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"So, let me get this straight... " Detective Tsukauchi continued in confusion, "they entered, sat down, had breakfast, and sent three men to the hospital?" The waitress nodded, her hands coming to gently cradle herself.

"I-I was stunned," The women struggled to recall the events of that morning. "I brought them food and they thanked me. I didn't even notice anything until the--the table flipped over!" She was physically distraught by what unfolded during her shift. "They were laughing together, I had no idea that... " She did not finish her sentence.

"They were laughing?" Detective Tsukauchi clarified, looking up from his notepad.

"Yeah," She nodded. "I'm not one for the news so I didn't he was missing. He didn't look like he was being held hostage." This case was getting stranger by the minute with every new lead that turned up. The car salesman had testified that Bakugo had not resisted and now this waitress had seen them casually laughing together.

Whoever had kidnapped Bakugo was good, very good.

"And you are positive they both matched the description we gave you?" Detective Tsukauchi double-checked.

"Absolutely," The woman nodded again, truly believing her words. "They drove off in a blue pick-up truth, heading North... I think."

"Thank you so much, you have been an incredible help." Detective Tsukauchi walked out of the diner. He left the crime scene to the local officers in the meantime. He certainly scratched his head at this one. With some luck, the three men who were sent to the hospital would wake up and provide a much-needed explanation.

Was it possible that The League of Villains kidnapped Bakugo just to pass him off to someone else? Was their goal to create unrest and bad press for UA? Are they doing this just to get into our heads? Did that woman buy Bakugo off them?

It seemed every time the two surfaced, he was tagging along willingly. Was it possible what The Leauge actually turned him to the other side? Whatever the hell was doing on, Detective Tsukauchi was determined to get to the bottom of it.


Clear skies hung over your head as a strong summer breeze blew in through the open car windows. The fresh air helped with your anxiety, the feeling of the wind against your face was refreshing. It seemed your teenage compatriot enjoyed it too, or, at least he did not complain about it. He struck you as the type to speak their mind, no matter the situation or consequences. That was something you could appreciate.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Bakugo asked, turning his head to look at you.

"He works for someone I pissed off, I guess," You shrugged, resting your arm on the open windowsill.

"Do you do that a lot?" He wondered curiously as the building passed by in a blur. "Beat the shit outta people and make enemies, I mean." You chuckled at his clarification, just a hint of sourness to the sound.

"Yeah, I do," You confessed with a small smile on your face. In truth, you did not find any pleasure in hurting people, but, you did take some amount of pride in your work. You were efficient, clean, and quick with your work. You were proud of your abilities, not necessarily what you chose to use them for. You were starting to like this kid. Just a little.

"Do you do that a lot?" You asked in return, deciding to mimick his behavior. "Ask a bunch of questions about someone who could skin you alive for knowin' too much?" With a smirk, you glanced in his direction. He rolled his eyes, understanding you were joking. After a moment, another question came to you,

"Hey, why the hell did The League of Villains kidnap you in the first place?" Bakugo took his time to think about his answer.

"I think it was because of my quirk," Bakugo's tone did not indicate he was bragging. "I'm one of the strongest in my grade, so it made sense." You briefly peered over at the boy sitting next to you. He was looking down at his hands, a strange look on his face. Maybe it was shame?

"Is that all? I mean, no offense, but I'm sure there are lots of strong kids," You shifted your grip on the streeling wheel as you spoke. Those words left a bitter taste in your mouth. Bakugo sighed and shifted his stare to focus out the window. He rested his elbow on the windowsill and his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Maybe it was also my... personality," Bakugo admitted reluctantly, as if he was trying to find the right words to describe what he meant. "I guess I don't really act like a hero sometimes." The chord he struck resonated with you.

The more time you spent with him, the more you realized just how similar you were. In an attempt to lighten the suddenly heavy mood, you swatted his shoulder playfully.

"Hey! I was a trouble maker when I was your age too," You confessed, a cocky smile on your face. "And I turned out just fine." Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes with a smile. If the villains really did have it out for him, he must be something special. With a stiring aching pity, you sighed.

"I'm sorry all this shit happened to you, though," Your voice dripped of empathy and understanding. "No kid deserves to have to deal with that." You tapped your hand on the wheel. Part of you wanted to know more in order to give him that feeling of solidarity you lacked. On the other hand, you knew it was not wise to get attached to him. Alas, your bleeding heart won in the end.

"Who do you have to get back to?" You asked carefully, silently wondering if this was where your similarities stopped. Bakugo folded his arms over his chest and leaned further back into the passenger seat.

"That old hag's probably worried," Bakugo mumbled under his breath, although his expression told you that he was bothered by the thought. This piqued your interest and you let out a small laugh.

"Who?" You pressed further.

"My mom," He mumbled quieter than he normally spoke. "My dad too... and...  my friends." He hated that there were people worrying over his safety. You supposed no one liked to cause their loved ones to worry. Yet, you did not know what having someone worrying over you felt like. So you just assumed it was horrible but in a way heartwarming.

Perhaps that was the difference between a younger you and Bakugo, he had good people looking out for him. You smiled as the information put you at ease. All of a sudden, you were not so afraid that Bakugo would turn out to be like you. At the same time, this new knowledge made your urge to protect him grow stronger.


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