popcorn | kyoka jiro lime [female-reader request]

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Prompt: (Y/n) is confused about her feelings toward Jiro, but an all-girl sleepover might clear the air

Warning: A bit spicy at the end, also Grammarly has been bugging out, so there may be some typos and stuff

Word count: 1,448

.・-: ✧ :- Second Person Point of View -: ✧ :-・

"Hey, (Y/n)! You're coming to the sleepover tonight, right?" Mina asked in her usual peppy tone.

"Of course!" You responded with a smile. You were excited about the sleepover, all the girls in your class were getting together for a night of fun. What could possibly go wrong? The sleepover was being hosted over at the Yaoyorozu residence, so each of you were looking forward to spending Friday night there. After the class was dismissed, you stopped at your dorm to pick up a few things you suspected you may need, as well as changing out of your uniform.

With your bag slung over your shoulder, you jogged to catch the train that would bring you within walking distance of Yaoyorozu's house. Only after getting on board did you see you weren't the only 1-A girl with the same idea; Kyoka Jiro was sitting next to an open seat on the train. You smiled and waved at her. She saw you and politely patted the seat next to her. Obviously, you took it and were on her left. Upon closer inspection, you saw she was listening to some music.

"Wacha listening to?" You asked, even though it might have been annoying to do so. Jiro didn't respond but instead fished in her bag to pull out some perfectly untangled earbuds. She plugged in the headphones and gave you the right one while placing the left one into her own ear. You blissfully put it in securely as she resumed the song she had been listening to. No surprises here, you soon found that Jiro had great taste in music.

By sharing the headphones, you leaned somewhat closer to each other. You almost felt the warmth radiating off of her, which made you feel at home. Jiro had always been a good friend to you, she could be quite friendly and sweet when she wasn't teasing you or being sarcastic, neither of which you really minded. Jiro was easy for you to get along with, so naturally, you were pretty close.

You looked to your right to see Jiro enjoying herself. She had a faint smile and her eyes were closed. Her violet bangs swayed as she gently bobbed her head to the beat. You felt a smile slowly itch onto your face as you glanced at her. You averted your eyes, a light shade of pink exploding onto your cheeks. Why did you feel like this? You've been close to other people before, but this felt different. It was like you were so close to a guy you had a crush on.

Maybe you were overthinking it, but maybe there was something more. Maybe you were not as straight as you thought you were. Jiro was amazing; she was witty, intelligent, brave, strong, and not to mention incredibly gorgeous. There was this strange tingle inside of you when Jiro was around, it felt like such a lifted and pure magic was stirring in your chest when she smiled at you. You shook your head, trying your best to forget about those thoughts. It wasn't long before the train arrived at your stop and you both found the exit.

Not long after you and Jiro arrived, the lively night had begun. Between snacks and games, you spent hours laughing and having a great time with your friends. The sun was long gone and Uraraka suggested that you guys put on a movie. You volunteered to go make some popcorn for the group.

The kitchen was dark, some stray light beams leaking into the hallway from the room where the girls were starting the film. You found the microwave packet and started to pop the corn. You waited patiently, knowing you would probably have to make more than one bag to avoid making a second trip mid-movie. The sound of light footsteps caught your attention, though.

"I figured you might need some help carrying the bowls," Jiro said with a shrug. You smiled, even though it was hardly visible in the dim atmosphere.

"I was thinking the same thing," You responded casually. The sounds of the corn kernels springing to life in the microwave. Jiro sat on the counter-top next to where you were standing while you were both on stand by. It was quiet. You peeked at Jiro but quickly pulled your eyes away. You drummed your fingers against the granite countertop and chewed on your lip. Why did you feel so nervous; your heart was fluttering around your rib-cage and your face felt warm. This was silly, wasn't it? You were driving yourself mad, weren't you? It would be better to just forget about it and hide those feelings away, right?

"(Y/n)," Jiro spoke up softly. "What's wrong?"

"Huh? I, um... Just thinking about something, that's all," You muttered.

"What about?" Jiro pressed, concerned about what was bothering you so much. You sighed and hung your head.

"I guess that... " You hesitated to even start but chose to do so anyway. "I'm not sure of something. It could be nothing, but there's a chance it's not. I don't know what the answer is, so I guess I'm just confused sometimes."

"I understand that," Jiro said sympathetically. "I can get confused too. I find that when you're unsure of what the answer is, that you should just do whatever feels right and figure it out from there." You contemplated her advice for a moment.

"But what if I make a mistake in the process?" You asked, keeping your eyes trained on the dark in front of you. "What if I ruin something important to me? What if I was wrong?"

"Then you'll learn," Jiro pointed out with another shrug. "You have to make a few mistakes to find yourself, that's just how it goes."

"Thank you," You voiced with gratefulness. "You amazing, you know that, right?"

"Shut up, man," Jiro said playfully as she smiled. You laughed as you returned to looking at her. She seemed so close to you in that moment; you could reach out and touch her without fear of her disappearing. It felt good to be so close to someone you cared so deeply about. Maybe she was right, maybe you did need to make some mistakes to understand. But, when it came to Jiro, it didn't feel like a mistake at all. Something about your lingering eye contact pulled you closer.

Before you could fully register what was happening, Jiro had leaned her head down and you head leaned yours up. You felt the soft and warm feeling of her lips on yours. With eyes closed and hearts open, slowly your lips melted together as you kissed each other. It was surreal and you felt as though you had dreamt up the whole thing when it was over.

"Was that the mistake you were talking about?" Jiro asked, a breathy chuckle flowing from her mouth. You shook your head, a short-winded grin on your face.

"I don't think that was much of a mistake," You admitted a bit sheepishly.

"Glad to hear it," Jiro said before she reunited your lips for another kiss. You moved closer, careful not to break contact. Jiro uncrossed her legs and you cautiously stepped between them as they dangled from the counter. The kiss you shared this time was a little different, each of you felt a bit more daring and confident in your actions. One of Jiro's hands held your shoulder while the other ventured to your hair in. Unsure of where else to put them, your palms rubbed against her thighs. You had never really kissed someone like this before, so when you felt Jiro's tongue gently licking at your lips you froze.

"Open your mouth, babe," Jiro's choice of words made your heart-rate skyrocket. You did as she requested and you felt her tongue thoroughly explore your mouth. It was the most intimate thing you've experienced and you were melting in her hands. She gripped your hair a little tighter, bringing your closer if it were possibly. Her legs wrapped around your waist tightly and your hands slipped to the bottom of her thighs. You gripped them harder, a foreign sensation bubbling up in you. You parted for air and you felt your body shake lightly.

"That was... " You were lost for words, probably looking like a flustered mess.

"That was hot," Jiro finished your thought for you and you nodded your head. It then occurred to you that you were in the kitchen for a reason other than to make-out. You cleared your throat awkwardly.

"We should probably finish making the popcorn," You suggested. "They might wonder what's taking so long."

"We could," Jiro said, a flirtatious underline to her tone. "Or... " She brought her lips to your ear and whispered, "We could just let them wonder for a bit."

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