Chapter 5 - First Day Shenanigans

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The next morning, I woke in my bed to find that I was the only person awake, well besides Gracie.

It's 6 o'clock in the morning, that is probably why.

Breakfast was supposed to start at 9am so I tried to go back to sleep but it was no use. So I got out of my bed and put on my robes, which now resembled the Gryffindor house crest rather than the Hogwarts crest which was originally there.

I scooped up Gracie from off of my bed and brought her down to the common room in my arms.

I also brought down my Transfiguration book as it would be the first class for today. I already read the book once, but I decided to read up on it again with Gracie resting on my lap.

The Gryffindor common room had this sense of warmth and comfort. There was a very cozy feel about the room that wasn't just coming from the fireplace in front of me.

I didn't notice how much I was into my reading until I heard,


I turned around to see the familiar face of my best friend Hermione Granger, she must have just woken up and was fixing her hair. She sat down next to me and asked, "what are you doing up so early?"

"Good morning, Mione!" I said with a smile. None of us even mentioned the use of the nickname I just gave her.

"I couldn't sleep so I came down, and started reading up on the first class today, what about you?" I asked.

"I felt a bit homesick" Hermione replied in a shy tone.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"I kind of miss my mum and dad." She replied in a very sad tone, almost like she was embarrassed by the statement.

I went to give her a side hug, which she surprisingly accepted as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Listen" I said "I know how you feel, it's a new place with a lot of new things we are going to experience, it's both scary and exciting at the same time" I said sincerely.

"But you have me, as well as everyone else in our house that are here for you. So don't hesitate to talk to me about anything ok?" I whispered

"She then turned to me and gave me a smile.

"Thank you Y/N" she whispered.

After that talk she noticed Gracie laying down on my lap and her face filled with happiness.

Wow, she looks really cute when she's happy.

"Aww is that your kitten?" She asked me.

"Yep, this is Gracie. My uncle bought her for me as an early birthday present." I said as I stroked her fur.

"She is so adorable!" She exclaimed "is it all right if I hold her?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course!" I replied with a smile as she scooped up the kitten and cradled her in her arms.

Gracie actually seemed very comfortable with her, she purred very softly as Hermione stroked her fur. Clearly enjoying the attention.

We then talked about ourselves and the different things we liked until she asked a question that I really wish I didn't have to answer.

"Do you have any family?" She asked me

I mean I did have family, I lived with my Uncle but that's it.

"I live with my Uncle, but that's pretty much it." I replied

"What about your mum and dad?" She asked me

I mean, I don't know a whole lot about my mum and dad, they both died when I was young. I really didn't want to answer this but I did anyway.

"My parents died when I was really young" I said sadly. "I've lived with my uncle for as long as I can remember."

Hermione's face then turned into a look of regret, like she felt as if she insulted me with the question.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" she whispered softly as she gave me a light hug.

I was surprised by the contact but I soon melted into it. Suddenly, I had a funny feeling in my stomach as I was hugging her.

Ignoring these feelings, I replied "It's ok Hermione, I just don't talk about it a whole lot."

We released our hug, but she still had a worried expression on her face. So to alleviate her concerns I asked about her family.

"I have my mum and dad, they were very supportive of me when I wanted to come here." She said.

"Same with my Uncle", I replied. "He was pretty excited when he gave me my letter".

We must have been deep in conversation for a couple hours because slowly but surely, the Gryffindors all came downstairs to go to breakfast.

"I'm going to get my things from my dormitory" I said to Hermione. "I'll meet you back down and we can go to breakfast?"

"Sounds like a plan" she replied with a smile.

I smiled back and went up to my dormitory.

Hermione's POV

As I sat in the common room waiting for Y/N to come back with Gracie on my lap, my mind went back to the conversation we had before.

There's something different about him, I've only just became friends with him, but I feel like I've known him for all of my life.

We have lots of things in common and books was definitely one of them.

He was very different from the kids I met in primary school. I didn't have any friends before I met him and he has been so nice to me.

I also get a very strange feeling in my stomach whenever I am around him.

I'm really glad to have met Y/N!

I continued to pet Gracie who was still on my lap and purring softly.

"Who's an adorable kitty cat" I cooed to the kitten "Yes you are! Yes you are!"


I came back into the common room shortly and I watched Hermione play with my kitten until she noticed me and placed Gracie on the floor.

"Shall we go?" she asked

"Yes please, I'm starving!" I replied

As we made our way to the portrait hole, my stomach started to growl.

"Case in point" I said as we both laughed in response

We both reached the hall and dug into our food. I was eating a full English while Hermione was eating a bowl of cornflakes.

Gracie followed us to the hall as she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for free food. She jumped onto the table and started chewing on a sausage from my plate. Hermione found it to be quite adorable.

Professor McGonagall marched up and down the rows of benches handing out time tables to the students. Me and Hermione had gotten ours and were about to make our way to the Transfiguration classroom until I ran into Dean, Seamus, and Neville.

"Hey do you guys know where Harry and Ron are?" I asked.

"They're still sleeping, we tried everything." Dean replied as I looked towards Hermione and we both shrugged.

We both made our way to the classroom early. I told Gracie to go back to the common room and we went our separate ways.

When we entered the classroom I noticed that we were the first ones who had arrived.

Well I mean us, as well as a tabby cat who sat on top of the desk in front of us. I had a feeling I knew exactly who it was.

"Where's Professor McGonagall?" Hermione asked looking around the room. "Wouldn't she be here early?"

I chuckled and said "Oh she's here all right, in fact she's right on top of the desk." "Isn't that right Professor?" I said to the cat.

"Don't be silly Y/N, Professor McGonagall isn't a cat." Hermione replied in a bossy tone.

When I looked back at the cat it jumped off the table and into its jump, the cat turned into a familiar witch with emerald green robes. Hermione was speechless.

Honestly, I didn't even think I was right when I said that.

"What did I say?" I smirked triumphantly, which resulted in Hermione giving me a playful punch to the arm. "Prat" she giggled.

"Rather outstanding observation, Mr. L/N. How, pray tell did you know that I was an animagus?" She asked while smiling.

"I remember reading that Animagi have traits from when they are human. Your tabby cat form had markings that matched your glasses." I replied

"Exceptionally brilliant, just like your mother." She replied happily, wait how does she know my mum? Probably had her in a class when she was in Hogwarts.

"Very good, 5 points to Gryffindor. Seeing as you and Ms. Granger are the first students here, you may choose your seats." "Pick anywhere you like."

Hermione smiled and pulled me by the hand to the front of the classroom.

Both of us reviewed for the upcoming lesson while other students filed into the class.

Harry's POV

Damn it, how did we end up being late to the first class on the first day?

Ron and I were rushing our way to Transfiguration, hoping that we weren't getting there more late then we already were.

We finally found the classroom and came in. We found Y/N and Hermione sitting together, as well as Neville and the other Gryffindors. Along with a tabby cat on the table.

"Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron asked

"I wouldn't say that if I were you!" Y/N called out to us from the front of the class.

The cat on the table jumped off the desk and turned into Professor McGonagall. When she became human, she stared at us with a disapproving face.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said in an amazed voice. Most likely hoping for McGonagall to forget what he said.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley." The Professor proclaimed. "Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter or yourself into a pocket watch, you might be on time."

"We got lost" I said to the professor

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." McGonagall remarked.

We sat next to Y/N and Hermione and the class began when Professor McGonagall took a seat at her desk.

"Transfiguration is one of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," she told the class. "Anyone messing around in my lessons will leave and not come back. You have been warned." She said.

The Professor then transfigured her desk into a pig and back to a desk again. McGonagall then sent us off on a task to transfigure a match into a needle. It was quite difficult.

By the end of the lesson, only Y/N and Hermione had done anything to their matches. Both had sharp needles growing out of the ends.


We continued to practice the spells until it was time to go to our next class. Charms with Professor Flitwick, which got me really excited to learn spells. We spent the entire lesson practicing wand movements for the levitation spell.

Professor Flitwick was a very short man who had to stand on a stack of books in order to see over his desk. He was the head of Ravenclaw house and he told me happily that my mother happened to be here when he was head of house.

Wow, lots of professors must have enjoyed having my mum as a student. Very interesting.

History of Magic was a bore of a lesson, it was taught by the ghost of a teacher named Professor Binns.

Apparently, he had been very old and fell asleep in front of the staff room fire and woke up the next morning to teach. Except he realized that he left his body behind. Other than the fact that he was a ghost, the lesson almost made me fall asleep, and that's saying quite a bit.

After History of Magic, there was lunch, a flock of owls came through an open area in the ceiling and delivered some mail to the students.

Following lunch was Defense Against the Dark Arts, the lesson was a complete joke. Quirrell's classroom smelled like bad garlic that was apparently used to repel a vampire he had met while on his travels. He told us that his turban, was gifted to him by an African prince as thanks for getting rid of a troublesome zombie. "I really doubt that" I thought in my head

For some reason, Quirrell looked very sketchy to me.

Our next lesson was Herbology. Which was taught by a witch known as Professor Sprout, who was also the head of Hufflepuff House. She also seemed to recognize me as she had my Uncle in her house when he was in school.

In this class, we learned how to take care of all the plants and fungi and learn what they were used for, such as making potions.

Speaking of Potions, that was the Gryffindors final lesson of the day. Which would turn out to be a complete nightmare.

The lesson was taught by Professor Snape, the greasy haired man we saw at the feast last night.

Snape was the head of Slytherin house and apparently always favored students who were in his house.

His classroom was extremely creepy, not only was it in the dungeons, it was lined with tons of jars filled with blood and pickled animals, as well as other various ingredients.

We gazed at the jars until I heard a loud slam at the door, revealing the greasy haired, monotone teacher, Professor Snape.

Harry's POV

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." I started to take down notes as I thought it would be a good idea. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtitle science and exact art that is potion making. However for those select few who possess their predisposition, I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper....." he paused for dramatic effect. "In death"

A/N: Jesus Christ it's like I can hear Alan Rickman while reading this.

"Then again" Snape resumed. "Maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident to I heard him stop midway into writing and felt a slight nudge from Y/N who was sitting between me and Hermione.


Snape stared down at Harry

"Mr. Potter." Snape said as he moved towards him.

"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

Me and Hermione's hands sprung into the air instantly.

"I don't know, sir" Harry answered

"Let's try again, Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?"

Jesus Christ mate, give the guy a break I'm right here with my hand up.

"I don't know, sir"

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" He asked again.

"I. Am. Sitting. Right. Here. Dammit" I thought in my head.

"I don't know, sir." He repeated for a third time. "Clearly Y/N and Hermione know, it's a pity not to ask them."

"Very well then." He said while glaring at Harry. "Clearly......fame.......isn't.......everything. Is it Mr. Potter?"

This guy is a real git

"Miss Granger, Mr. L/N, do you care to answer what your classmate clearly cannot?"

"Well for your first question Professor, Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion called the Draught of the Living Death, putting anyone who consumes it into a very deep sleep." I stated

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat which can save you from most poisons." Hermione followed up with an "as a matter of fact" tone in her voice.

"Monkswood and wolfsbane are part of the same plant..."

"Which also goes by the name of an aconite." We said together, which caused us to smile at each other.

Wow this girl is bloody brilliant.

"20 points from Gryffindor for being insufferable know it all's. And I'll be taking away 5 points for your cheek Potter, maybe it'll teach you to pick up a book once in a while."

What. The. F*ck

"Are you kidding me?" I said angrily "we answered all your damn questions correctly." Hermione started tugging on my robes trying to calm me down.

"10 more points for talking back to a teacher. Now I suggest you shut your mouth L/N, before you get into even more trouble!"

"Greasy haired bitch" I muttered under my breath

"What did you say L/N??" He glared down at me

Before I could respond, I saw Hermione out of the corner in my eye shaking her head telling me to back down.

"Nothing sir" I replied bitterly

"That's what I thought." He swung back around towards his desk. I then saw Malfoy smirking at me. It's obvious Snape was looking for reasons to knock points off Gryffindor.

35 points lost in one day for absolutely no reason. Jesus Christ.

The class ended up taking 2 hours and finally when it ended everyone left the classroom quickly.

"I'm glad that's over." Ron said happily. "Can you believe Snape? Bloody hell Y/N, you and Hermione got all the questions right and he still punished you over it?"

"Snape was also pretty harsh on Harry. That was bloody ridiculous" I said

"Quite right" Harry replied

"I'm just glad we're not in there anymore!" Ron exclaimed. The mans an absolute nightmare!!

"Greasy haired bastard he is" I said with venom laced in my voice

"Y/N!!!! Language!" Hermione said to me with a glare.

"You know I'm right Granger" I replied with a smile as she blushed a heavy red.

While Harry and Ron went back to the common room, me and Hermione went to the library for some studying.

What an interesting first day.

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