He was waiting for the right time in both of your lives to have the kind of relationship Kei desperately wanted to have with you. Kei thought he had a good plan, it was realistic. But there was a problem.

"Have any university plans yet?" Yamaguchi asked Kei curiously.

"I've been looking at a place in Sendai City," Kei explained briefly. "What about you?"

"I'm not sure yet," Yamaguchi admitted with a shrug. "But I'll figure it out soon, don't worry!" There was a lull in the conversation. The looming uncertainty of the future hung over the two childhood best friends, casting an unsure tone on their attitudes. It's impossible to know what the future holds, which is why stepping into it can be so paralyzing. Leaping into the unknown is a tall task.

Something occurred to Kei. You might be going to a university across the country, maybe even across the world. He might never see you again. Maybe, just maybe, your paths would cross in the future. If they did, Kei doubted you would wait for that. You'd met a nice boy in university and forget all about Kei. All his patience, all his efforts, would be for nothing.

Today was the last day of their thrid-year. He was going to lose you. Perhaps not to some hypothetical college boy, but he was going to lose you to the future. If Kei failed to act soon, the next chapter of your life wouldn't have him in it. Kei bolted, leaving Yamaguchi behind to wonder what the hell had gotten into his friend.

"Tsuki!" Yamaguchi called after him. "Where are you going?" Kei ran quickly, quickly in the direction you had gone. His heart was hammering in his chest, as fast as it did while he was on the court. As he passed the classrooms and other students, Kei didn't see you anywhere. He carefully weaved his way through the crowds of students itching for the freedom of summer. He broke through the doors of the building, hastily looking around the courtyard.


You paused. You thought you heard your name, but it was distant and faint. You may have been imagining it. With a shrug, you kept walking down the sidewalk. The last day of high school was over, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Yet, at the same time, it was replaced with a new weight. Your head dropped, eyes falling to the pavement below your feet.


You heard it again. You came to a full stop, now certain that someone was calling your name. Looking behind you, you squinted. That was when you saw the tall, glasses-wearing, blond chasing after you. Confusion etched onto your expression. Kei heard your laughter as he reached you.

"Something," Kei panted, "amusing?" You nodded your head with a grin.

"Yeah, you all out of breath," You said playfully. "What are you doing?" Once Kei caught his breath, he stood up straight.

"I wanted to talk to you before you left," Kei told you plainly. "Do you have a few minutes?"

"Of course," You said with a smile. "What do you want to talk about?" Kei cleared his throat. Was he really about to do this? No planning, no proper moment, no perfect opportunity? Was now even the right time in your lives? Kei had no idea. But he knew one thing for certain.

Life cannot be spent inside your head. Life can't be spent planning and calculating away what matters. Kei had never been described as spontaneous. He had never really liked surprises. Despite it all, Kei realized something. Some things are worth taking risks for. You were worth taking risks for.

"We've known each other for a few years now," Kei began, not knowing what he was going to say next, "and during those years I've developed... feelings for you. I want to be with you." Kei scanned your expression; shock. He couldn't tell if you were uncomfortable or disgusted, but he couldn't tell if you were excited or happy either. Your (e/c) eyes were wide and beautiful. You stood completely still. The longer it took for you to respond, the more anxious Kei grew.

"That's all I had to tell you," Kei stated. He folded his fingers, looking down at them to try and ease his nerves.

"Kei... " You mumbled. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He kept his eyes away from you.

"I was waiting for the right timing," Kei sighed. "Now isn't, I know that. But when will? I've been waiting for two years and now we're both about to start new lives. I-I'm sorry." There's a moment of silence. Kei watched as he twiddled his thumbs, only to see and feel your hands lace into his gently.

"I want to be with you too, Kei," You confessed with a small smile. "We have the whole summer to be together. It doesn't matter where we both go and if it's meant to be, we'll figure it out." Kei looked up at you. You spoke with such conviction and hope, it made him somewhat optimistic. Kei chose not to think about what was going to happen next. He had you and he could figure out the rest from there.

"You're right," Kei said, finally looking you in the eye. "I'm willing to take a risk if you are, (Y/n)."

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