the hero and the villain (PT. 2)| izuku midoriya bittersweet

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A/n: The sequel is never as good as the original 😔

Prompt: Deku wakes up in (Y/n)'s home, only to find her making him breakfast

Warning: Swearing

Word count: 1330

✮*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✧*˚ Second Person point of view ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮

The smell of breakfast floated through the air and lulled Deku awake. He opened his eyes, a bit startled he was in an unfamiliar place. He attempted to sit up quickly, but the sharp pain near his ribs caused him to take a softer and slower approach to getting out of bed. Once on his feet, it was clear he wasn't in a hospital room. Where was he? It looked like a regular bedroom. Deku opened the door and walked out, stiffly and holding his side. The place looked well lived in and like someone truly called it home. He wondered who lived there. The smell of a homecooked breakfast got stronger and stronger as he approached what he assumed was the kitchen. There you were, with your back facing him, working over the stove; a head of pretty (h/c) hair that was a bit messy, and clothes that looked like you had slept in them.

"U-Um, excuse me," Deku spoke up, getting your attention easily and you turned around. "I'm sorry but... " The man then paused, the gears in his brain turning. Something about you looked familiar. Then it clicked.

"You?" He asked in shock. "You're the one who saved me?"

"I was surprised too," You said with a sigh. "Want some breakfast?"

"Why?" Deku asked, putting his guard up as soon as he realized you were a villain.

"Because it's the most important meal of the day," You stated, plating some food for yourself first.

"No, I mean why did you save me?" He asked again, sitting down at the kitchen counter. Deku was a fighter, no one denied that, especially not his enemies. However, he recognized he was in no shape to win a fight. He considered it but decided not to. At first, Deku was unamused and thought for a moment that you might have poisoned the food. When you began to eat from the same pan instead of answering his question, he felt better about eating as well.

"You haven't answered my question yet," Deku asked after a few minutes of silence. "Why did you save me?" You didn't look him in the eye. You struggled to admit it to yourself, let alone say it out loud.

"I don't know why," You confessed with an unsteady tone. "I might be called a villain, but I'm not heartless. I guess I... felt bad for you." He had been practically dying out there in the rain.

"You don't seem to feel bad when you try to kill me," Deku pointed out. You looked at him and laughed. Deku almost smiled too. Something about making you laugh made him happy. It wasn't a bitter or malicious laugh, it was a genuine laugh from someone who had up until that point seemed cruel and unfeeling.

"You're not wrong," You admitted with a shrug. "Who knows, maybe I'm going soft." Your words weren't a joke, part of you felt like you were losing your edge. You saved a fucking hero, what's next? Deku took a moment to contemplate on what you had said. It was different to sit down and talk to you instead of throwing punches. You were more human than he expected. You lived in a home just like he did. You ate the same food and you laughed the same way too. He was surprised at your compassion, even if it did confuse you both.

"Alright, my turn," You said, ending the silence. "Why did you end up in that alleyway?"

"I pushed myself too far," He disclosed, embarrassed that he had to explain it. "I tried to do too many things at once." Deku explained that he jumped from one mission to the next far too quickly and ended up breaking himself in the process. He also happened to let it slip which villain had been the final straw on the camel's back. You made a mental note of that villain's name.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've been in far worse shape than you were when I found you," You confessed, a playful smile on your face. Deku laughed, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"How'd that happen?" He asked, a smile still on his lips. Deku watched as a firey sparkle flashed across the beautiful (e/c) irises of your eyes.

"I ran into you," You said with a smirk.

"Oh," Deku muttered, looking down at his hands. It made him feel conflicted to know he did so much harm to someone who really wasn't all that different from himself. You laughed again at his sheepishness. You reached across the counter and took his now empty plate along with your own, after which you placed both in the sink.

"I probably deserved it," You admitted, glancing over your shoulder to smirk at the young man who looked overly dejected. He looked up and your eyes met. Your smirk turned into a smile. Deku gave you a small smile in return. You turned on the water and began to wash the dishes.

"Let me help you," Deku insisted. He got to his feet and walked over to the sink to stand beside you. You smacked his hand away.

"I can handle it," You said confidently. "And besides, the only thanks I need is you not to arrest me."

"I don't like that idea, but I don't think I can argue this time," He said, verbally acknowledging his current state. You spared him a glance, seeing his timid expression. You also saw him in a new light, rather, under your kitchen lights without many clothes on. Your full-grown woman-self entirely acknowledged just how remarkable attractive that hero was. You shook your head. What were you doing? You took the enemy into your home, dressed his wounds, fed him, laughed with him, and now what? You were getting comfortable, even friendly, with him.

You truly had lost your edge, hadn't you? What happened? Those stupid green eyes and that oversized heart happened. Whatever the hell this was, it could not continue any further. You turned off the water and dried your hands before leaving the kitchen. You came back, handing Deku an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants you found in your closet.

"You have to leave," You stated, your cold and stern demeanor coming back. "People are probably looking for you by now."

"Oh, y-yeah, you're right," Deku agreed as he nodded his head. He took the clothes you offered him and slipped them on. You watched as he walked to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, but turned back to smile at you and say:

"Thanks, (Y/n)."

"How do you know my--Nevermind," You shook your head, a very faint smile on your face as Deku left. You locked the door behind him. It had been a long time since you had someone visit, it felt nice to have some company. For a moment, while Deku smiled, you forgot you were supposed to a hero and a villain. Would you miss him? Maybe. Maybe you would.

A few days passed.

Deku was shocked to come into work one morning to find the villain who left his bloody was in handcuffs. When they were interrogated, they confessed that they "had the shit beaten outta" them by another villain, and they had no idea why. Why did he have the sneaking suspicion it was you who returned the favor to that villain?

There was a knock at your front door. You grabbed the handgun you kept around the house. You unlocked the door and opened it open just a crack. You looked outside to find there wasn't anyone waiting. You looked down the hall. No one was in sight. There was, however, a small parcel sitting in front of your door. You carefully took it inside and opened it up. There was a note with two words: Thank you.

It was the clothes you had lent Deku. They looked like they had been washed too, how thoughtful. You tossed the packaging and, without thinking, you pulled the sweatshirt over your head. It was warm. It smelled like Deku. You smiled.

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