Chapter Two

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Much to Wanda's utter chagrin, Will and Jenna insisted on helping ice the sugar cookies since Charlotte had left it for her to do alone. Wanda wished she could refuse, but wanted nothing less than to come across as aloof in any way. Besides, if she had, she would have spent the entire remainder of that evening with a spatula in hand.

She had whipped up a huge bowl of sugary icing and now separated it into four different bowls to color them. She left one white, then colored the others red, green and blue. Jenna and Will were enjoying an extremely involved conversation about silly Christmas traditions, but Wanda had blocked them out of her mind, insisting that she wouldn't pay attention.

The three stood around the kitchen island and iced the cookies, Jenna and Will still very involved with their own conversation while allowing Wanda to intervene every so often. It was obvious to Wanda that Will was making more of an effort to include her while Jenna seemed to get bored whenever Wanda spoke. It was torturous for her to listen to their constant flirting, and she wished they'd just put her out of her misery and start dating for once. They'd been obviously interested in each other for at least a year by now, and Wanda supposed they hadn't made it official yet because of Jenna having just gotten out of a previous relationship. She could have been wrong, but according to the rumors around and the timeline of the events, Wanda thought Jenna's attraction to Will had something to do with her breaking it off with her previous boyfriend, which made it all the worse. Prior to his getting to know Jenna, Will and Wanda had been in pretty constant contact, especially at socials like this one, but now it seemed that Jenna had seeped up all of his attention.

As Wanda listened to Will tell a story about his last ski trip, she noticed how her smile seemed permanently stuck on her face. She couldn't help but smile when she listened to him. Will was known for being an excellent story teller, but Wanda had never noticed just how extremely charismatic he was.

She didn't like it much how giddy he made her feel inside but had already made up her mind that it was impossible to change. The fact that she'd been crushing on him for so long and never had the guts to admit it forced her to come to a realization; if she had told Will about her feelings for him a long time ago, he may never have gotten so involved with Jenna. It was a hard pill to swallow, but Wanda had finally realized that she'd basically lost any hope of ever being with him. The thought of that hit her over the head harder then it should have. It crossed her mind often after that, despite trying hard not to think about it. There wasn't much could do now, after all; it seemed Will had been spoken for.

Thanks for reading all you beautiful people! I hope your having a wonderful December so far!

If you haven't already, please check out my Advent Kalonder writer's challenge! If your in the mood to write a Christmas tale, it's the perfect place to share it!

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