cool? very cool | hizashi yamada fluff (gender-neutral request)

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prompt: (Y/n) is very dense, Hizashi is very in love

warning: none

word count: 638

.・-: ✧ :- second-person point of view -: ✧ :-・.

Pounding against your ribcage, your heart was beating so fast you swore it was going to burst through your chest. Your feet hit the floor one after another, a rapid pace forming in seconds. You were internally crossing your fingers, praying and hoping you wouldn't miss him. It was the last day of school and UA had dismissed its students some time ago. The faculty was still present, finishing tying up loose ends before summer break.

That was when Aizawa let it slip. You had just gotten done filling out end-of-the-year paperwork with the stoic hero. Hizashi dropped by to say goodbye. He offered to walk you out, but you declined. You remarked to Aizawa how sweet his best friend was. Aizawa didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag, but he was low on sleep and failed to think before he spoke. That overly enthusiastic blond was going to kill him.

"Hizashi only acts like that because he's practically in love with you."

Those words triggered you to realize what had been occurring since the beginning of the school year. Hizashi was, in fact, practically in love with you. You dropped your pen and bolted out the door. You wanted to catch him before he left. You had to know for sure if he really felt that way, even if all the signs pointed in one direction.

Hizashi held the door open for you, even if you were a few steps behind him. He offered to walk you out every day. Hizashi made an effort to eat with you, he even offered to pay for your food on multiple occasions. He would regularly comment that you looked wonderful, even if you didn't think so yourself. When you took a sick day, Hizashi sent flowers to your home. 

You simply assumed he was being nice; a gentleman. He had been like this since you first met him, so you thought this was just the way he was. But after Aizawa's remarks, you saw things in a whole new light. Aizawa had known Hizashi for years, he would know, wouldn't he? You had to know for sure, which was why you were rushing down the empty school halls. 

You threw open the front doors, nearly stripping over yourself in the process. A gust of fresh air blew against your face, throwing any stray strands of your hair out of your face. You saw the parking lot bathed in marigold hues.

"Hizashi!" You called out loudly, wishing you weren't too late. Luckily, he heard you.

"(Y/n)?" He shouted back. He began to get worried when he saw you running toward him; was something wrong? You had a distressed look on your face, one he mimicked.

"Is something wrong?" Hizashi asked, lowering his volume just a little. You took a moment to catch your breath, reaching out to stable yourself on his forearms.

"Aizawa said you have feelings for me," You panted, not thinking ahead of time what exactly you were going to say to him. "Is that true?" You watched as his face exploded in shades of pink.

"Um... " Hizashi chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact. "Y-Yeah, it's true. I-I totally understand if you don't feel the same! I probably wouldn't either, I've just never met a person like you before!" Hizashi rambled awkwardly and you began to laugh.

"Hizashi I do feel the same!" You told him with a grin across your face. "I had no idea, I just thought you were being nice. If I had known, I would've asked you out ages ago!"

"Seriously?" Hizashi exclaimed, joining you in your laughter. "I spent a whole school year trying to woo you and you've been feelin' the same the whole time!" Hizashi felt silly for not catching on sooner, but he wasn't embarrassed because he knew you shared the sentiment. "I'm gonna kiss you now, cool?"

"Very cool."

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