Chapter 47 - McGonagall's Announcement

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3rd POV

Y/N walked outside of the tent only to be met with the sight of a massive dragon with black scales and large fangs.

Romanian Demonskull's were some of the most deadliest dragons to exist, so no doubt was it going to be a challenge.

Y/N quickly scanned the arena, looking for any familiar faces that he could see. His eyes settling on Dumbledore, who looked extremely calm despite the circumstances.

"Listen." Y/N said calmly to the dragon, hoping it would work. "I don't want to be here, and I'm pretty certain you don't want to be here either, so why don't I just grab the egg and leave you alone, then we can about our separate ways, yeah?"

That was clearly the wrong thing to say, as the dragon perked up at the voice and swung its tail down hard on Y/N.

Luckily, Y/N managed to dive out of the way in time, causing the spectators to scream in fright.

"Alright then." Y/N said as he dusted himself off. "Game on."

The Demonskull sent off a fury of flames, causing Y/N to hide behind some rocks for protection so he could figure out what to do next.

Clearly going into this task without a plan was a horrible idea.

Y/N pulled his wand out, casting a shield charm between him and the flames.

Y/N dropped the shield and rolled over on his side, and before the Demonskull could clamp its massive jaws onto his body,

"Flipendo!" Y/N casted, sending the dragon flying backwards. Which gave him enough time to think about what he needed to do next.

Y/N sprinted to the edge of the stadium, where he caught a glimpse of Hermione and Ron. The former looking extremely worried for her best friend as she watched him try not to die.

The Demonskull's nostrils smoked in anger, it was clearly getting pissed at Y/Ns spell from earlier.

A large blast of fire was sent towards Y/N, who hid behind another rock to block the flames.

The Demonskull swooped down and tried to attack Y/N, who pointed his wand forward and shouted,


Dozens of large rocks came hurling from behind Y/N, hitting the Demonskull directly in the face, sending it flailing to the ground in agony.

"I'm not sorry about that!" Y/N called out as he walked over to claim his prize.

But before he could do so, he was knocked into the air by a swinging tail, hurling him over to the side of the enclosure, where he slammed into the wall, groaning in pain.

Meanwhile in the stands, Natasha had jumped into Sam's arms after seeing Y/N slam into the wall, causing them both to blush furiously.

Hermione was the most terrified, covering her face at the sight of Y/N on the ground, Selena, Leo, and Andy were trying their best to comfort the traumatized girl.

Ron Weasley on the other hand, was really starting to question his actions within the last few weeks, after what he had just seen with Harry and now Y/N, there's no way that his best mates would have wanted to enter something like this with their own will.

He had truly felt like a git.

Professor McGonagall was close to storming down herself to let the dragon tamers come help, her godson looked nowhere near ready to get up on his own, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway, as it would not be fast enough before the Demonskull made Y/N it's next meal.

"Get up Y/N!"

"Fight back!"

"Dammit Y/N! Wake up!"

"Well it looks like I won my bet!"

Somehow, Y/N had woken up to the sound of these pleas, getting up slowly from his spot on the ground.

He picked up his wand that was laying on the ground next to him, casting "episky." on himself to heal the wounds that he sustained.

As the dragon came closer towards Y/N, he pointed his wand forward and shouted,

"Accio sword!"

The entire stadium went silent, everyone not knowing why Y/N had just said that.

After a few measly seconds, the Sword of Gryffindor flew into Y/Ns hands, causing the stadium to erupt in cheers. Hermione was the loudest of them all.


"Let's go, Y/N!"

"Holy shit!"

"This is bloody incredible!"

The Demonskull let out another blast of flames towards Y/N. Although this time, Y/N blocked the flames back towards the dragon.

A/N: I'm not sure if it is, but let's pretend the sword of Gryffindor is flame repellant.

Which of course, led to another massive cheer from the crowd.

As Y/N continued to deflect the flames away using the sword, he slowly moved along the border of the stadium, inching closer and closer to the egg in the middle of the enclosure.

Eventually, he slowly crept up to the egg, grasping it in his hands and raising it high for the crowd to see.

Y/N caught Koen Moore and Luke Phoenix jumping up and down like idiots. Even Ash, who was probably one of the most calm person that Y/N knows, was going crazy over his efforts.

And then there was Hermione, crying tears of joy while screaming positive words.

He had never felt so proud of something in his life.

And this was pretty damn cool.

"Can you believe this?!!" Ludo Bagman yelled from the stands. "Our second youngest champion has retrieved the egg in outstanding fashion! And only came out with a few scratches!"


All things considered, that went well.

As I collected the egg, I made my way back inside the tent, where I twirled around the sword in my hand.

I entered and immediately was swarmed by a large group of people, including Cedric, Fleur, and Harry. I glanced over to the corner to see a very pissed off Viktor Krum.

A/N: You will see in later parts of the book how much I hate this guy.

I don't know what the hell his deal is.

"That was bloody incredible!" Harry shouted.

"Good job, mate!" Cedric followed up.

"That was amazing!" Fleur said.

I thanked everyone, and followed Harry outside the tent, where Krum continued to glare at me the entire way out.

"I could have done that myself." Krum said to me as I reached the exit.

"Oh piss off, egghead." I sneered as I went outside, where we saw Hermione and surprisingly Ron, waiting outside for us.

"You scared me half to death!" Hermione exclaimed while hugging me tightly. "But you were amazing."

"Thank you, Mione." I smiled as I continued to hug her as Ron looked at us like he wanted to apologize.

"Harry, Y/N." He said. "Whoever put your names in the Gobletโ€”I โ€”I reckon their trying to do you in!"

Oh Merlin, he finally came to his senses.

"Caught on, have you?" Harry said in a cold tone. "Took you long enough."

There was an awkward pause for a few seconds, before Harry softened his face.

"It's okay Ron, just forget it."

"No." Ron said. "I shouldn't haveโ€”"

"Just forget it, mate." I laughed, while Hermione burst into tears.

"But there's nothing to cry about!" Harry said in confusion.

"You three are so stupid!" Hermione shouted.

"Okay, Mione." I snickered. "Should we go see how many points we got?"

"That's a good idea."

Harry's scores came up first. Madame Maxine raised her wand in the air and shot a silver eight into the sky. Crouch then shot up a nine along with Dumbledore, Bagman had shot up a ten, and Kakaroff had given Harry......a four.

"What the hell?" Luke Phoenix shouted.

"You have Krum a ten!" Andy followed.

"And he didn't do shit!" Heather followed up.

"Biased bitch!" Mia, Pansy, and Leo said together.

My scores had come after, I didn't expect to get a whole lot due to my first half of diving behind rocks, but to my surprise, Madame Maxine had given me an 8, Crouch had given me a 9, Dumbledore an 9, and Bagman gave a 10.

And Kakaroff....... a 5.

But no matter, I was now tied in first place with Harry and Krum.

"You two are tied in first place!" Charlie shouted as he ran up to us. "Listen, I've got to run and send Mum and owl, I swore I'd tell her what happened, but that was bloody unbelievable! Oh yeah, they told me to tell you that you've to wait around a few more minutes.....Bagman wants a word in the champions tent."

I looked at hermione, who nodded and smiled as me and Harry went back inside the champions tent, where Cedric was being treated for a burn he had received while fighting his dragon.

"Good job, you two." He smiled.

"Could say the same about you." I replied.

"Well done, all of you!" Bagman said. "Now, just a few quick words. You've got a nice long break before the second task, which will take place at half past nine on the morning of February the twenty fourthโ€”but we're giving you something to think about in the meantime! If you looks down at those golden eggs you're all holding, you will see that they will open....see the hinges there?"

We each looked at our eggs and noticed the hinges.

"You need to solve the clue inside the egg-because it will tell you what the second task is, and enable you to prepare for it! All clear? Sure? Well, off you go then!"

And before we could leave, a familiar witch had stopped us.

How is it that she can be everywhere?

"Congratulations, you two!" She beamed at us. "I wonder if you could give me a quick word? How do you feel after facing the dragon? How did you summon that sword? How do you feel now, about the fairness in scoring?"

There's a lot I can say about the scoring, but this lady is pissing me off so much right now.

"Yeah, you can have a word," Harry said. "Goodbye."

"How about two words?" I asked. "Fuck you."

And after we had walked away from Skeeter, another distraction came.

This one in the form of one Antoinette Henry.

"Congratulations Y/N!" She exclaimed while bringing me in for a tight hug. Which caught me off guard.

"Uh, t-thanks Antoinette." I said before she released me.

As she walked back to her other friends, she winked at me before turning around.

"Let's head back." Harry said as I nodded.

Harry's POV

As we got back to the Gryffindor Common Room, we lifted the golden eggs high in the air as people cheered.

The Weasley twins raised us on their shoulders and shouted, "We knew you two wouldn't die!"

"Lose a leg!"

"Break an arm!"

"Pack it all together!"


"Although Y/N gave us quite a scare."

"Go on, you two!" Kieran said as he handed us the eggs. "What's the clue?"

"You want us to open it?" I asked for their cheers.

"You want us to open it?" Y/N shouted as everyone cheered in delight.

"Alright, let's do it!"

As we opened the eggs, a loud screeching noise came from within, and it was horrible.

Almost like a banshee screaming.

"Close the egg!" Raymond and Dean shouted as we shut the eggs.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron said.

"Alright everyone." Fred said. "Go back to your knitting, this is going to be uncomfortable without all you nosey sods listening in."

"It was someone being tortured!" Neville said. "You're going to have to fight the Crutiatus Curse!"

A bit dramatic but alright.

"Don't be a prat, Neville, that's illegal," George said. "They wouldn't use the Crutiatus Curse on the champions, I thought it sounded like Percy singing.....maybe you've got to attack him when he's in the shower.

"Want a jam tart, Hermione?" Fred asked her.

"It's all right." Fred said as Hermione gave him a doubtful look. "I haven't done anything to them. It's the custard creams you've got to watch."

Neville then spit out his custard cream as Fred laughed.

Hermione grabbed the tart. "Did you get all this from the kitchens, Fred?"

"Yep!" Fred said as he grinned from ear to ear, before imitating a house elf.

"Anything we can get you, sir, anything at all? Their dead helpful......get me a roast oc if I said I was peckish."

"How did you get in there?"

"Easy! Concealed door behind a painting of a bowl of fruit. Just tickle the pear and it giggles and-why?"

"Nothing," she said rather quickly.

"Just out of curiosity." Y/N followed up. "No need to get too serious about it."



A month has flown by since then, it's now December and the snow was starting to fall outside.

We were currently eating breakfast before I noticed Harry spewing liquid out of his mouth while looking at Cho.

"You okay there?" I asked as he nodded quickly.

"Perfectly fine." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say, mate."

"Look at this!" Hermione said. "I can't believe she's done it again. Viktor Krum, world famous seeker seems to be developing a taste for some Hogwarts students, especially one Hermione Granger. No official word on how Y/N L/N is reacting to this news."

I felt a strange feeling in my stomach as I bent my fork underneath the table.

"Excuse me?" I said angrily. "That bastard is eighteen, bloody pedophile."

But before I could go on about Krum some more,

"Letter for you, Mr. Weasley." Nigel Wolpert, a Gryffindor first year said to Ron.

Nigel then looked directly towards me and Harry, as if he was waiting for something.

"Not now, Nigel." Ron said to him. "Later."

Nigel still continued to look around.

"Go on." Ron nudged him before Nigel walked away from our table.

"What was that about?" I asked as we looked at Ron.

"I told him I'd get Y/N and Harry's autographs. Oh wait, Mums saying something about those dress robes we had to get."

"Like the ugly, tattered ones we saw you receive?"

"Please don't remind me."

"It's not hard to forget."


Later that day, Mum had gathered all of Gryffindor House to the Great Hall.

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception." Mum said. "On Christmas Eve, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this because the Yule Ball is first and foremost....a dance."

Some of the boys groaned while the girl looked very ecstatic.

Personally I don't see the big deal.

"Silence, the house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizarding World for nearly ten centuries." Mum continued. "I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!"

"Try saying that five times fast." Fred said to George as they both attempted to do it.

"Now to dance is to let the body breathe." Mum said. "Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight. Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley! Will you join me?"

"Me?" Ron asked.

"Yes, now please join me."

"You heard the woman." I said as I pushed him upwards.

She pulled Ron into her and got him ready to dance. "Now place your right hand on my waist." She directed him.

"Where?" Ron asked nervously.

"My waist. Now bend your arm. Mr. Filch?" She asked him to play some music.

"One two three. One two three. One two three."

I looked up to Harry and the Weasley twins, who were laughing their asses off.

"Oi! You're never going to let him live this down are you?" Harry asked us.

"Never." The Twins replied.

"Not for a god damn second." I said.

"Everyone come together!" Mum said as the girls and some of the boys, including myself stood up.

"Boys on your feet."

The boys didn't listen and continued to sit down.

I on the other hand, made my way over to Hermione, who was sitting down with a smile.

"You wanna dance?" I asked her as I bowed.

"I would love to." Hermione said with a smirk as I took her hand and led her onto the floor.

"I have to warn you." I said as we reached the floor. "I'm not much of a dancer."

"It's alright." Hermione replied. "I'll guide you. You just have to put your hands hereโ€”- and then we begin."

I placed my hands on her waist as she placed her hands ok my shoulders. Soon enough, we began to dance.

And I'm not as bad as I thought.

We actually moved very well together, almost like we were both in sync. We continued to dance as the others watched and the music ended. Everyone clapped as we smiled at each other.

"Amazing!" Mum cried out. "This is exactly what I want to see from everyone at the ball!"

"Do you expect any less of me, Mum?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes.

After our lesson, there was a great rush to the door, but before I could leave, Mum had called me back for another "word."

I don't think I did anything bad.

"Potter and Y/N." Mum began as me and Harry walked back. "The champions and their partners-"

"What partners?" Harry asked.

"Your partners for the Yule Ball, Potter." Mum said coldly, as if she was in disbelief by this question.

"Dance partners?" Harry asked. "I don't dance."

"Oh, yes you do." Mum said. "That's what I'm telling you both. Traditionally the three champions, in this case five, and their partners will open the ball."

"I'm not dancing." Harry said firmly.

"It is traditional. You are a Hogwarts champion, and you will do what is expected of you as a representative of this school. So make sure you get yourself a partner, Potter."


"That is my final word." Mum said before turning to me. "Is this going to be an issue, Y/N?"

"Not at all, Mum." I said as she smiled.

"Why can't you be more like L/N, Potter?" She asked before walking out of the room.

Harry grumbled on our way back to the Common Room about having to find a partner to the Ball. Me on the other hand, I was pretty excited to be honest.

And I know who I want to ask.

A/N: I sincerely apologize for the extremely long delay. School has become my number one priority at the moment and it's taken up quite a lot of my time, especially now that finals are coming up. But after that I will have more time because of summer! Which is great!

Looking forward, not to far away from the Yule Ball, and chapter 51, which is going to be very fun for me to write and hopefully fun for you guys as well ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

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