Kyo: "i love you, so much"

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This is a One-Shot request by Alyssajj11 . Thank you for requesting I hope you like it :)

Your zodiac: Wolf
Character: Kyo x depressed! Reader


"Not many people know the story of the wolf zodiac.

The wolf is like the cat, tricked and not apart of the zodiac

The wolf was tricked but it's best friend, the dragon. And was given the wrong date.

When the wolf came the day, she only saw the cat. They slowly figured out they had been tricked.

Its said the wolf and cat are destined to be together, forever. To love and care for each other for there whole life. To just be there for each other."


I got pushed down roughly, to the floor.

"Wow look how pathetic you are down there" the bully said, her friends laughing behind her

"Your the real pathetic one" I say quietly

"What? Did you say something, Dork?" She asked, once again her friends laughing in the back.

"I said you dont know how to insult!" I yell "come on you think your funny? Nope everyone's just laughing at your stupidity!"

"Why you-"

"Hey what's going on?" A teacher said walking over

"Oh nothing, just friends just having fun" one of the girls in background said.

"Oh well you should all go home"

"Yes ma'am!"

I slowly got up and started to walk away, headed to yet another place where I'm not wanted. I look up at the sky.

' I wonder if Kyo's happy' I think 'he probably has a girlfriend by now'

You slowly walk to your unloving home when you hear a familiar voice.

"Hey (y/n)!"

You turn around to see kyo running up to you. Suddenly a flashback of how you and kyo would play house together popped into you mind, you blush at the thought.

"Hey kyo, what's up?" You ask

He notices your dirty uniform.

"What happened? You look like you got into a fight, your not hurt right?" He asked, a small blush.

Since you and kyo have known each other for so long he's nicer to you then most. He like to keep you close.

"What? Oh um no. I'm fine just fell" you say, lieing

"Your lieing, what happened?"

"Nothing" you say with a smile "I'm fine, I promise"

Kyo looks at you with a 'fine, if you say so' kind of face, then slowly smiles

"I just dont want you to get hurt. be careful, please" he asked, you just nod.

"I need to get home, my moms probably worried" I lie, she couldn't care less about me.

"Alright, I'll call you later" kyo said waving, slowly walking away "be careful"

You wave back, standing in the same spot until he fully disappeared from your view.

You turn to continue your walk home.

You slowly open the door. you where a minute late thanks to those girls at school. You slowly head to your room, being stopped in your tracks.

"Why are you late!" Your mother yells from the bottom of the stairs

"Just some school problems" I said, not technically lieing.

"Yeah? Well then why where you talking to that orange haired boy?" She asked

"Hes my childhood friend! The only one who cares!" I yell, quickly turning around to face her.

"Oh please no can care about you! Your a disgrace! A failure!" She yells, tears start to come from your eyes.

"But- but he does care." You say "h-he told me!-"

"He just said that since he also knows your a pathetic failure!"

You pause, and thank for a minute. A flashback of all the wonderful memories you and kyo had flashed in your mind.

"Y-your lieing.." you say backing up..

Your mother just smirks, and turns to walk away but just looks at you over her shoulder.

"I can't believe you feel in love, you really are pathetic" she said walking away "no one could ever love you"

Tears start to come down now, you run up to your room and slam the door. You collapse infront of the door. Soon your phone starts to ring.

You slowly get up and walk over to your phone, you pick it up.

"Hello?" You say sounding like you just cried, which you did.

"Hey (y/n). What's wrong? Ypu sound like your crying." You hear Kyo over the phone, sounding worried.

"Oh nothing im...fine" you say sound as happy as you could.

"No your not! I can tell your sad!" He yells "I'm coming over! Stay right there!"

"Or what?" You ask

"Or I will hunt you down! Stay there" he said then hangs up.

You put the phone down and suddenly all the mean things people have said about you zoom through you head.

'Your pathetic'

'A failure!'

'Your such a disgrace!'

'Such a disappointment'

You collapse on the floor, slowly loosing control..

The reason the wolf and the cat are destined to be together, was so they could be there when no one else was.

You run outside through the back door towards the woods, but you stopped re-hearing Kyo's words.

"I'm coming over! Stay there"

I fall on the ground, your true form being reviled. You slowly turned into the wolf monster that makes you such a disappointment, a failure, and disgrace.

"Hey! Get away from her!" You hear your mother yell.

You quickly turn around seeing Kyo, the only one you ever loved.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked in the sweetest voice you ever heard.

You turn around, only half transformed.

"I knew you where lieing, tell me what's wrong." He says

"G-get away!" You say backing up, kyo just coming closer

"I'll ask you again. What's wrong?"

"Go away! Stop acting like you care!" You yell, but kyo being kyo, he dosen't even flinch.

"Acting? Who told you that?" He asked

You just stare, stare at the only person who ever cared, the only person you ever loved.

"(Y/n), I'm not acting." He starts "the thing is.." he pauses for a minute, a light blush on his face.

"I love you, so much" he says, the blush getting a deeper color of red "I'm not acting, I've loved you since we first meet."

Kyo got closer and closer, right until he was one step from bumping into you. He put his right hand on your cheek, having the most caring look in is eyes.

"You know that right?" He said with a small smile and a red face.

You turned back to your normal form and held his arm. He pulled you in to hug you. You couldn't help but cry, and of course he stayed with you until you stopped.

After he said you could came a stay with him for a bit, just to get away from your mother. He would walk you to school, along with Toru and Yuki of course.

After that every time you felt sad or wanted to cry, kyo was there. He was there to hug while you where crying or there to help you feel better

Guess the rumor of the wolf and cat being destined to be together forever, to love and care for one another....

Was in fact true...


How was it? I would really appreciate some feedback, please.

Anyway hope you liked the one shot Alyssajj11 ! I hope I made it just what you wanted. You said you wanted a fluffy ending so, yeah hope the ending was good as well.

Anyway that's all, see yall soon!

[Request are still open!]

Words: 1260
Song: Good Intentions (kyo amv)

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