The Nutcracker

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Children sleeping
Snow is softly falling
Dreams are calling
Likes bells in the distance

We were dreamers
Not so long ago
But one by one
We all had to grow up

Believe in what your heart is saying
Hear the melody that's playing
There's no time to waste
There's so much to celebrate

Believe in what you feel inside
And give your dreams the wings to fly
You have everything you need
If you just believe


Full Name
Elizabeth Rose Drosselmeyer

Elizabeth—God is my oath
Rose—rose flower

Eliza, Rina (short for Ballerina)




Kristine Froseth

Elizabeth Rose Drosselmeyer is one of those people who you just instantly love. She has a heart of gold and is not afraid to share it with the world. Everyone has described her to be a dreamer with her head in the clouds, always imaging the world to be a better place and seeing the best in people.

She never turns away from a person in need, always placing others above her own needs from assisting the older folks at the store to taking time out of her day to help train the younger ballerinas. Some might even call her a modern-day princess with how she acts so kind and selflessly.

As a ballerina, Elizabeth knows how to hold her composure and emotions, not that she can do so for long. She is calm under pressure but is still human. Elegant and graceful are two terms often used to describe her natural charisma. Never one to lose her composure or get angry, Elizabeth is always a bright light.

She typically wears a sweet smile on her face, but there are certain times and people that bring out a true and wider smile on her face. Like anyone, she has her ups and downs but tries to not let it be a bother to anyone or let it affect her too much.

Ballet, dancing, dresses, pink, Christmas, snowflakes on eyelashes, making cookies, large sweaters, tall boots, hot chocolate, family, falling asleep by the fire

Runny noses, ice, cold, blisters, runs in tights, violence, sleeping too late, swimming, the smell of incense, arguing with her sister, card games (always loses), heartbreak

None (yet)

Elizabeth Rose Drosselmeyer was born the younger daughter to Kristofer and Patricia Drosselmeyer, who had already been graced with a daughter named Adeline Noelle Drosselmeyer. They were so pleased to have another child and so the four of them were a happy family.

Growing up, Elizabeth found a love for dance, especially ballet leading to her parents enrolling her into dance classes which soon become her pride and joy. She found a part of herself in it and knew every time she danced that she was meant for it.

Every year, her favorite holiday was always Christmas and she always watched the Nutcracker ballet, loving it ever since her parents showed it to her and she was able to perform it one year. The Christmas before her father passed away, he took the Nutcracker they used for decorating every year and told her a story of magic.

Elizabeth was only six years old when her father passed away from health problems, only being able to remember all the happy parts. The years after his death were hard on the family, but they pulled through strong and united. Elizabeth danced on and on, showing enough skill to make a career of it.

Years passed and their mother remarried a man named Julius Clapton and even though they got married, all the girls kept their same names. Elizabeth got welcomed into a university of the arts, pursuing her dream of dance but something still feels missing no matter what she does. Somehow, she feels this upcoming Christmas will hold the key to it.

—her favorite thing is when it snows at night and everything looks peaceful and calm
—is the lead ballerina at her ballet school
—wants to travel to Paris one day
—as cliche as it sounds, roses are her favorite flower
—if she went to Hogwarts she'd be a Hufflepuff
—prefers tea over coffee
—has always believed in magic
—always smells like vanilla


*Theme Song
'Fearless' by Taylor Swift

"And find the place where every single thing you see tells you to stay"

"This princess saves herself"

"I express myself better in dance than words"

"The world needs some more dreamers"


Full Name
Quintilus Drystan Kavan

Quintilus—fifth born
Drystan—full of sorrow

Quin, Mouse Prince




Thomas Doherty

Quintilus Drystan Kavan is a complex guy. He is the kind of person that puts on different masks and personalities depending on who is around him. Around his mother, he is probably the worst, dawning the "son of the mouse queen" facade. It is the one he wears the most, often leading people to think of him as a villain.

He is a snarky guy with a dry sense of humor. Not to mention he is not a people person. Quin is rude and has tough skin, making it hard for him to converse with people easily. Think of him as a Mr. Darcy type, but more with a bad boy edge. He has a habit of getting himself into trouble and fights, often seeming to not care about the consequences of his actions.

One thing that he takes after his mother is his cunning and deceitful nature, he will do what it takes to achieve what he desires. However, unlike his mother, he does have a good heart. It somewhere inside his morally grey soul, but he is starting to see the differences between the way his mother raised him to view the world and what it is really like.

Something that people don't typically know about him is something he picked up from his father, a love for stories and legends. Quin is extremely intelligent, finding love for reading at a young age and that just blossomed into something bigger. He typically keeps this side of him to himself, as it shows some of his softer and more vulnerable sides that contrast the way the world has become under his mother's rule.

Starry nights, mountains, crisp mornings, swordplay, horseback riding, stew, campfires, large windows, walking in the snow, deep forests, capes, history, the Archives of Old

His mother, heat flashes, sun shining off the snow, small daggers, cookies that are too crispy,

—small touch of dark magic
—has the ability to manipulate darkness/shadows
—can turn into shadows/materialize through things

Quintilus Drystan Kavan was born to Sabine Thalassa Kavan and Geoffrey Phineas Corvina. At the time, Sabine was an advisor to the Sugar Plum Queen and Geoffrey was the head historian at the Archives of Old, the ancient library that holds books and other things from all across the land. They were never the ideal couple but one steamy night led to Quintilus coming along.

He grew up never knowing where he belonged, stuck trying to find a place in the world of old scrolls and legends from his father and the world of diplomacy and serving the royals of his mother. He ended up spending very little time with his father after the two got into a serious fight about something. Only later did he realize that it was because of his mother's aspirations for power and glory.

By the time he caught onto the signs of his mother's descent into madness from her cravings, it was too late. One late night, she went out and a curse was etched upon the land. Everything erupted into chaos and by morning she declared herself ruler of all. Now, Quintilius was left with a title that had no real meaning. Very few people could access their full extent of power, a blocker placed on the whole land.

A few years passed with her as the ruler, no one besides her and her loyal subjects were happy about the situation. There were rumors of the growing rebellion to set peace again, but there were also rumors about the prophecy being found. However, they always died down, his mother made sure of that.

Late one night, because that is the best time to sneak around, Quintilius was not only able to steal some of his mother's magic, but he also stumbled upon the real prophecy. Alerting no one of his deeds, the prince snuck out of the castle and gave what power he stole back to the rebellion and has been covertly helping them out since, his identity secret.

—has a dark gray horse named Raziel
—is technically not a prince
—he is an excellent swordsman and carries an enchanted sword with him
—secretly is helping out the rebellion
—knows a lot about the folklore and legend of the land
—the only person, that he is aware of, to know what the prophecy said
—a deep lover of poetry
—his only weakness is peppermint candies


*Theme Song
'Cardigan' by Taylor Swift

"Cunning to outwit their foes"

"Stay in the shadows"

"My mother is the only person who I have genuinely been afraid of"

"I am not who my family was"


-private rp with xOfFreeSpiritsx

In a land far away from ours, there is a kingdom. A kingdom that was once filled with snow-capped mountains, beautiful forests, and shining waters. A kingdom that is now filled with terror and fear.

This kingdom was run by the Sugar Plum Fairies, the Chocolates, and the Snowflakes. Everything was peaceful until a woman grew jealous, known as the Mouse Queen for her cunning nature. She was jealous of their happiness and power because she wanted to rule over all the land.

So she went to a sorcerer and created a spell, one that would destroy the magic of the three rulers. The man would not do it and she forced him to grant her magic. With this newfound magic, she had a spy sneak into the palace and steal the magic of the rulers.

Being the most powerful being, the Mouse Queen forced herself to be the sole ruler of the land. Everything seemed to be lost until a prophecy came about.

The only thing was that the prophecy was lost, leaving whatever it left sinking away. People believed it to include a hero, someone who would come and rescue them. But no one knows for sure.

The Sugar Plum Fairies, the Chocolates, and the Snowflakes joined together to overthrow the Mouse Queen. She found out about this and curses the leader of this little rebellion, the Nutcracker. Little did she know, that her son, the Mouse Prince, stole part of her magic and granted it back to the people.

Then, one snowy December night before Christmas two sisters get sent to this land. When fate seems to play a round in this game of thrones, the two sisters find their way into the heart of the rebellion.

As secrets unfold and love starts to blossom, will the truth about why they came here to be revealed, and will they be able to help stop the darkness sweeping over the land? Or will it all be buried underneath the blizzard of darkness?

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