only the best | katsuki bakugo fluff

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prompt: (Y/n) deals with insecurities

warning: discussion of issues like body image as well as strong language

word count: 887

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・.

Some days were better than others. Some days you tolerated what you saw in the mirror, even almost liked it. Other days, however, looking at your reflection made you sick. The scars were subtle, yet noticeable nonetheless. The discolorations were much more obvious. The asymmetrical proportions that altered the very way you stood went against what society called "pretty." Ignoring it did nothing, it was still there. Your fear was still there. It felt like laying in the water on a beach.

The tide would turn, the waves rushing up to the shore. The water crashed over your face, temporarily suffocating you. The water dissolved eventually, leaving you wet laying in the sand. There was a moment of peace then, between the waves. Yet another always came. Without fail, another wave always drowned you. You wondered if the others in your social circles were laying like you were, or if they managed to find a way to stand up. Maybe they were born standing up.

Regardless, you saw no way to alter your situation. The best you could do was enjoy the fleeting moments of peace you clung to. By the way you stared yourself down in the bathroom mirror, you knew another wave had just swallowed you whole.

"What are you doing?" A curious Katsuki asked, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"Zoned out," You responded briefly. You found it somewhat difficult to speak; it felt like a small burning rock had lodged itself in your throat. The man beside you hummed, taking your words at face value. He had no reason to think further on the matter, zoning out was something you did regularly. If he knew what you were feeling then, he would have snuffed out that spark of self-hatred before it turned into the bonfire it would soon become. The vicious cycle had its cold talons deep within your human flesh.

The human mind was rather susceptible to things like fear. The human mind was rather quick to diagnose its host with the incurable disease of inadequacy. Inadequacy, in this sense, is the fear of not being good enough. In your instance, it was the fear of not being good enough due to circumstances you had no control over. For some reason, it was easier to justify and accept what you did have control over instead of the things you might not be able to change.

"Hey... are you feelin' okay?" Katsuki asked, picking up on your pattern of behavior three days after you "zoned out."

"I'm fine," You told him.

"Don't give me that bullshit," Katsuki easily identified your lies, growing somewhat angry you felt the need to hide the truth from him. "What's wrong?" You bit the inside of your cheek. You trusted him with your life, that wasn't the issue. You feared not only you would choke on your own tongue in the process of confessing your insecurities, but also that he might think differently of you after knowing such details. You always assumed Katsuki would want a partner just as confident and self-assured as he was. You contemplated lying again.

"Do you even find me attractive?" You asked, the only form of admitting it you found possible. Katsuki blinked a few times in a row. Why the hell would you ask something like that? Wasn't it obvious? He sat down beside you on the bed you shared.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Katsuki tenderly asked in a tone he only used with you. He had matured since high school, he had even grown to be kind sometimes. Most who knew him back then would be shocked to see him now, a gentle hand over yours and tracing little circles into your skin.

"It means I don't understand why you're attracted to me," You explained, gritting your teeth to hold back your tears. "If you do at all... " The blond sighed.

"You don't have to understand why, baby," Katsuki told you, placing his chin on top of your head carefully. "You just have to trust me." A series of scorching tears fell down your cheek, you found yourself unable to contain them any further. You felt the soothing motions of his arms wrapping around you, his hands rub your back and sides. Katsuki was warm when he wanted to be.

"I know you're dealing with shit," He began, unsure of how best to comfort and reassure you, "but I fucking love you. Why would I lie about something like that?" You thought about possible answers to his question. There weren't any that made sense. He wasn't the type of date someone, especially for as long as you and he had been together, out of pity.

"Do you really think I'd call you mine if I didn't want you?" Katsuki asked again, going down the same train of thought. "I'm the best. Why would I settle for a partner whose anything less?" You didn't respond. You had nothing to say. No comeback. No counter-argument. What he said, or at least alluded to, was true.

Relationships are built on trust. Without it, any relationship would surely crumble to pieces before either party could blink. Trust, however, doesn't just apply to where someone was last night or who they were texting. To trust someone is to trust them without arbitrary exclusivity. 

You had to trust the man you loved. After all, he wanted only the best.

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