your time | ittestu takeda bittersweet (female-reader request)

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prompt: With nationals around the corner, Takeda has less time for his lovely (Y/n)

warning: none

word count: 576

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

You couldn't explain the reasons behind his unfaltering dedication. Years of schooling for a job that paid too little. All his free time was sunk into providing help to his students; extra tutoring for those struggling to pass his class and endless support to the volleyball team. You admired him for how hard he worked to raise up the next generation.

Yet, all his free time was sunk into providing help to his students. Ever since the beginning of your relationship, you knew Takeda had a busy schedule. Nevertheless, you made time for each other and grew closer. You even moved in together. But, his time seemed to be even less and less for you ever since the boy's volleyball team qualified for the national championship.

You felt guilty for wanting to tear him away from his passions, but you had always assumed you were one of them. Lately, that hadn't seemed to be the case. In the years before Takeda, there were times the loneliness got to you. Isolation, whether physical or emotional, drives anyone to a breaking point; a point you were all too familiar with. You hoped now that he was in your life, this sick emptiness would vanish.

The heat rushed to your face, a burning sensation smothering your eyes. Tears cascaded down your face. They dripped onto your hands, which held your head from hanging too low. Was it pathetic how easily you fell into the depths of despair? Perhaps. But was it hurtful to watch as the man you loved prioritized a sports team over you? Of course.

You heard the sound of keys unlocking the front door as Takeda returned. It was an hour past the time he promised to be home by. When he saw you hunched over on the sofa, concern quickly overtaking him.

"(Y/n)?" You heard his voice ask as he shut the door. Takeda swiftly arrived at your side, gentle hands coming to rest on your back and shoulders.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Takeda softly wondered. "Did something happen? Why are you upset?" He heard you sniff, going to wipe some of the tears that stained your face. It was painfully clear Takeda was worried sick already. Though, he would be worried sick about anyone. Perhaps that was the problem.

"I'm sorry," You muttered through suppressed sobs. "I just... I feel like you don't have time for me anymore." Shame washed over you as you admitted your true feelings. Takeda struggled to come up with a response. Now presented with reality, it was true he somewhat neglected you as of late.

"I should be the one apologizing," Takeda told you tenderly, reaching up to hold your face in his hands. "I know I've been busy this past month, I'm sorry I made you feel like I don't have time for you." His touch was comforting. You hadn't realized just how much you missed the feeling of his touch. Takeda sighed, bringing you into a warm hug.

"I love you, please never forget that," Takeda told you genuinely, "but I have other responsibilities outside of our relationship. I'm sorry for making you feel like you aren't a priority, I'll try to do better."

"I know I can't ever have all of your attention," You took a deep breath, though it was shaky. "But do you think you'll have more downtime soon?" Takeda smiled at you, the same smile that made you fall in love, to begin with.

"Of course I will," He promised, kissing your forehead. "Don't worry."

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