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Through the poorly drawn curtains, rays of sunlight crept into your bedroom. These rays of sunlight gently shook you awake, mere moments before your alarm sounded off. You lazily reached over and switched it off. With a yawn and a stretch, you rose from your warm and welcoming sheets. It was truly an act of incredible discipline. You started to get ready for the day ahead of you.

It still felt strange how clean the apartment was. After the police had searched it, all of your weapons were taken. They had turned the whole place upside-down, which meant you were forced to put it right-side-up again. In the process, the place began to finally feel like... home.

As you began to make breakfast, you noticed the small photograph hanging on the refrigerator. A small smile made its way onto your face as you recalled the day it was taken. You had just been accepted into UA's Outlaw Program and Katsuki had insisted on helping you readjust after a few months in prison. Though rough around the edges, he was a good kid. You owed him your freedom. Come to think of it, you owed him more than he knew.

You left your apartment en route to the UA campus.

"Good morning," An elderly woman greeted you sweetly. You returned her smile, seeing her arriving home from collecting her mail. She lived right across from you.

"Morning," You said as you locked your door. You used to ignore those who made efforts at small talk or pleasantries. These days, although you never initiated them yourself, you tried to at least be polite. You had never considered such a thing before you got mixed up with Katsuki. So much can change in three months.

You exited the complex after the brief interaction. Unfortunately, along with all your weapons the police had also confiscated your motorcycle. You did not technically have a license to drive it. So, you took public transit to the campus. When you arrived, however, you did not enter through the school. You were instructed to take a special path, one that would keep you away from any students' regular routes.

"All weapons in the bin." The security officer held out a small plastic bin for you to fill before you entered. With a small huff, you began to disarm yourself: a knife from your right ankle, an iron handclasp from your hip, a small knife from the back of your belt, and another from the bottom of your shoe.

"Carrying light today, are we?" He remarked with a small smirk.

"It's the weekend," You shrugged. Before you could walk away, he grabbed your arm with a skeptical stare. You sighed and gave him the blade you had stashed inside of your shirt. He then let you inside the building through a backdoor.

In truth, you were not very familiar with the campus of the school that bought your probation. So you wandered tactfully until you arrived where you were requested. You did not know why you were summoned to a meeting, though you had no choice but to show up.

As you walked the somewhat empty halls, you passed several faculty members. They all side-eyed you warily. And you side-eyed them back. You had as much trust in them as they had trust in you, which was little to none. However, it was not simply your untrusting nature. You had a reason to be suspicious.

Someone at UA was the reason Katsuki ended up kidnapped by The League of Villains. He had told you the story of that night and the weeks leading up to it. No one besides the students and faculty knew the location. Meaning, someone had to be a traitor. "Rehabilitation" was only one of your goals. No matter how much you dislike heroes and the institutions that support them, you were going to find that traitor to keep Katsuki safe.

You snuffed out the rage that boiled under your skin. For now, you would keep your eyes open and observe everyone around you. You had no idea where to start, but a lead was bound to turn up eventually. After all, you knew exactly how to think like a traitor.

"(Y/n)," You heard a familiar voice call out. You stopped in your tracks, realizing you had gotten lost in your own musings. You turned to see Shota Aizawa.

"You're early," He remarked, folding his arms over his chest.

"Didn't want to be late," You shrugged with a sly smirk. "My freedom kinda depends on it. Mind tellin' me why I'm here?" Aizawa moved to walk down the hall, silently telling you to follow him, which you did.

"There is a small group of heroes here who want to see you," Aizawa explained in his usual monotone voice. "I think they want you to start fessing up."

"Fessing up?" You repeated, tucking your hands into your pockets. "I was told I don't have to admit anything regarding how I know what I know." Aizawa suppressed an amused smirk.

"That's not what I mean," He clarified calmly. "It's been a while since you start the program so they know you're mentally sound. They probably want you to start naming names." You hummed in understanding. You maintained the quiet until you arrived at an unmarked door. Aizawa opened it for you.


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