Chapter 39 - Back to the Burrow

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Hampstead, London

"You seem nervous." Dad smirked.

"Shove off, I-I'm not nervous."

But he was right, I was feeling very anxious at the moment.


Because I happen to be standing outside of the Granger's front door. Hermione had invited me to spend the day with her today, and stay the night.

And given the fact that I fancy her, there's quite a lot to be nervous about.

"I-I think you are." Dad mocked as he knocked on the door a few times.

"Coming!" We heard from the other side of the door. Surely enough, the door opened a moment later, to reveal Mrs. Granger.

"Hello, Y/N!" Mrs. Granger smiled. "And you must be Steven! Come in!"

She led us inside the house to their living room, where she directed me upstairs towards Hermione's room.

"She's upstairs." She said. "First door on the right."

"Thank you, Mrs. Granger!" I replied.

"Please, I'm not one for formalities, call me Monica dear."

"Noted for next time." I said, making my way up the stairs.

As I continued to walk up, I glanced at all the pictures plastered along the walls of Hermione and her family, some of them had images of her receiving awards for academic prowess throughout the years, and some of them had pictures of just her and her parents.

I made it up the stairs and stood in front of the door Monica mentioned. I knocked on the door once, and suddenly, the door swung open, and I was met with a mass of bushy brown hair.

"Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed as I picked her up and spun her around. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"Me too, Mione." I said. "I missed you so much."

Since the Grangers had just remodeled a guest room in their house, I was allowed to sleep in there.

As I put my stuff inside of the room, I talked with Hermione about our summers and she went on about how excited she was to spend the day together.

We were going to go into Downtown London, which was pretty exciting for me as I have never been in London before.

So with her parents permission, me and Hermione went out to go spend some time around London.

She took me to a really nice park called Victoria Park, where we walked around for a few hours and talked about things that randomly popped into our minds.

We also met some of her old friends from primary school, a few of them even mentioned me as Hermione's boyfriend, which made us both blush heavily.

Honestly, I think I'm going to tell her how I feel this year.

After that, she took me to some of her favorite places, there was a coffee shop where she would go to read books and have coffee. Which was nice for me, as I've had coffee plenty of times.

Hermione took charge when we arrived at the cashier stand and said, "Two cappuccinos, please."

The cashier took our orders as we went to sit down at a nearby table with two seats.

"I'm glad you're here with me." Hermione smiled. "It's nice for us to be alone and not with Harry or Ron."

"It is pretty nice, isn't it?" I said. "I love this too."

Soon enough, our drinks came and I took a sip of mine. Personally, I like lattes better, but this wasn't too bad. I thought it was kind of cool that there was a design on the top.

Hermione had started to drink hers, which caused some of the foam to appear on her upper lip. It was quite funny to say the least.

"What?" She giggled at me.

"You've got a little something rightโ€”there." I pointed to my face, trying to indicate where the foam was.

"Right here?" Hermione asked as she wiped in the exact opposite spot.

"Here, let me get it for you." I chuckled as I wiped the foam off of her lip with my thumb.

"Thanks." Hermione blushed and smiled.

A few minutes later, we finished our drinks, left the shop and went back to Hermione's home hand in hand. As we walked into the house, Monica and Wendell were already in the process of making dinner.

"Did you kids have fun?" Wendall asked us as we nodded.

"Dinner will be ready shortly." Monica called from the kitchen as I sat down next to Wendell while Hermione went to go freshen up.

"So, Y/N." Wendell said as he turned to me. "You play any sports?"

"I actually play Quidditch for my House." I replied. "And I've been watching a lot of football recently."

"Any favorite teams?" Wendell asked. He was clearly getting into sports.

"Definitely Arsenal for football." I said.

"Atta boy!" Wendall said as we high fived. "What about Quidditch? Hopefully I said that correctly."

"You did." I nodded. "I'm a big fan of the Falmouth Falcons."

Before we could more into the conversation, Monica had called us all to eat.

As we tucked into some amazing lasagna that Monica had made, Wendall had wanted to ask me more questions about how Quidditch works.

"So you fly in the air with a broom?" He asked in astonishment. "An actual broom."

"That's right." I nodded. "It takes a bit to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun."

"Y/Ns an excellent Quidditch player, Dad." Hermione said. "One of the best in the school."

"Is that right?" Wendall asked.

"Well I wouldn't say that." I chuckled.

"He's just being modest." Hermione replied. "He won Gryffindor the Quidditch Cup this past year."

Dinner went by pretty smoothly after that, and afterwards, we all tucked into cake and ice cream for dessert.

And even better, was when Monica decided to show me some of Hermione's baby pictures, which she was not very happy about.

"Wow, you look cute." I said while waving a picture of baby Hermione with some ridiculous looking pajamas on.

"I hate you." She groaned while punching me in the stomach lightly.

"No, you don't." I teased.

Before me and Hermione went to sleep, Wendell had invited me into the living room to watch a recap of the last football season.

"You know." Wendell started. "When Hermione first got her letter to Hogwarts, Monica and I were very skeptical at first. Our daughter was a witch? It almost seems impossible."

"That's exactly how I felt." I replied.

"We had our fears when she first left, but after each year, she always talked about you, and that really lessened our fears a bit. I'm glad Hermione's met someone like you."

"I could say the same thing." I said honestly. "I'm really lucky to have met her in Diagon Alley our first year."

"Plus it is kind of obvious that you fancy her." He smirked.

Oh, I-uh, is it that obvious?" I croaked.

"Y/N, I'm a Dad." He said. "I can tell when someone likes my own daughter, and you seem like a good kid, which is why I'm rooting for the two of you."

"I do like her a lot, sir." I admitted. "You're daughters absolutely incredible."

"You're a good kid, Y/N, I'm rooting for the two of you." Wendell smiled. "You should probably get some sleep."

"That's a good idea." I said standing up. "Have a good night."

"You too."

I made my way up the stairs to the guest room, but before I could walk inside, Hermione came out of her room and hugged me from behind.

"Thanks for today, Y/N." She said as I turned to face her. "I had a lot of fun."

"Anything for you, Mione." I replied as I hugged her back.

"Goodnight." She said as she stood on her toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Mione."

We went into our separate rooms and after I shut the door, I walked over to my bed, where my backpack laid.

I opened the bag, and pulled a crystal ball out of it.

A/N: A bit bigger than this

Ever since I started my magical training with Professor Dumbledore, I've had a crystal ball with me. Both he and Mum said that it would help me further if I could see into the future.

When I had my Divination accident a few months back, I saw a ton of different scenarios that looked as if they could be what happens in the future.

But there was one that bothered me in particular.

The one with me and Harry in the graveyard.

"Kill The Spare!"

That evil voice has been ringing through my head for the past few months now, and every time I look into the crystal ball, I see the same memory that I saw before.

Although I have no idea who this "spare" is.

And it's starting to really worry me for what's about to come this year.

"Are we ever going to have a normal year at Hogwarts." I sighed while sliding the crystal ball back into my backpack.

I placed my bag on the ground, crawled into the covers and went to sleep.


For the rest of the night, I slept pretty soundly. A few hours later, I opened my eyes to find Hermione in front of me, wide awake.

"Morning." She said sweetly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a log." I said as I got up. "Thanks, Mione."

She smiled as she saw me get up. "We're going to Ron's house today right?"

"That's right." I responded. "He's really excited for the Quidditch World Cup the last I heard."

Ron had invited me, Harry, and Hermione to attend the Quidditch World Cup with his family in the next few days, and he was very excited about it the last time I talked to him.

I pulled out a piece of paper that he owled me a few days ago regarding the event.

Y/N, DAD GOT THE TICKETSโ€”Ireland vs Bulgaria, Monday night. Mums written to the Muggles with Harry asking him to stay with us. They might already have the letter, but I don't know how fast Muggle posts are. Hermione is able to come though!

I forgot about the horrible people Harry lives with.

We're going to Harry's whether the muggles like it or not. He can't miss the World Cup! But Mum and Dad reckon it's better if we ask permission first. Hope you can get here soon. Percys started to workโ€”the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Don't ask him about it, unless you want the pants bored off you.

See you soon, mate


"Great." I said. "Percys going to be more of a pain in the arse than he was before."

Hermione giggled before her eyes widened. "The Cup is around your birthday isn't it?"

"A few days after." I replied. "But you're right."

"I could shop for your present when we go!"

"You don't have to get me anything big, Mione." I said.

"Nonsense." She replied. "You mean a lot to me."

"Well, thank you in advance."

Hermione smiled and hugged me before walking back to her room. I on the other hand, walked to my trunk and grabbed some fresh clothes for the journey to the Burrow. I grabbed a t shirt, some blue jeans, a grey sweatshirt, and my Dads watch. I quickly changed and went downstairs to see Monica and Wendell rushing around the house.

"Good morning, Monica." I said politely. "Good morning Wendell. Busy start?"

"Good morning, Y/N!" Monica said kindly. "Just a few last minute appointments today, so we have to leave early. We'll have a few minutes to see you and Hermione off, do we, Wendell?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "About 20 minutes."


"Should I go grab Hermione." I asked. "Let her know?"

"Oh yes, that would be nice, dear." Monica said.

I walked back up the stairs into Hermione's room, where she was in front of a vanity fixing her hair with a brush. She was wearing a pink top and some blue jeans. She was even wearing the necklace I gave her outside her shirt.

"Hey." I said quietly. Chuckling as Hermione jumped up from her seat.

"Hey." Hermione gave a small smile as she blushed. "You look nice."

"Oh, u-uh, thanks." I replied. "You look rather cute! Errr."

Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth.

"You ready to go?" Hermione asked as she stood up with Crookshanks in her arms.

"All set." I responded as Gracie walked up to me, brushing her head against my leg as I picked her up. She and Crookshanks slept in Hermione's room last night.

As we made our way down the stairs, I got a vial of floo powder that I received from my Uncle ready, and prepared the fire.

Before we could start the fire,

"Y/N, could I talk to you for a moment." Wendell asked.

"Uh, yes sir." I replied as I made my way to him.

"I just wanted to reiterate what I told you last night." He began. "I'm rooting for you kid, take care of my daughter."

"I will, sir." I said as he placed his hand on my shoulder as we walked back.

"You two take care." He said to Hermione and me.

I prepared the fire and gave the powder to Hermione. "Now what you want to do is say, 'The Burrow' and drop the powder." I said. Hermione and I stepped inside with our things and said "The Burrow!"

And within a matter of seconds, we were inside the Weasley home.

Hermione's POV

As we entered through the fireplace, we only found 4 of the Weasleys in the living room, including another red headed girl who also sat with them. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley sat on the couch while two older boys stood walking around. Ginny looked up as we exited the fireplace and sprung up to hug us. She jumped into Y/Ns arms and hugged him first, which made me a bit jealous, but I knew she fancied Harry, and she and Y/N were good friends. She then hugged me tightly.

"Oh, it's so wonderful to see you two!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed as she took us in a motherly hug. "I don't think you've met our oldest sons and our second daughter, have you?"

Second daughter?

"Hello." One of the red headed men said. "You must be Ron's friends. I'm William, but you can call me Bill."

"And I was supposed to meet the 2 of you years ago!" The other man said. "I'm Charlie."

"Nice to meet you guys!" Y/N said. "I'm Y/N L/N, and this is Hermione Granger."

"The badass friends of our brother, Ron." Charlie said. "Especially you, Y/N."

"Thanks mate." Y/N snickered before turning to the other girl in the room, who was stunning pretty quite honestly.

"I don't think we've met." Y/N said to the girl.

"Heather." She said kindly. "I unfortunately, happen to be Ronald's twin."

A/N: Kathryn McNamara as Heather Weasley

Ron's twin? How?

"Really?" I said. "Ron has never once mentioned you before."

"Oh that bitโ€”" Heather started before Mrs. Weasley gave her a menacing glare.

"Sorry, Mum." she said shyly before looking at the ground.

"That's alright, dear." Mrs. Weasley replied. "Heather attends Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France. We felt it would be a better environment for her."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Heather." Y/N said kindly. "I'm surprised Ron has never mentioned you before."

"I live in France with my friend Natasha during the school year." Heather responded. "I'm trying to transfer to Hogwarts next term."

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went to grab Harry from those Muggles." Charlie replied. "They should be here any mom-"

And just as Charlie was speaking, there was a loud thud from the fireplace as Fred and George came out stuffing what looked like sweets back into their pockets."

"Hello there!" They greeted us.

" back in our pockets." Fred said. "Wonder if that other Muggle took the bait."

"What are you two talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Please tell me you did something to those horrible people." Y/N said as I playfully slapped his arm.

And just then, Harry and Ron dropped through while Mr. Weasley followed a few minutes later.

"That was not funny, Fred!" He scolded. "What on Earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

"I didn't give him anything." Fred grinned. "I just dropped it...his own fault he went and ate it, I never told him too."

"Who?" Y/N asked.

"Dudley." Harry smirked.

"You dropped it on purpose!" Mr. Weasley said. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet.."

"And about time too."

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked.

"It was about four feet before his parents let me shrink it."

Everyone roared with laughter, myself included. Heather rolled on the floor howling. I've never seen Dudley before, but it was still funny to imagine that.

"This isn't funny!" Mr. Weasley said. "This sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spent half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles, and my own sonsโ€”"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a Muggle!" Fred countered.

"We gave it to him because he's a great bullying guy." George continued. "Isn't that right, Harry?"

"He is, Mr. Weasley." Harry replied.

"That's besides the point! You wait until I tell your Motherโ€”"

"Tell me what?" A voice came from behind them.

"You are screwed now, Dad."

While Mrs. Weasley was arguing with her husband, me, Y/N, Ron, Ginny, and Heather went upstairs to a room.

"I see you guys have met my twin sister." Ron said as we made our way up the stairs.

"Ron, we've known each other for years and you've never mentioned how you have a twin." Y/N replied.

"Yeah, screw you, Ron for never mentioning me." Heather argued.

"I forgot."

"How do you forget you have another sibling?"

"It happens...."

As we made our way into the room, I could see out of the corner of my eye, Harry talking to Heather, but he could not keep his eyes off her.

I wonder if Y/N thinks she's pretty? I hope she doesn't try to steal him from me.

As the argument downstairs continued, Mrs Weasley mentioned something called, 'Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes"

"What is Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?" Harry asked, which earned a laugh from Ron, Heather, and Ginny.

"Mum found this stack of order forms when she was cleaning Fred and George's room." Ron said. "Great long list for stuff they've invented. Joke stuff, you know. Fake wands and trick sweets, loads of stuff. It was brilliant, I never knew they'd been inventing all that...."

"We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages." Ginny said. "But we never thought they'd actually be making things. We thought they'd like the noise."

"Most of the stuff is really dangerous." Heather continued. "I think they were planning on selling some once they got back to school to make some money, and Mum went mad at them. Told them they weren't allowed to make more of it, burned all the order forms.....she's upset with them anyways."

"Didn't get as much O.W.L.s as she expected."

A door next to us opened as Percy poked out with an annoyed expression. "Hi, Percy." Harry said kindly.

"Oh, hello, Harry." Percy said as he ignored us. I was wondering who was making all that noise, I'm trying to work here, you know. I've got a report to finish for the office and it's rather difficult to concentrate when people keep thundering up and down theโ€”"

"Wonderful Perc." Heather said. "Go back to working and leave us the hell alone."

Percy looked furiously at us as we failed to hold in our laughter, and stormed out of the room.



We went to Bills room, where I stayed my second year. We all unpacked and got ready for dinner where Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, and Charlie were all talking about the World Cup.

"It's got to be Ireland." Charlie said confidently. "They flattened Peru in the semifinals."

"Bulgaria has Viktor Krum, though." Fred continued.

"Who?" I asked.

"You don't know who Viktor Krum is?"

"If I don't know, he's probably not that important."

"Krums one decent player." Charlie responded. "Ireland has seven. I wish England had got through though."

"Yeah, that was quite embarrassing." I said.

After we ate dinner, Mrs. Weasley served us her homemade strawberry ice cream and we went outside to watch the sunset. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I all sat down together, with Heather and Ginny joining us after a few moments while everyone enjoyed the sight before us.

I suddenly felt a slight weight on my shoulder and as I turned to look, Hermione had fallen asleep. I wrapped my arm around her as Gracie and Crookshanks walked over to us. The cats jumped onto our laps and curled up.

"So." Ron said to us, but mostly to Harry. "Have you heard from Sirius?"

"Yeah." Harry said. "He seems okay. I wrote to him yesterday. He might write back while I'm here."

"Oh, look at the time!" Mrs Weasley said as she checked her watch. "You should really be in bed, the whole lot of you! You'll have to be up at the crack of dawn to get to the cup. Harry, Y/N, Ron, Hermione, if you leave your school list out, I'll get your things for you tomorrow in Diagon Alley. I'm getting everyone else's. There might not be time after the World Cup, the match went on for five days last time."

"Wow." Harry said. "Hope it does this time."

"It'd be a nice birthday present." I replied.

We all stood up and got ready for bed at around 10:30. Hermione and woken up and we went to our room to our separate beds as the cats walked in behind us. Gracie and Crookshanks walked around in a circle and laid down together.

Before we went to bed, Hermione hugged me. "Goodnight Y/N." She said sweetly.

"Goodnight, Mione." I replied while returning the hug. "Sweet dreams."

I kissed her forehead as we both got into our beds. Soon enough, we both fell asleep.

This World Cup should be fun.

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