Chapter 2 - A Trip to Diagon Alley

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A/N: I'll most likely be writing in first person POV from here on out because its a lot easier for me so FYI

July 28th, 1991


It has been about a year since I received my Hogwarts letter and I could not be more eager to begin my adventure into the wizarding world.

I learned that I am what is known as a half blood wizard, my Mother was a Pure-blood witch, while my father was a Muggle born wizard. My Uncle told me that a lot of Pure-blood families are pompous and stuck up arseholes like the Malfoy family, I'm not sure who they are but from what I've heard, they do not sound very pleasant to be around. Although my Mother Emily was a Pure-Blood she was not like any other Pure-Bloods, she respected and loved others who weren't of wizarding descent. Which is why she fell in love with my father Steven who was a Muggle born wizard. Muggle-born meaning they were born to non magic parents.

Because of my Mother marrying a Muggle-Born, she was labeled a "blood traitor" by other members of the Pure-Blood community and was shunned upon by others. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Muggle-Born's were often discriminated by higher up wizarding families. I think its really cool that they are a part of our world. I never knew my parents and I've only been told stories about them from my Uncle but from what I've heard they were amazing people.

Today, we were going to get my supplies for the upcoming year. I was very confused on how we we're going to get all of these things because I'm sure that London does not have a bunch of shops where you can magical supplies such as wands and cauldrons but Uncle Thomas said we are going to a place that will provide everything we need called Diagon Alley.

We were traveling to Diagon Alley by the use of Floo Powder, its a green powder like substance that you throw into a fireplace and travel to where you want to go.

"Now with Floo Powder" my Uncle said "you have to speak very calmly and cleary, because if you don't, you may end up somewhere else in the world" he joked.

I really, really hope he's joking

I took a handful of the green powder and walked into the fireplace in the house and shouted,

Diagon Alley!!

As I dropped the powder into the flames, the hue of the fire turned from its normal orange color into a green and i was then immersed into the flames

The next thing I knew, I was finding myself in an alleyway with brightly colored shops lining the cobbled streets, it almost looked like a carnival of sorts. I've never been to a carnival before, but if this was what it looked like, it was fantastic!

There were stacks of cauldrons stacked high with different shapes and sizes with different colors and patterns. Next door was a shop filled all the way up with potions supplies.

One store that really caught my eye was a book store called Flourish and Blotts. I was always a bit of a reader growing up, always willing to learn new things and gain more knowledge on different subjects. I mean there's not really a whole lot to do when you have to be kept inside of your house all the time.

Uncle Thomas seemed to have seen me ogling the bookstore and mentioned we can stop in after we get some money from the wizarding bank.

As we went to Gringotts which is what the wizarding bank was called, I noticed it was a very large, white building. It could be seen anywhere in the streets due to its enormous size as well as its color.

As we entered the bank I noticed that the bankers were not actually people, but very small and weird looking creatures.

"That is a goblin Y/N" said my Uncle "not very pleasant creatures but very reliable"

There were lines of desks inside, all with a similar shape and size with goblins working at each one. At the end of the very long Hall was a singular desk that was very large, most likely for the head goblin in charge.

Uncle Thomas and the head goblin exchanged some words and then we were off on a very hectic and exhilarating cart ride down a set of tracks with many twists and turns. I felt like I was going to hurl.

As we finally made it onto solid ground, we ventured off to my vault, we opened the door of the vault and inside was several mountains of gold, silver, and bronze coins. I had never seen so much money in my life.

"Holy s*it!!"

"Your parents really wanted to invest for you and wanted to leave this money in your possession" my Uncle exclaimed

I was very confused as to how the hell my parents managed to save all this money for me, but that didn't matter right now as I started to collect the different coins into my pockets.

As promised, the first place we visited was the bookstore I saw before, Flourish and Blotts. I was bouncing off the walls in joy to find more books to read. I managed to get the required set of books required for this year Including Hogwarts a History and many more just for my own personal enjoyment.

The next shop we visited was a shop called Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, a robe shop. I had my uniform fitted to my exact stature and size, Madam Malkin had some help from a flying tape measure that was measuring my posture with no help whatsoever. It was so cool!

Throughout the day, we went into shop after shop getting all the necessary supplies for the school year as well as many other things. I even stopped to gawk at a broomstick in the window of a shop called "Quality Quidditch Supplies" to look at a new version of a racing broom. For some reason, just the thought of me owning a broom was very exciting to me as I've never really been much of an athlete. I also managed to go into Flourish and Blotts again for more books because I can't help myself. (Those damn books i'm telling you)

Me and my Uncle parted ways so he can get me an early birthday present as I entered the last shop we had to visit, a shop named "Ollivanders" with an additional sign that read Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC. Wow, that is an extremely long time.

As I entered the store I noticed it was very rustic and had lots of boxes lying around. I mean it makes sense, if they've been making wands for a long time, there should be a lot of wand boxes lying around.

"Hello" I called out "is anyone there"

"I'm glad you asked Mr. L/N" a voice resonated through the store "I've been waiting for the day you walked into my shop"

I was greeted with the presence of a man with white hair and a brown overcoat.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir" I said shaking him by the hand "but if you don't mind me asking, how do you know who I am"

"I know you because your father Steven, your mother Emily, and your Uncle Thomas came many years ago to get their first wands, in fact Y/N you look the splitting image of you father! I have no doubt you possess the intellect of your mother as well!"

"Thank you so much sir but I never knew my parents, they died when I was very young"

Ollivander then withdrew his smile with a very sorrowful look "I'm sorry to have mentioned them they were great individuals your parents were"

"It's ok sir" I replied with a sad smile "I'm very excited to see what wand chooses me though!"

"Oh yes of course" Ollivander said happily as he went back to his shelves, he returned with a brown wand "W/W with W/C, W/L. This should be best suited for you".

(W/W: Wand Wood
W/C: Wand Core
W/L: Wand Length)

The wand entered my hand and I noticed a great beam of light shining above me, revealing that the wand did in fact choose me.

I paid for my wand and exited the shop with Ollivanders well wishes. I received my wand, the crowning jewel of a witch or wizard. As I continued to stare at my wand, I failed to watch where I was going and ended up bumping into someone, knocking over all of their supplies and books onto the ground.

(A/N: I swear every Hermione fic starts with us running into her, literally)

"Son of a b*tch" I muttered under my breath

I dropped everything and bent down to help the person pick up their books. To my surprise it was a girl with bushy brown hair and a robe for Hogwarts, along with that she had really cute chocolate brown eyes...

What the f*ck am I thinking?

"I am so sorry! I u-usually watch where I'm going and I'm really sorry" I said frantically helping her with her books

"It's ok, I wasn't looking either." She said and I swore I could see a slight blush on her face as we looked at each other. She did look pretty cute I'm not going to lie.

"I see you are going to Hogwarts as well! Maybe I will see you there. I'm Y/N L/N by the way".

"I'm Hermione Granger, it's nice to meet you! She said with a cute voice as she shook my hand.

"Are you a first year as well?" She asked me

"Yes and I'm really excited to start learning magic and more about the wizarding world!" I replied

"I'm a muggle born so I'm new to the wizarding world, it's all very exciting!"

"I'm a half blood myself" I replied "there's still quite a bit I don't know, but I bought Hogwarts a History so I'm excited to learn more about the school itself!" I continued

Hermione beamed after hearing about my interest in books and just as she was about to respond...

"Hermione we need to go"

I saw a slight face of disappointment on Hermione's face as she was called over, those people must be her parents.

"I need to go but I'll see you at Hogwarts?" She asked me

"Of course!" I replied "it was nice meeting you Hermione!"

"It was nice meeting you too Y/N! And thank you for helping me with my books!"

"Don't mention it!" I replied

I waved goodbye and went to go find my Uncle. Eventually we met up and he showed me his early birthday present to me.

It was an adorable gray kitten with blue eyes. I decided to name her Gracie.

(Little Photo Reference)

As we went back into the Floo Network, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot the entire way back, not only because in almost a month I'd be starting a new part of my life at Hogwarts but because I made my first ever friend in Hermione. September 1st could not come soon enough.

Hermione's POV

After I said goodbye to Y/N and went back to my parents, they immediately started teasing me about meeting a boy. On the way back home to London I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was very kind to help me with my books which not a lot of people did in primary school. He was also very cute if I do say so myself with his golden blonde hair and his bright blue eyes.

I was very happy to have made a friend and I couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts. It's going to be really exciting to learn magic!

A/N: And another chapter is complete! I think I'm gradually improving each time which is good!

I'd also like to give a few shoutouts to some really amazing people who have inspired me to start writing:

I would like to thank -we-are-infinite- for making an amazing Hermione fic in "The Boy Who Loved". It is one of my favorite HP fics on Wattpad and if you haven't given it a look, I strongly recommend doing so!

I would also love to thank Stargaryen1 and ElectricZenith for both making fantastic fanfics and being good inspirations for me while writing this. Please go check their stories out!!

Also, since I'm a fan of planning ahead, I'd also like to ask a question about the 4th year.

Do we ask Hermione to the Yule Ball first or does Viktor Skum beat us?

I know we're a long ways away from 4th year yet but like I said, I'm a big fan of planning ahead and I'd like to get ur opinions.

Again thank you for reading and any feedback is appreciated!

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