Chapter 1 ྿ Not Goodbye

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"This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman."

People are whimpering and screaming

"We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault.
The engines are dead, life support failing."

"Requesting aid from any vessel within range.
We are 22 jump points out of Asgard."

"Our crew is made up of Asgardian families.
We have very few soldiers here. This is not a
Warcraft. I repeat, this is not a Warcraft."


"Hear me and rejoice." A creature starts to speak as he walks over bodies spread across the floor of the ship. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan." He continues to walk over the bodies on the ground. "You may think this is suffering." More bodies stepped over. "No. It is salvation." More bodies come into view. "Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice." It's face now comes into view. "Smile." A blade is heard as a man grunts.

"For even in death you have become Children of Thanos." The creature continues on as he passes by Loki who is standing, watching with a face with nothing but disgust and anger for what they have done to his people. He draws his attention from the creature and on to Thanos who stands a few feet before him.

"I know what it's like to lose." Thanos begins to speak as he turns so he is now facing the direction of Loki. "To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless." He added as he now looks down at an angle where Thor is laying on the ground beside him. Bending down in his armor, he grabs Thor; causing the god to groan. As he walks forward a couple of steps with Thor in his grasps, he continues to speak. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly." A few more steps towards Loki with Thor hanging. "But I ask you, to what End?" The view now pans and faces towards Loki.

"Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same." The view now reveals more creatures like the first to speak standing around the god of mischief. Thanos takes a few more steps. "And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am." He finishes as he raises his fist with the gauntlet to reveal one of the 6 stones; the power stone.

Thor is now on the ground but on his knees as Thanos grips his head. "You talk too much." Thor says. A quick glimpse of Loki is shown looking at his brother after looking at Thanos. "The Tesseract. Or your brother's head." Thanos states. The creatures around smile a bit. The big one towards the back growls. "I assume you have a preference." Thanos continues towards Loki.

Loki is shown and says "Oh, I do." Thor is heard choking. "Kill away." Loki adds. Thanos finds it surprising and continues on as he places the gauntlet with the power stone to Thor's temple. Crackling could be heard followed by the groans of Loki's brother. Loki tries to show a slight smile through the pain but fails miserably as tears are threatening to spill from his eyes.

"All right, stop!" He yells after seeing the horrible pain he was making Thor go through. Thor gasps after it finally stops. "We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard." Thor exclaims through the pain. Loki looks from Thor up to Thanos as he raises his hand and reveals the Tesseract. Thanos sees and smiles at it. "You really are the worst, brother." Thor mentions. Loki takes a few steps forward to the Titan as he glances back at Thor then says. "I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again." Thanos hears this and chuckles.

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian." Thanos starts to speak and Loki interrupts by saying "Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian." This makes Thanos shift his head. "And for another... we have a Hulk." Loki finishes and Hulk could be hear roaring from behind Thanos. At that moment Loki quickly moves out of the way by grabbing Thor and making sure he doesn't get hit as Hulk attacks Thanos full force.

Hulk throws Thanos over to the side as he gets back up and lets out a roar, showing that he is in fact pissed off. That's when Thanos quickly recovers by standing back up. The two go at it for a while. There is a moment where it seems as if Hulk has the upper hand. The creature that spoke at the beginning stops the other by a raise of its hand as it says, "Let him have his fun."

That's until Thanos grabs Hulks wrists and pushes him back, away from him as he's able to regain posture to fight. Hulk looks a bit shocked and that's when Thanos lets go of his wrists as he punches the side of Hulks neck; causing a small groan from him. Surprised or not, Hulk doesn't back down and continues at it but now Thanos seems to have the upper hand in the fight. Thanos roughly grabs Hulks head and slams it down on his armored knee knocking him out as he then raises him up in the air, as if claiming victory in the fight.

Slamming the unconscious Hulk down on the ground, he looks as if he's about to finish him off till Thor stops it by jumping forward and hitting him with a piece of metal. Thor's about to hit again but Thanos kicks him back. The first creature moves his hand up and metal pieces start flying towards the god, trapping and pinning him down in his current position. Not able to move. Heimdall laying down defeated, views this.

Thor looks upon his best friend before him. Groaning in pain, Heimdall stabs the sword on the ground as he starts to speak. "Allfathers..." panting he continues "Let the dark magic flow through me one last..." He now looks towards Hulk as he raises his other hand. "Time." With that, the rainbow like light reveals itself as it takes Hulk and brings him back to his rightful place; Earth.

Everyone sees this happen and Thanos isn't happy about it as he walks towards the man. He grabs one of the other creatures' spears as he tells the man "That was a mistake." Heimdall turns his head towards Thor one last time then looks back at Thanos as he pierced his heart. Thor is heard in the background yelling no as his friend dies then lays lifeless before him. "You're going to die for that." Thor states towards the Titan.

The creature to place the metal on the god, moves his hand once more as he placed another piece to cover Thor's mouth. As soon as it's covered, he says "Shh." Thanos then starts to walk back towards Thor in large steps. The same creature bows before the Titan with the Tesseract in hand as he says "My humble personage... bows before your grandeur." Thanos takes off his helmet as the creature continues. "No other being has ever had the might... nay, the nobility... to weird not one, but two Infinity Stones." The Tesseract is grabbed.

"The universe lies within your grasp." The stone is heard cracking before being revealed into a smaller version. Slowly, yet not too slow, Thanos moves the stone over towards the gauntlet then places it in its spot. The power being so strong, surges through the Titan causing him to groan in pain but then stop after a while. "There are two more stones on Earth." He says. "Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan." A woman creature then speaks. "Father, we will not fail you." That's when Loki interjected them all.

"If i might interject. If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena." He starts to say and Thanos buts in "If you consider failure experience." But Loki adds in. "I consider experience experience." Thanos looks at him but doesn't believe it for a bit. "Almighty Thanos... I, Loki, prince of Asgard..." he pauses as he tilts his head towards the direction of Thor before looking at him "Odinson..." Then returns his attention to Thanos "the rightful king of Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you..." a dagger appears in his hand at his side. "my undying fidelity." Loki is seen trying not to let tears drop as he bows his head slightly.

He attempts to stab Thanos in the neck but the Titan stops it with the Space stone before it could reach him. "Undying?" He asks in a question like way. Loki tries to remain strong. Thanos grabs Loki's wrist as he speaks "you should choose your words more carefully." Throwing his wrist to the side which causes him to drop the blade, he grabs Loki by the neck. Though he thinks he has truly have the real Loki by the throat, it is just an Illusion to make it seems as if it was actually real. The real Loki was hiding far away to witness the whole scene take place. He indeed tricked the Titan.

A few more is said as the illusion of Loki is seen being strangled. The actual Loki is now planning in his head of what to do next. He knows that he would have to wait till Thanos and the others are gone before he could finally reveal himself. Thor is clueless at the moment being, seeing as he is currently screaming for Loki, yet sounds muffled due to the metal. That's when Thanos raises his hand, snapped his fingers and was gone with the others. As soon as that happened, Thor was released from the metal as the ship started to get destroyed. Thor is seen going towards the Loki illusion. With that, the real Loki appears and calls Thor. "Thor!" He yelled and Thor looked up quickly. "Is my mind deceiving me or are you truly real and not an illusion." Loki swiftly waved his hand and proved it by showing his illusion disappear right before then. "We must go now." He told his brother and Thor nodded, standing. Right before they could escape, the ship blew up.

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