- stephen strange -

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> Kamar-Taj and its residents know that it's time to clear the courtyard when you and Stephen spar

> > it doesn't matter who challenged who (you probably provoked him, let's be honest), it always ends in a show

> > > he usually has the upper hand when you're using spells, but he has a lot to learn from you when it comes to hand-to-hand combat

> he's a cat person and you have seriously considered getting him a little black kitten just to watch him take care of them

> he has very pretty eyes; a cool and intricate hazel that are always brightly alive with mischief or arrogance

> > and he'll hold your stare too, so there are moments of silent prolonged eye contact that make time still without the help of any magic

> > > or maybe it is magic, just of a different sort

> when you are sick or injured, his doctor instincts kick in like riding a bike

> > "You need to rest, (Y/n)." "How long has it been irritating you?" "When did this happen?" "Let me know if it gets any worse." "What time did you take that medicine?" etc.

> if he still had a brilliant surgeon's salary, you better bet your ass he would spoil you

> > nice vacations just for the two of you, reservations at fancy restaurants, and jewelry or watches

> > > these days, he does what he can to put food on the table

> > > > to be a sorcerer of Kamar-Taj, you probably gotta take some oath to reject mortal possessions or whatever anyway so it's no big deal

> you like the silver fox vibe he has going on, even if your actual ages aren't that far apart

> > "I didn't know you liked older men." "Everyone loves a well-aged wine, Stephen."

> he is a bitch to argue or fight with and he can be a bit petty

> > miraculously, you somehow manage to work out your difference every time

> > > and honestly sometimes you just need to agree to disagree; you don't have to be in unison on every issue

> you admire his hands often

> > usually, they are always busy doing something but that makes them even more entertaining to observe

> > > in the rare times they are still (which is normally when they are within your grasp), you gently run your fingers down the linear scars across his fingers and the back of his hands

> > > > at first, it make him a little uncomfortable but he grew to really enjoy your touch

> the most common sentence in your relationship: "You should have just asked for my help, Stephen. You know I wouldn't have hesitated. Or thought any less of you for it."

> one of the biggest hurdles in your relationship was getting him to trust you completely

> you are a capable and independent individual and he feels he has met his match, which is a major reason why he loves you

> he cares very deeply for you, but he sometimes struggles to show it directly and honestly

> > when push comes to shove, he'll man up (like when you're crying or having a breakdown)

> his favorite past time is making you flustered

> > it's a game he makes you play, how much effort will it take to make you crack on any given day?

> > > while he has an easy time flirting with you, at the beginning of your relationship, it was difficult for him to genuinely compliment you

> he is so cocky and smug all the damn time, as you no doubt expected

> you listen to old music together and he takes every opportunity to show off his trivial knowledge of a certain song or artist

> > definitely ropes you into dancing with him

> The Cloak of Levitation really likes you, especially because you don't swat it away when it plays with you

> > it's a bit bipolar though: some days it loves to hog all your attention away from Stephen others it will wrap the two of your together

> "You handled that marvelously, Mr. Strange." "It's doctor, actually." "Oh, I'm sorry, are you currently licensed to practice? Then I'm afraid it's mister."

> > eventually, you came around to using his proper title

> he first said "I love you" in the heat of battle because of course he did

> > everything was coming to a climax and you were beginning to think there were no other options but to sacrifice yourself

> > > the moment Stephen caught a whiff of your plan, he gives you one of those "I can't lose you," speeches

> "Sometimes you see things very black and white; a clear right and wrong. I've never been able to decide if that's stupid or what makes you smarter than me, (Y/n)."

> when you first met the man, you hated him so violently and his arrogance made your blood boil

> > and one day, he made one of his snarky comments or comebacks with that little smirk and it turned you on

> > > that was when you realized your feelings for him were more... complicated

> your feelings for him were very difficult to deal with at first

> > if he didn't feel the same, he did not exactly seem like the type to just let it go, he would never let you live it down

> > > it was also a pride thing; telling him how you felt would require vulnerability (something both of you were afraid to show)

> as luck would have it, neither of you really needed to make the first move because you were set up

> > you have America and Wong to thank for that, they knew you were both too stubborn to do something yourselves

> > > you were individually lured to a rooftop where you could watch the sunset and enjoy a light dinner that just so happened to be waiting for you

> > > > you caught on to their scheme pretty quick but played along and eventually, he admitted he would not mind going on a real date

> > > > > before he could make too much of a fool of himself, you kissed him

> > > > > > "I take it that's my cue to shut up now."

> he does this thing where he puts his hand on your forehead when he knows you're stressed or worried as if to tell you to quiet your mind

> > "You're thinking too loud."

> he likes to be the big spoon

> it's very rare that he would use a pet name for you in passing, he isn't quite sure how he feels about them

> > before you were together, he would use them sarcastically, like: "I'd love to see you try, sweetheart."

> > > but every once in a while one will slip through the cracks...

> > > >  he's so intently focused on researching a new mystic object that he doesn't even hear you come in and set a book he asked you to get for him on the table

> > > > > only half paying attention, he says: "Thank you, sweetheart," and you were stunned

> after seeing the Stephen from another timeline with a ponytail, you are on a quest to persuade him to at least try it

> you guys are very competitive in just about everything you do, but most of the time it is only harmless fun

> > but I mean everything

> the whole Christine thing was difficult to stomach, but he has assured you countless times he's moved on

> > "She was what a wanted for a long time. But you... you're what I need, (Y/n)."

> I'm gonna be honest, at first, it was mostly sexual tension between the two of you

> > but after you made things official, y'all got that in order pretty darn quick 

> > > and it was good

> > > > maybe it was all the waiting, but you most certainly ruined each other in the best way possible

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