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A hefty stack of papers landed on the table in front of you. You quirked your eyebrows and Gunhead gestured for you to flip open the file folder. Curiosity got the better of you and you opened it. At the top of the page, there was a man's mugshots and presumably some information about him below it.

"What's this?" You asked the heroes.

"We arrested four people last night," Gunhead explained as if he was bragging. "The guy who posted the job and our would-be partners. They've all got priors, convictions will be no trouble." You leaned back, a small smirk on your face. You were impressed with the numbers they were racking up, but you had your sights on something much more interesting.

"But one slipped through our fingers," He admitted. "We've got a search warrant out, though."

"You know, people pay for more than just heists and kidnappings," You remarked somewhat cockily. Some of the heroes looked at you in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Snipe wondered aloud, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well, we can spend months tracking down every thief in Japan," You explained rather casually. "Or, we could fry some bigger fish." Snipe nodded in agreement, eager to get some bigger players off the street. People who are looking to hire hitmen in particular. However, before he could begin to formulate a plan, one of the other heroes in the meeting spoke up.

"We?" They asked in clarification. Those words stung. They cut deep, deeper than the knives that were hidden on your person. They did not consider you a part of their team. To them, you were just a tool to use and be done with. You were a means to an end.

Aizawa, even from the back of the room, noticed the way you sunk back into your seat. You shut up and let the heroes continue their meeting. No snarky comments, no cynical retorts, no sarcastic responses. Aizawa watched the way your expression had fallen as if a child had been scolded into shame or a teenager rejected by their crush. He hated to admit it, but it worried him.

The heroes soon dismissed you and you quickly slipped out of the room. Aizawa decided to follow after you. You walked fast, your hands buried in your jacket pockets. But Aizawa managed to catch up to you.

"Are you alright?" He asked once you noticed he was there.

"I'm fine," You lied through your teeth and Aizawa could tell. It was shown in the way you looked at the ground, answered without hesitation, and did not pause your stride. Aizawa grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to come to a harsh halt.

"Do you really think I'm that easy to bullshit?" Aizawa asked you firmly. You held his intense stare for a moment. You could not help but wonder if he really cared. Or was he demanding to know in order to determine the likelihood of you violating your terms of probation?

"Maybe not," You said quietly. "But I'd rather not talk about it." With a small sigh, Aizawa let his hand fall to his side. You silently thanked him for allowing you to leave. Perhaps it was a mistake on his part. He would later come to regret letting you go. He should have gone with you, insisting you were too unwell to be alone.

You threw open the heavy doors and trot out into the street hurriedly. You could not explain why your legs felt the need to carry you so fast. There was nothing you were running from nor to. You felt something prick the top of your head, then an identical feeling immediately after. It was starting to rain. You picked up the pace. You were too lost in your own downward spiral to realize someone's eyes were on you, watching carefully. 

He knew what limited time he had and your quick stride did not aid in that fight against the clock. He saw you approaching and decided to act. As you walked past the alleyway opening, he reached out and latched onto your jacket. He pulled you into the alleyway and pushed your back against the wall.

"What's the rush, (Y/n)?" Dabi taunted you, his hand pressed against your collarbone. Once your mind registered what was happening, you grabbed his wrist. You twisted it clockwise harshly, using your other hand to turn his opposite shoulder. You pushed yourself forward and twirled on your heels to shove his chest against the brick wall he had you pinned to.

"Don't test me today," You snarled through gritted teeth. "I will hurt you." You had him stuck with your right hand on his shoulder blade and your left hand keeping his arm against his back. Dabi chuckled.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Dabi asked flirtatiously as he looked back at you over his shoulder. He wore a cocky smirk you wanted nothing more than to punch it off his face.

"I'm not joking around," You warned him, your grip on his wrist tightening exponentially.

"Relax, fuck!" Dabi exclaimed in pain. "Shigaraki sent me to talk to you."

"About what?" You nearly growled, silently threatening to break his wrist in your grasp. "If any heroes find out I've talked to you, I'll be sent back to prison." Dabi had to resist the urge to use his quirk, just for a moment, so he could force you to let go of him.

"That wouldn't be a problem if you joined us. Our offer still stands."


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