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"We should head back," You told the boy while you slowly rose to your feet. "It's probably not a good idea to be out in the open for this long." Bakugo nodded in agreement, allowing you to lead the way back to the motel. The sun was setting.

Everywhere you looked, the city was coated in beautiful hues. A heavy pink was spread across the treetops. A deep blue met gold in the middle of the sky. The whole atmosphere looked like a beautiful watercolor painting. You then realized how much you missed watching the sunset.

You let out a shaky breath. Though you had no real closure to your trauma, it felt incredibly liberating to talk to someone about the things you had been through.

"Hey, how'd you take out those guys back at the diner?" Bakugo suddenly asked. "I mean when they drew their guns." You snickered, a smug grin on your face.

"Weren't you watching?" You asked playfully.

"Yeah, but you moved too fast!" Bakugo grew defensive, kicking at some small pebbles by his feet.

"I'll show you," You paused for a moment, "someday. When you're ready, that is." Bakugo rolled his eyes. He was honestly fascinated with how quickly you managed to handle the situation. You were controlled, precise, accurate, and deadly.

"I've got more where that came from, too," You reminded him with a cocky smirk. "I'm actually considered to be the best in my line of work."

"Seriously?" Bakugo asked in slight surprise.

"I have quite the reputation," You bragged. Though, you were bragging about your reputation for showing no mercy and being one of the best criminals-for-hire. Nevertheless, Bakugo seemed impressed, which made you oddly happy. You were getting attached to this kid, huh?

You approached the motel parking lot, having forgotten you left the truck at the gas station. You were about to tell Bakugo you needed to turn around, but something caught your eye up ahead. There were some people at your motel room door. The closer you looked, the more they looked like--

"Shit!" You muttered, grabbing onto Bakugo's arm. You pulled him down to take cover behind a parked minivan. He crouched by your side as you peered around the side.

"What is it?" Bakugo asked while struggling to see what you were looking at.

"Two police officers outside the room, probably more inside," You stated, pointing to the motel door.

"Shit," Bakugo cursed as well. "Remind me again why I can't trust them, again?"

"You were taken from your training camp, right?" You recalled, keeping your voice down. "If The League could pull that off, they're way too strong for you to be protected by some officers. I don't trust any of those incompetent--"

"Oi, watch it!" Bakugo scolded you quietly. "Those're my mentors you're talking about!" You snickered at his loyalty to them. But your point still stood. Until The League of Villains was bleeding, nowhere was safe. You had to ditch town and fast, the police were hotter on your trail than you thought they would be. You stood up slowly and Bakugo rose with you, your backs facing the motel.

"Just act casual and go slow," You told him. You started to walk away, trying not to draw attention anywhere near you. You reached the street, but that was when you heard a heart-stopping sound--

"Hey, you there!" A police officer shouted. It was impossible to talk your walk out of this one, no matter how hard you tried. The gas station you had parked the truck in was not too far. Given the distance between you and the motel room, surely, you would be able to outrun the officers... right? You were ready and willing to take your chances.

You leaned over to Bakugo, lowering your voice so only he could hear.

"Follow me and run." Bakugo acted instantly. In a heartbeat, you and Bakugo broke out into an all-out sprint. You bolted across the street, not having the time to look both ways first. You were almost hit by a car and Bakugo barely managed to outmaneuver an angry motorcyclist. It was reckless, but your odds were better trying to navigate the racing traffic than facing the officers.

By the grace of heaven above, you and Bakugo made it to the other side unscathed. That would put more distance between you and the police. Still running as fast your legs would take you, you landed on the sidewalk. You saw the truck several meters ahead of you.

As soon as physically possible, you threw yourself into the driver's seat and started the engine. You slammed the gas pedal as soon as Bakugo was inside. As the car jolted forward, the open doors slammed shut and you pulled into the street.

You found yourself short of breath as you sped down the freeway. You looked in the review mirror. You could not see any flashing red and blue lights and you could not hear the sirens either. That was too close. You hit the back of your head against the headrest.

"Fuck," You mumbled. You had to leave the duffle bag in the motel room. Now, you had no money and you had no weapons to defend yourself. The heroes were right behind you and who knew how close the villains were. To make matters worse, you were officially out of resources. You had the clothes on your backs and the few close-range weapons on your person.

You were really screwed now. Perfect.


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