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female (she/her)


in a land that seems to have everything but limits, sparrow could seem extremely... mundane to some. she is anything but, even if her abilities lie outside the realm of the magical arts. she was practically born into the king's regime, and was trained as both a swordsman and archer starting at the age of ten. her real specialty is blades. fighting became her livelihood in both the literal and figurative sense, especially after she joined the royal guard, and the natural outlet for this urge to fight came in the form of weapons training. she is considered an expert in hand-to-hand combat as well, a trainer for the younger recruits to the king's army.

though certainly not one to be petted, sparrow allows close friends to call her row, and someone very special once called her by the name birdie. professionally, she's often referred to only by her surname, sonnenfield.

human, though her lineage becomes murky if one looks deep enough into her family tree.

sparrow stands at about five foot five, with dark hair that would tumble to about her shoulders if she did not keep it pinned back. her eyes vary between blue and grey depending on the day, and could pierce through just about anyone. her stature is that of a fighter; a lean build with slightly broad shoulders, and strong arms trained to hold weaponry. sun freckles dust her face and arms, a product of daily outdoor training.

sparrow is with everything in her the perfect soldier. she obeys orders, is eagerly ambitious, and lacks the talkativeness that would hold her back from higher positions. underneath the soldier, though, is the woman. she may not disrupt authority, but she is certainly fiery, headstrong, and very opinionated. there is, after all, a difference between talkative and vocal. vocality indicates that what is being said is important, and sparrow will not hesitate to voice importance. she is outwardly steadfast, solid to the core, but there are insecurities in every being. there are flaws in every piece of architecture, no matter how hidden. and when the foundation crumbles, there is no stopping the rest of the fall.

sparrow, as stated before, was born to be a soldier. her parents were steadfastly loyal to the royal family, and her father a fighter, so it was only a matter of time before the girl became the same. she grew up in the time of a world on fire, though, and in her childhood experienced the rise of a new royal line. despite this, she pledged herself to her kingdom as her father had, entering the ranks of the king's regime at the youngest possible age, and ranking up quickly. this was not without sacrifice, without the sacrifice of time and people and love. it was not without the sacrifice of her innocence, not when there was a war. she's lost more than she'll ever disclose, but her one solace is that she lost it in the name of king and country. she holds the title of general now, but it is not the only title she holds. there is a rebellion striking out against the kingdom, and one of sparrow's earliest assignments was to infiltrate this rebellion. infiltrate she did. she's been a spy for the kingdom for years now, feeding information and going unnoticed, and because she's been with the rebellion so long, it was long ago ruled out that she could be the mole. she was trusted. she considered that the rebellion's fatal mistake. despite all of this, though, change is coming for sparrow. her foundations are going to crumble, and maybe they can be rebuilt with something stronger.

sparrow is not afraid of much. not much physically, anyway. she's long since reconciled with herself the possibility of being caught or killed in her line of duty, and she knows the consequences. no, her fears go much deeper. unimportance is the one closest to the surface. there are plenty more, though, buried beneath layers of being a soldier. wasted ambition. loneliness. hope.

her combat skills are certainly sparrow's greatest strengths. aside from this, though, are her abilities as a liar, and a performer. only an amazing actress could do what she's done for so long.

sparrow knows she is terrified of losing everything, even if she's already lost what truly mattered. most of her weaknesses lie buried in her strengths, waiting patiently to destroy her from the inside out. her debilitating loyalty lies with the kingdom, but it won't forever. and the day that a certain person steals her loyalty, everything sparrow's ever known will be flipped inside out, exposed, and decimated.

๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’๐“‚๐‘’ ๐“ˆ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐‘”:
broken crown by mumford & sons

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro