black & white | tomura shigaraki (tenko shimura) soulmate au

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Prompt: In a world where everything's black and white until you touch your soulmate, the hero (Y/n) finds herself at a crossroads after a fight with the villain Shigaraki

Warning: strong language, violence, and some angst (also maybe he's a bit ooc but I don't care)

Word count: 1064

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

If you had known where answering that call for backup would lead you, you probably would have let another hero handle it. A strong sense of responsibility and justice led you to take action in almost every single circumstance. You didn't hesitate to arrive on the scene of a villain attack to do your job. The attack was orchestrated by none other than the leader of the most powerful villain organization, Tomura Shigaraki. That man was a murderer and you were determined to put a stop to his antics once and for all. Alas, things did not go as planned.

You looked down at your hand. Your knuckles were tinted due to how hard you had fought. The only way you were able to know this, was because you could see colors now. Life, before you meet your soulmate, is colorless. But now, the world that was once draped in pale shades of gray had been painted in brilliant hues in a mere instant. You would do anything to go back and prevent that instant from happening...

You had him by the ropes, you could practically taste victory. You grabbed him by his collar, and before he could touch you, your fist collided with the side of his face. A flash of white before reality rushed back in, more vibrant than ever. You both froze. He looked up at you and you looked down at him. Bright red blood slowly dripped from his nose and dark purple bruises littered his pale face.

"You... " He muttered in dismay, "Can you see it too?" In a state of slow panic, you let go of his shirt. You didn't know what to do. What were you supposed to do? It was impossible to ignore what just happened. He, this villain, was your soulmate.

Destiny had decided that you and Tomura were meant to be together. Destiny had decided that one of the top heroes and the leader of the most dangerous villain operations were meant to be together. You always suspected that destiny had a twisted sense of humor, but this was the final nail in the coffin. What were you supposed to do? What could you do? You couldn't just stop pursuing the villain, it was your job. But, you let him go, for the sake of your own poor fragile heart.

"Hey, (L/n), you okay?" One of your co-workers asked, seeing your distant expression.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," You dismissed. Although it was certainly a lie, your co-worker bought it and left you be. You quickly made your way out of the agency building and down the street in your normal clothes. Today was surely eventful, and you needed some time to process. Lost in a fog of thoughts during your walk home, you failed to notice someone was following you.

You only realized eyes were on you when someone reached out and grabbed your arm. You activated your quirk, ready for a fight as you were pulled into an alleyway. You turned around forcefully, an attack ready. However, you became completely still.

"Please don't kill me," Tomura requested, holding up both of his hands in surrender. "I just... " He took a breath, struggling to put his feelings into words. He had this look on his face. Remorse, desperateness, an ineffable desire woven into his expression.

"I can't stop thinking about you," Tomura admitted, trying to approach you. You stepped back. You saw that this noticeably hurt him, but he understood why you were hesitant. You would be lying if you said you had not been thinking about him too.

"We should find a better place to talk," You said in a low tone. You knew you shouldn't be doing this, he was a villain for heaven's sake, but you felt like you needed to talk to him. Soon, you found yourselves sitting alone together.

"We should just pretend like it never happened," You stated seriously. "This--" you gestured between yourself and Tomura, "will never work." You looked at your lap, averting his tentative gaze.

"No," He said dolefully. "I can't do that, (Y/n)." Hearing him say your first name made your stomach feel all sorts of funny. It was hard to explain. You had never actually spent any time with Tomura before your fight, you had only heard of him. Now that you were face-to-face, no adrenaline, no reputation to uphold, no high stakes at risk, you were completely alone together and things felt different.

"We're literally soulmates, I can't just forget about you," Tomura said earnestly. "I don't want to forget about you, I want to love you!" Hearing him talk was like feeling someone tear your heart out. You had dreamed of the day you would meet your soulmate and that void inside of you would be filled. You had dreamed of the kind of love only two soulmates could share, for the rest of your life. But this felt more like a nightmare.

"I'm supposed to arrest you and you're supposed to try and kill me," You whispered in a tone you reserved only for shouting. "If there was any way this could work, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I... " You trailed off, unable to find anything else to say. You remained silent for a moment, persisting to avoid eye contact. Gently and carefully, you felt one of Tomura's fingers burn a trail across your skin as he traced a pattern onto the back of your hand. Reluctantly, you looked at him. His scarlet eyes met yours. His face was close to yours, far closer than a villain's ought to be.

"Please," He pleaded through a whisper. "I don't want to be alone anymore."

"And you think I do?" You asked him. His eyes were practically begging you to stay. You didn't know why he cared so much. You didn't know what led him to cling to the hope of keeping someone who could love him. But you couldn't help the feelings that fluttered inside of you. You could feel Tomura's breath against your skin. He looked softer than you thought he would; his pale skin adorned with scars, a small mole under his lip, baby blue hair that looked soft to the touch, and his anxious eyes that looked like rubies. Before your brain could catch up, your lips were pressed against his.

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