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It was nine in the morning when Mason woke up to someone banging on his door, he grabbed his phone from his nightstand to see the time. He groaned when he saw how early it was before getting up from his bed

When he opened the door, Eloise entered the apartment frantically and he frowned looking back at her while closing the door. Her eyes were puffy and red which only meant that she was crying

"We're screwed" she exclaimed pacing back and forth in the living room "Like we're so fucking screwed"

"What's going on?" He questioned worriedly and she reached inside her pocket pulling out something Mason hadn't expected at all

"I'm pregnant" she revealed and the whole fucking universe seemed to stop at that specific moment, she handed him two positive pregnancy tests. She watched blood drain out of Mason's face

"This can't be right... right?" She asked him as her voice shook and he kept staring at the tests "Right, Mason? I have to take another one, right? I mean things like this happen all the time, the test will be positive but it could be wrong. It's false positive"

"Do you have another test?" He asked but he couldn't look at her, his eyes were fixed on the two red lines. He was hit with the biggest vivid deja vu

"No but I'll go get it now, oh my god, I should've gotten it-"

"I'll get it for you" he finally looked into her eyes and placed the tests on the nearest table "Just sit down and try to calm down, okay? I'll get it for you"

Even though Mason was hundred percent sure that she was pregnant, he needed her to accept it first and if buying her another pregnancy test then so be it. If two tests were positive, then it couldn't be just false or a mistake

"Sit down, please" he grabbed her by her arms gently and made her sit down on the couch and she nodded, he could see in her eyes that she was in denial

Mason thought that maybe if he focused on her emotions then, he'd be a bit distracted because he had no idea what to feel. This was not only a surprise but something he hadn't thought of at all. Sure he was a family guy and wanted to have children in the future but not right now. Especially not after what he had been through with Stella

"Get two, please" she told him and he nodded forcing a smile before wearing his jacket and headed out

After twenty minutes which was like forever to Eloise, Mason opened the door with two pregnancy tests in his hands. She stood up quickly and rushed towards him and when he handed them to her, she looked at him hesitantly

"There's nothing to be afraid of" he assured her cupping her face between his hands "Whatever the results are, we will figure it out, alright, love?"

"Yeah" she breathed out before going to the bathroom

Mason was waiting for her outside, after five minutes Eloise opened the door and he needn't to look at her to know that it was already positive, he bought the tests just to go on with whatever she wanted. She handed him the two tests and let out a sob

She fell down on the floor crying making Mason kneel down on his knees and brought her to his chest, he hated to see her like that and he totally understood what she was feeling. Eloise wasn't ready and he wasn't too, both of them had a busy life and on top of it, they weren't even really together

He kissed the top of her head as she laid her hand against his arm and her cries felt as if it were scraping out of her throat but he didn't stop her. She clutched his arm tightly while crying

"It's okay, let it out" he whispered rubbing her back and she kept on crying, even if it broke him to see her this shattered and sad, he had to bear it for her and he would every time.

Eloise was feeling the weight of the world was on her shoulders, how was she supposed to carry a baby and most importantly how could she get pregnant while she was on the pill, not once she had forgotten to take it, she was always so punctual

"It's gonna be okay" he assured her once more before looking at the test again

"I don't wanna cry" she told him and he held her even more tightly "I don't wanna cry, Mase. It's not fair.. I will be graduating law school in two months. I'm not supposed to be a mom"

He knew she didn't wanna cry in front of him, she always acted so strong and independent when he was around even when she was struggling like right now but he also wanted her to be vulnerable with him

"It's okay, I'm here. I won't let you go"

"I don't understand" she said numbly which broke Mason even more "I never once forgot my pill, I always take it in time... I even had my period two weeks ago, like what the fuck?"

"Hey, look at me" he wiped her tears away with his thumbs as she looked at his eyes, there was no judgment in them, only security and admiration

"Whatever you want to do, we'll do it" he promised her with a firm look "It's your choice, Eloise"

"You're the father" she whispered averting his gaze and he froze when he heard those words coming out of her mouth, it felt surreal when she uttered the word father

"I know but it's your choice, love"

"I mean, I can't be that far long, right? I mean, I can still-" she trailed off not knowing if it's okay to say abort, especially not knowing what Mason was feeling

"Yeah, I think you can still get an abortion" he assured her squeezing her hand gently with a small smile "It's your choice, Eloise... it's gonna be okay, we'll be fine"

"How are you feeling?" She asked curiously and be sighed sitting down opposite her, he looked down with a shrug

"I don't really know, I mean... I wasn't expecting that but I'm mostly scared" he admitted before gazing at her stomach, it was flat but even Eloise recognised that longing stare

"Of Declan?"

"No, no... now that you mentioned him, I have no idea how to face him again but I'm not really scared of him" he cryptically said, he didn't want to tell her that maybe keeping the child wasn't a bad idea but he wasn't going to cloud her judgement

"I can make a few calls, get us an appointment today with a doctor" he told her before standing up and holding his hand for her "Only, I'm supposed to babysit Summer today, she'll be here at ten thirty, I can still call Jaz and-"

"No, no. It's okay, I love Summer" she told him standing up with his help "I'd love to spend time with her"

"She loves you too, you know, the day you left Qatar she asked about you" Mason told her with a small smile "I told her that you had to leave but she'll see you again"

"I need to wash my face before Jaz comes, she'll be here soon" Eloise said forcing a smile and he nodded. She entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her

She looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes were a bit swollen from crying, she was feeling guilty and not even sure why. It wasn't like she expected a bad reaction from Mason but she most certainly didn't expect him to be this calm and understanding about it

She thought that he'd freak out like she was currently feeling but instead he made her feel like it was entirely her choice and perhaps that was why she felt guilty, he had no say in this. She just felt torn

She took a deep breath and washed her face before she felt sickness rising to her throat, she quickly fell down on her knees and started throwing up, her chest was falling up and down due to her heavy breathing

"Eloise, you alright?" Mason asked knocking on the door twice "Eloise!"

"I'm fine" she called out flushing the toilet standing up, she once again washed her face and mouth just when a bell ring sounded in the house. She knew it was Jaz and Summer

Eloise forced a smile and opened the bathroom door to see it was indeed who she expected, she got out making Mason's sister turn around to see it was the youngest Rice. Her jaw dropped in surprise before looking between her brother and Eloise

"Oh" Jaz said and Eloise approached them "Eloise, it's good to see you"

"You're surprised" Eloise raised her eyebrow with a playful smile before looking at Summer who was half asleep "Hey, baby"

"Ellie" Summer beamed and Eloise pulled her between her arms. Jaz chuckled before looking at her brother with a teasing look

"I hope I didn't interrupt" Jaz told them and Eloise shook her head in denial

"No, Ellie insisted that we babysit Summer" Mason spoke with an assuring smile "Go, do your thing, we'll both look after her"

"It's really good to see you, Ellie" Jaz told her sincerely and Eloise smiled kindly "And thank you si much for doing this"

"Anytime, I love Summer and it's good to see you too"

"I'll walk you out" Mason told his sister and they both walked away from Summer and Eloise

"You're dating her? Why you didn't tell me!" Jaz slapped his arm in disbelief and he sighed "And not only dating, she's pregnant!"

"How do you know?" He quickly questioned, I mean there was no way his sister would know just by looking at her

"The pregnancy test on the table" Jaz said in a duh tone and Mason facepalmed himself mentally "I'm not gonna tell anyone"

"She's not sure if she want to keep it... I don't think she will" Mason stated glancing at Eloise who was playing with Summer "And we aren't dating... not yet"

"Do you want her to keep it?" Jaz asked him curiously, she knew her brother too well and she also knew his answer "Just talk to her"

"I can't... If I tell her what I want, it'll cloud her judgement"

"Well, maybe she does want to keep it but scared that you don't want it" Jaz told him with a nod and he finally looked at her with a frown "Go see a doctor and talk to her"

"Her brother doesn't know that we slept together" he revealed shamefully and Jaz looked taken back for a moment "I know that worsen our situation"

"Just talk to her, Mase. She's the important one right now"


It was three pm, Eloise and Mason's appointment at the doctor. The brunette managed to put Jaz down on a nap and drove to the hospital. He could tell she was nervous as she glanced at Summer who was peacefully asleep in her car seat

She found it cute when Mason told her that he bought it for her and never took it out of his car, she took a deep breath when he parked in the empty spot in front of the hospital

"You ready?" He asked her and she nodded removing her seatbelt and he did the same

"Can you carry her without waking her up?" She asked quietly and he looked around at Sleeping Summer

"I'll try"

Mason succeeded in getting her out of the car without waking her, they both walked inside the clinic and went to the receptionist "Mason Mount and Eloise Rice" Eloise said with a polite smile

"Sir, you wait at the room on your left, we need to run some tests on your girlfriend first" the receptionist told Mason who glanced at Eloise, she nodded assuredly as he walked away with Summer

The nurse checked Eloise's blood pressure and her weight assessment, they asked her some questions about when was the last time she had sex, when was her last period and ran a blood test before asking her to pee inside a sterile plastic bowl

Eloise went to the waiting room to see Summer was still sleeping on Mason's chest, she smiled and sat down beside them. She just put her head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of her head

"It's gonna be okay, we'll be fine" he whispered before entwining his fingers with hers to make her feel that she wasn't alone

"I know" she said, she was hundred percent sure that they'd get through this because they had each other's backs

After almost an hour, it was their turn. Eloise stood up first and Mason followed carefully so he could not wake his niece even though she should wake up or else she'd give her parents trouble at night

"Hey" Eloise greeted when she and Mason entered the doctor's room

"Hello, Eloise, Mason. I'm Hunter Graham" the doctor introduced himself with a smile before shaking her hand to make her feel at ease

"From your tests, you are pregnant, miss" he confirmed making the pair share a look, Eloise sighed and laid down on the chair when the doctor motioned for her to do so

She pulled up her top and he poured some gel on her stomach before activating the ultrasound equipment. Eloise took a deep breath as he grabbed the transducer and placed it over the blonde's stomach

They didn't hear any heartbeat making Eloise suck in a harsh breath, but seeing the fetus as the doctor pointed at their baby made it even more surreal than it was. She moved her gaze to Mason who's eyes were fixed on the ultrasound machine

"It seems like you're five almost six weeks pregnant, miss Rice" he revealed and Eloise suspected such, because six weeks ago, she and Mason had sex since they came back from Qatar

"I can still get an abortion right?" Eloise asked all of sudden that seemed to pull Mason out of the haze in his mind

"Yes" Doctor Graham hesitantly replied, even he seemed taken back "Miss Rice, are you absolutely sure that you want to get an abortion?"

Eloise's silence seemed to rise some hope in Mason, at least he saw that she was hesitant about getting it. She looked at him trying to read his mind but she was afraid to even try

"You're still in your early pregnancy, miss. You and your boyfriend can think this through" Graham told them before handing her a tissue to wipe the gel from her stomach

"Thank you" Eloise told him before hopping off the chair and he took his gloves off

"In case you decide to keep the baby, I'll write you some prescriptions you need to take"

"Okay" Eloise nodded just when Summer started to wake up

"Hey" Mason greeted with a small smile and Summer looked at her surroundings before spotting the doctor making her cry and Eloise rushed towards her

"Hey, it's not for you, I promise it's for me" Eloise assured her rubbing her back and Mason kissed his niece's forehead "My tummy hurts"

"The doctor is for Ellie" he assured her and she started to calm down "Not you"

"Just go, I'll be right behind you" Eloise whispered to him and he nodded leaving with his niece

"I hope you don't regret whatever your choice is" the doctor told Eloise handing her the prescriptions and she nodded "We'll see each other in two weeks"

"I hope so, too"


Eloise made her way back to the car with the tests and ultrasound results, she put on her seatbelt while Mason started his car. She looked around at Summer who was silent

"You alright, baby?" Eloise asked worriedly

"She usually doesn't talk when she wake up" Mason informed her making Eloise frown with a small smile

"She's me" she proudly said with a smirk "Gosh, I love her so much"

"Listen, you take whatever time you need to make up your mind but I want to know first, alright, can you do that?" He asked her almost desperately and she nodded without a word "If you decide to keep our baby, I want to be there for you every step of the way and if you decide to not keep it, I'll still be here for you"

"Thank you, Mase, truly"

"You mean a lot to me, Ellie" he placed his hand on her thigh "More than you know... I told your brother that"

"You what?" She questioned with knitted eyebrows

"I told him that I want to be with you, I couldn't let you walk away... I don't want to lose you" he admitted before looking at her hazel green eyes "And whether you're keeping the baby or not, my feelings won't change"

"You don't know that" she accused with teary eyes and he nodded

"I do, I really do"

A tear dropped from her eye making her chuckle before wiping it away "Sorry, I'm just emotional" she told him and he smiled

"It's alright" he rubbed her thigh gently "Like I said, I'll wait for you, whenever you're ready"


Just so we're clear there's a big possibility the pregnancy won't end well...

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