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Aashaa was growing up, the days rolled on too quick and she got habitual to the darkness she was habitual to since her birth. Being there in the orphanage since her starting days she felt that was her home. The first word that came out of her mouth was her name Aashaa, she had very sharp hearing and touching senses.

Every time, someone calls her of touches her she could easily identify who it was. Aasha was of 14 year old now. She started to study by listening and the braille script helped her all over. Everyone in the orphanage were close to her and loved her more than anything.There was happiness in her life all over.

Then entered the villian of her life, Ankit. Ankit was a teen an eighteen year old spoilt brat. His father was sponsoring the  orphanage timely. Every time his father comes to do some charity work in the orphanage he would come along and eye on some innocent girls. The girls in the orphanage were scared, scared that they might be the reason for the orphanage to lose its funds and they also thought they didn't had anyone, nobody would look as well if something really did happen.

Every time Ankit came, they used to be scared and escape from one place to another. Aashaa asked them quite a many times about it, but they didn't want Aashaa to go through things too so they kept quiet.

On a Saturday night, Aashaa was being fed by one of the elder children in the orphanage.

"Sister, tonight will we go to terrace? It smells like it is going to rain. Today is weekend and Ankit anna along with uncle will also come right",Aashaa asked.

" Uh.. Yes Aashaa! Why don't you go to sleep early today? Tomorrow is Sunday and we have something special tomorrow too",the elder one spoke out and she was scared.

"As you say sister. I will go to the room and sleep",she was going to enter the room, but Ankit came and stood in her way. She touched face and smelled the scent of the person.

" Ankit anna?",she spoke out in a low tone and the elder girl came to rescue of Aashaa.

"Sister, Ankit anna came early today. Shall I play with him for sometime?",Aasaha asked in a chirpy way.

" Aashaa, Vijaya mam asked you to go to sleep and Ankit sir, your father is asking for you",she said while looking down. While Ankit was leaving, Aashaa heard a frustrated grunt and she didn't get a good vibe from it.

"Sister, is there something you want to let me know?",she asked.

" Aashaa all I can say is be careful when he is around",she said and patted her shoulder.

Aashaa was thinking about it and dozed off, in the middle of the night she felt something tied to her mouth and someone was lifting her frock to her mid thighs and the scent was familiar to her. She could not shout, she thought for a second and kicked the hand with her leg. She quickly untied the cloth which was obstructing her from talking.

With the loud thud, other girls from the orphanage came to see what happened. Ankit swiftly escaped from there and the other girls were enquiring about the sound.

"Sister, can I talk to Vijaya amma the first thing tomorrow morning?",she asked one of the elder girls.

" Definitely! Aashaa did something happen? You seem bothered about something ",she asked.

"Will let you know about it very soon tomorrow morning sister. Don't worry you won't have to face this thing anymore",she said confidently.

" Aashaa is it about Ankit? Did he do something. If yes, Aashaa they are our fund raiser and one word against them they won't give us funds. Because of that Vijaya amma and Lakshmi amma will be in distress",she said.

"Sister, let them not give funds. We can earn ourselves too. Remember what Vijaya amma says? No matter who makes mistakes it might be you or me, they have to take punishment and it's time to punish the devil himself",she said like sherni(lioness).

" But Aashaa-",Aashaa cut her off.

"Sister, none of us should suffer more. We should not keep quiet at such creeps",she said.

The next morning, Aashaa went to Vijaya to speak about it.

" Amma",she called out and Vijaya smiled looking at her.

"Yes Aashaa, what's wrong dear? What brought you here early in the morning?",Vijaya asked.

" Amma, I want to tell you something which will be a bit hard to digest",Aashaa spoke out.

"Did someone bully you Aashaa?",Vijaya asked.

" No Amma! It's about Ankit brother",she spoke out.

"Tell me everything Aashaa",Vijaya's voice was stern and Aashaa narrated the whole thing.

" I am proud of you Aashaa for being brave and dealing with it. You didn't only  do this for yourself but for the rest of the girls living with you as well. I am honestly proud of you",Vijaya said and patted Aashaa.

"Amma, this is not one day thing. That person has been doing this since long but nobody said it because it might affect our funds. I don't want you to think about it. If funds is the problem we can open art gallery or anything to raise funds for us",she said and her maturity was the outspoken thing there.

"I appreciate your way of thinking dear. Let me have a word with all the girls and Ankit's father as well about it. Basing on the severity, we will see what to do",Vijaya spoke out in a stern way.

Vijaya did speak with the girls and after a lot of hesitation they opened up and cried holding Vijaya's hands. Vijaya got to know a lot more hidden stories which were in dark all these days.

"Girls, You all should have told me when it happened first. The funds we get are nothing compared to your security and we don't need that money which will lead to something like this. I am going to talk to his father first and directly file a case. We will face this together don't worry",she said and took them all into a hug.

Without wasting any time they talked with Ankit's father. He was shocked to learn the truth from Vijaya and Lakshmi.He asked them to go ahead with the FIR things. Ankit was arrested and taken into custody. He begged for mercy but for the thing he did he was never to be forgiven.

To be continued..

This chapter is exclusively written for the rapes and molesting things going round the earth.

Spread awareness, learn self defense and voice out this. It's not as easy as it is portrayed in this story but it is not impossible too. Someone doing this will be an inspiration to many of them.

Also the song above is an amazing rap song voicing about against things going on with women.

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Your Author
Sakshi Devi

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