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Your body was shoved onto the metal chair roughly by two police officers with tight grips on your shoulders. You had no plans of running, they really did not need to be so violent. You placed your hands on the cold table in the interrogation room. Your wrists rubbed against the right cuffs.

"We finally meet at last," The man waiting inside the room greeted you. "I'm Detective Tsukauchi, I have a few questions to ask you." Your eyes trailed up to gaze at him. He observed you carefully. The tiniest of ticks could give him the answers he needed. The look in your eyes surprised him, it seemed like an angry worry.

"Is he okay?" Your voice was quiet and slightly shaking. Detective Tsukauchi furrowed his brows.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked, confused by your question.

"The kid--Katsuki, is he okay?" You repeated yourself, desperately praying they managed to rescue him. Detective Tsukauchi sat down on the other side of the table.

"Why would you care what happened to him?" He wondered aloud, watching you scoff. 

"Yeah, I helped the kid escape because I want them to hold him as a hostage," You remarked sarcastically with a bitter smile.

"You helped him escape? How?" The detective was quick to hang off every word you spoke. He wrote down exactly what you recalled. You told him everything. You told him how you met The League of Villains and how you escaped with Bakugo as soon as you saw him. You told him how you protected Bakugo.

"I just... " You swallowed thickly. "I wanted to keep him safe." Your testimony shocked Detective Tsukauchi, as well as the UA staff listening on the other side of the one-way glass.

"Why?" He asked in a low voice.

"It felt too familiar," You said briefly. "I was a child once too." Your hands fell into your lap, your fingernails digging into your palm. The detective watched as you leaned forward and your entire demeanor shifted.

"Now where the hell is he?" You spoke through gritted teeth. Detective Tsukauchi rose to his feet. He gathered his notepad while he cleared his throat. He did not look you in the eye. No, they didn't... They couldn't have... After everything you had done, after everything you had risked, the villains had Bakugo. It was all for nothing. The anger and guilt piled up too strong for you to control.

"You let them take him?" You screamed. "What is fucking wrong with you?" Detective Tsukauchi did not give you a response, but instead, headed to the door. But in order to get to the exit, he had to walk past you.

You bolted out of the chair as soon as he was within your reach. The two officers in the room leaped to restrain you. Detective Tsukauchi jumped back as you struggled against the men's grip. Detective Tsukauchi slipped out of the interrogation room before you could give him a piece of your mind. 

The two officers slammed you against the metal table, holding you down as you fought them. Suddenly, you felt a tingling feeling spread across your body, starting at your neck. And you passed out completely.


The horrible sound of someone banging on prison cell bars woke you up. With a pounding headache, you sat up and looked to the cell entrance. The sun had long since disappeared behind the horizon. A group of greasy men stood at your cell with wicked smiles. You watched as one of the prison guards opened your cell. They all filed in and you got to your feet. 

"You're the reason I'm in here, you bitch," A man, who appeared to be the orchestrator of the gathering, sneered. He swung a punch in your direction, but you ducked under it, a narrow miss. Before his cohorts could jump in, you grabbed the man by the collar and brought him to his knees. Your fist was drawn. 

You could kill him right here and scare off his friends. The sentence would not matter anyway, chances are the police had enough on you to put you away for more than one lifetime. You looked into his petrified eyes, which happened to be the same color as yours. You could kill him. But in that moment, a jaded outlaw hesitated.

A fist collided with the back of your head and you fell forward, the man rolling out from under you. There was a kick to your back and you fell down further. The others joined in. Threats of violence came rolling off their tongues, and each one was fulfilled. One after the other, the hits kept coming. 

You did not stand up. You did not use your quirk. You did not even fight back. You took the pain without a word. For hours they beat you. Blood poured from your split open skin, from your nose, and from your mouth. Your body was quickly covered in shades of bruises. You even felt a bone or two snap. Why didn't you fight back?

You were hit in the gut, and you involuntarily threw up. This seemed to be a line too far for your attackers. They let you live, for now at least, and returned to their own cells. The guard outside your cell did nothing to stop them.

Cold, dark, and alone. Helplessness suffocated you in overwhelming dizziness. It felt like gravity had little to no effect on you, but you still felt the cold hard concrete below you. Bruises littered your broken form and blood dripped from your wounds. 

Voices echoed on your head like a catchy song. You thought it was going to end, part of you wanted it to end, but it kept going. You kept breathing, though your lungs felt heavy as steel. Stop, stop, stop, stop--you wanted it all to just stop!

You felt a tear fall from your eye. Then another, and another. You broke out into a sob as you writhed in agony. Your body felt like it was dying, but that was not what broke you. Guilt and pain overtook what you thought was a cold heart inside your chest. 

You couldn't protect him. You failed. You cried, unable to remain strong any longer. That fire in his eyes, you hoped it was still there. You hoped somehow he would be okay in the end.

"Please," You whispered with the little voice you had left. You didn't know if there was a god, but you prayed. You begged whatever higher power allowed this to happen to save that boy. You pleaded for someone to spare him. Despite your efforts, despite your pain, and despite your hope...

You were unable to save him.


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