Chapter 3 ྿ Earth Is Closed Today

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Heavy rumbling and muffled screaming could be heard from inside the sanctum where the four men were standing. As Tony steps closer to the doors, people outside could be seen through the window, running to the right. Opening the door, he takes in all of the chaos happening around him.

People are running around screaming in a panic as car horns are honking. Walking down the steps, Tony quickly walks down the opposite way people are going to check it out. Sirens from policemen could be heard as the other 3 men are following not so behind. As Tony is making his way through, a woman trips and falls; helping her up he says "you ok?" But she continues to scream as a car to his right, crashes into the pole.

"Help him!" Tony yells

"Banner!" Wong yelled.

"Wong! Look alive!"

"Go, go! We got it!"

Tony places on his sunglasses as he speaks "Friday, what am I looking at?" He starts to pick up his pace.

"Not sure. I'm working on it."

He turns around quickly at Dr. Strange as he spits out "Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!" He returns his attention ahead of him as he tries to taken in the scene.

"Might wanna use it." Strange relies as he starts to motion his hands, gaining access to his magic.

Peering around the corner as people are still trying to clear the area quickly, Tony quickly retracts himself as a huge object flies right by him. After it does, he walks out to get a better view of what is causing it. Strange not so far. The view pans slightly upwards as a huge flying alien machine like object is revealed. An electrical buzzing noise could be heard coming from it.

At this moment, the scene changes to reveal Peter sitting on a school bus with his classmates. You weren't on the bus but were at school when you noticed the alien machine out the window during an after school activity. Peter's hairs from his arm stood up due to his spider senses as he looks up quick. Turning in his seat, he glanced out the window only to notice the alien machine flying over New York.

Automatically knowing that it clearly wasn't a good sign as of you while in class, turned back in his seat. He tried to gain Ned's attention who had happened to be sitting in front of him. Lightly patting his arm before moving right up to his face, Ned looked back to him.

"Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

Glancing out the window behind Peter, Ned's eyes widen as he blurts out "Holy shit. We're all gonna die!" Frantically getting up and off of his seat, he began to move towards the back of the bus. So did everyone else except Peter. "There's a spaceship!" He added after.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, my god!"

While everyone is panicking as they speak, Peter whips out his web shooter from his backpack and places it on. Webbing the window across from him, he quickly pulls on the emergency lever to open it and goes through it. That's when the bus driver tells everyone.

"What's the matter with you kids? You never seen a spaceship before?"

As Peter is hanging on to the side of the bus, he puts on his mask as he then jumps off from the bus and webs the side of the bridge with his backpack. He continues to throw webs as he swings his way towards the action.

Meanwhile, you told your teacher you had to excuse yourself as you ran out of the classroom. Turning down the hallway, you ran straight to your locker. Fumbling with your lock was getting on your nerves but luckily you opened it and yanked out your suit that was hidden. (Your new upgraded suit below)

"Why out of all days does it have to be the day my boyfriend is out on a field trip?" You muttered as you pressed a button and the suit came together. Tony was the one to design it for you as he said, 'your homemade suit needs an upgrade. It looks- not trendy.' Rolling your eyes at the comment you added "I'll show you."

Tony jogged a bit as he started to speak "Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders."

"Will do."

Strange was a few steps away as Wong and Bruce just joined them as they turned the corner. Swiftly moving his hands, Strange used his magic to slow down if not stop the Alien machine from continuing forward. Tony glanced behind him as sirens are heard wailing in the distance. Strange gave Tony a little wink as Tony is seeing turning back with a slight smile upon his face.

A beam opened up from the ship as it aimed towards the ground a few feet from the four men. Two aliens were then revealed to appear at the bottom. Tony, along with Strange, Wong and Bruce started to walk towards them before stopping a great distance away.

That's when the alien known as the one who was seen earlier started to speak. "Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos." The big creature beside him speaks in an alien language but the first continued on. "Be thankful... that your meaningless lives are not contributing..."

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." Tony announced.


Strange moves his head slightly at the name.

"Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Strange begins to speak as he bangs his wrists together as he activates his magic once's more. "You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Wong does the same hand motions.

"He means get lost, Squidward." Tony yelled

"He exhausts me. Bring me the Stone." Ebony stated.

The big alien creature starts to move forward as Tony starts to speak to Bruce. "Banner, you want a piece?"

"Mmm, no, not really. But when do I ever get what I want?"

"That's right."

"Ok, push." Banner starts to say as he tries to bring out the Hulk.

"It's been a while. It's gonna be good to have you, buddy."

"Ok. Shh. Let me just... I need to concentrate here for a second." Bruce starts to say to Tony and Tony turns to see him trying. "Come on, come on, man." The creature growls. "God!" He's unable to change.

"Where's your guy?"

Bruce sighs. "I don't know. We've sorta been having a thing."

"It's no time for a thing"

"I know."

"That's the thing right there. Let's go."

Bruce tries once more but is unsuccessful again.

"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards."

"Tony, I'm sorry. Either I can't or he won't."

"It's ok. Hey, stand down. Keep and eye on him. Thank you." Tony told Bruce then the end part towards Wong.

"I have him." Wong replied.

"Damn it." Bruce muttered.

That's when Tony stepped forward after using his thumbs to pull on the strings of his sweater, tapped the center piece on his chest and begun to walk forward towards the creature who was roaring. His suit started to adjust around his body. As soon as the creature raised his sword and went to slam down on Tony, he raised his arm up to bring out a shield. The two started to fight against each other as he then pulled out his repulsers and blasted the creature back a yard or two.

"Where'd that come from?" Bruce asked Tony.

"It's nanotech. You like it? A little something I..." Tony started to say as Ebony moved his hand and a piece of the ground bolted up directly underneath Tony. Ebony then moved his hands some more as he uprooted some trees and started to charge them towards the others. Wong was quick to act as he motioned his hands.

"Dr. Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us..." Strange said as he opened a portal and Bruce fell through yelling. Strange, Wong and Tony continued to fight Ebony.

"Gotta get that stone outta here, now." Tony stated.

"It stays with me."

"Exactly. Bye." Tony replied and took off to fight Ebony but the creature threw his weapon making Tony fall back so far, he appeared at the park.

"Tony, you ok? How we doing? Good? Bad?"

"Really, really good. Really good. Do you plan on helping out?"

"I'm trying. He won't come out." Bruce admitted and the huge creature bursted through a building. The creature threw its weapon towards Bruce.

"Hammer!" Tony yelled but before he was able to push Banner out, you entered and tackled Bruce to the ground before rolling over to the side after letting go. You grunted a bit from the impact. Tony noticed and got up quickly as he went to charge at the creature. A tree is sliced in the process and falls down near Bruce.

"Come on, Hulk! What are you doing to me? Come out! Come out! Come out!" Bruce asked as he slapped himself. That's when Hulk briefly showed yelling "No!" Bruce fell back on the ground. "What do you mean, no?"

Tony was trying to blast the creature to make some sort of damage as you were using your telekinesis to throw trees and loose yet heavy objects at the creature. "Hey kid! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be safe!" Tony told you as you dodged a hit from the creature. A grunt was heard from you as you replied back "I was doing an after school activity when I noticed the alien machine! I'm helping even if you like it or not!"

You then got hit with the hammer. "Y/n!" Tony yelled and right when he got distracted, he got hit right after. He was about to get hit once again while you were getting up when it abruptly stopped. It was Peter.

"Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark?" Peter started to say.

"Kid, where'd you come from?"

"A field trip to MoMa." Peter told him but got yanked and thrown at the last word; landing near the fountain.

"Peter!" You yelled and ran over to him. Once you got near, you bent down. "You okay?" You asked concerned.

"Ye- Yeah. I'm good. I'm good. Let's go." He told you as he got up and started speak to Tony. "Uh, what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?" He then started to web up.

"Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony announced as you threw a car at the creature but it blocked it. The creature then grabbed Peter, swinging him around before throwing him. Tony continued to blast the creature. It threw half of a taxi at Tony by he swerved which gave Peter the opportunity to web it and come right back; bringing the taxi with him and letting it hit the creature. "Y/n help Strange!" Tony yelled towards you and giving a nod, you left.

Ebony raised bricks with his abilities and charged it towards the two sorcerers. Strange opened one portal as Wong opened another and made the bricks fly back to the creature, causing it to scrape it on the side of its face. It only made him pissed. "Strange!" You yelled, it caused Stephen to glance over at you. "You shouldn't be here." He told you but you knew it was mainly out of concern and for your safety. "I'm helping you out!"

You told him as you raised a car and threw it at the creature after Strange and Wong's attack. It only added on to Ebony's rage. It caused him to move his hand and open up the fire hydrant which caused Wong to get hit and fly back. Then he broke the nearby pole and threw it at you which made you fall back a few feet, getting trapped underneath it. You grunted from the pain.

Seeing what Ebony did to you and Wong made Strange upset. He made a lasso with his magic as it wrapped around Ebony. Then as he pulled on it, Ebony went full forward at Strange and tackled him; bringing him towards the brick wall. As soon as Strange hit the wall, Ebony started to use the bricks to pin down the Wizard.

"Your powers are quaint. You must be popular with children." Ebony told him.

Spotting Strange being pinned down, you yelled "Strange!" Using your abilities, you raised another car and went to hit the creature but he blocked it and looked over at you. Then he motioned his hand as the pole started to push down on you as you screamed a little in pain. Turning back towards Strange, he went to reach for the amulet on Stephen's chest but it burnt him; causing him to pull back and groan in pain.

"It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable."

"Then I'll take it off your corpse." Ebony stated as he grabbed Strange and threw him to the ground. Strange quickly stood up as he motioned his hands to use the amulet but that was broken up when Ebony wrapped his wrists and body with some sort of metal.

You had managed to push yourself off from under the pole and stand up. That's when you spotted Strange. The grip of the metal that was around him was tightened as he started to speak.

"You'll find removing a dead man's spell troublesome."

"You'll only wish you were dead"

The pressure around Stephen's neck was getting tighter and it caused him to pass out. "No!" You yelled as Ebony raised a piece of the ground along with the wizard. The cape wasn't letting that happen at all. It managed to maneuver itself out of the metal's grasp.

"No!" Ebony yelled as he noticed Strange leaving.

Tony and Peter were still fighting the huge creature when Stephen's body flew right by them. You on the other hand, used your telekinesis to levitate and follow his body. Tony and Peter spotted you as well, trying to catch up to the sorcerer. Ebony wasn't so far behind.

As Tony blocked the hit from the creature, he tells Peter "Kid, that's the Wizard. Get on it."

"On it!"

You reached your hand out to grab Strange while Ebony was behind you trying to fly objects so you wouldn't be able to touch him. Peter was swinging not so far behind the creature that was following you. Ebony must've heard because he lifted a billboard and hit Peter with it.

"Not cool."

You glanced back just in time to see Peter get right back up. Right when you looked back to try and get Strange, you yelped when you almost crashed into a pole that Ebony turnt to try and grab the Wizard. It only managed to grab the cloak. Stephen's body was falling.

"No!" You yelled and went to use your telekinesis but Peter was quick. He managed to web Strange and pull him up as he yelled "Gotcha!" Right as he turned the corner, a beam opened and started to pull Strange up.

"Wait!" Peter yelled once he lost grip. Strange's cloak could be seen following Stephen up. Peter was able to web him again and grab the Wizard. Ebony saw this and uprooted the traffic pole Peter was hanging on to. Getting angry, you lifted a piece of a broken building and threw it at Ebony before yelling to Peter "Hang on!" You quickly flew over and grabbed his hand and attempted to pull them down but failed when the beam got stronger and started to pull on all of you.

"Uh, Mr. Stark, we're being beamed up." Peter stated.

"Hang on, guys." Tony announced as he kept fighting. He managed to get tied up in heavy metal and slammed to the ground as he struggled to get out. That's when Wong showed up and opened a portal before the creature was able to puncture Tony. He then quickly closed it before it was able to come back; letting a hand that was cut off roll on the ground.


"Wong, you're invited to my wedding." Tony said as he flew away.

Strange was now in the ship as you and Peter were outside trying to hang on. Your hands were slipping and your eyebrows creased as you were worried on falling. "Y/n! Take my hand!" Peter yelled over the high wind. Looking over at him, you reached out and he grabbed your hand; pulling you up a bit more to get a better grip. Which you did when you were able to. "Peter.. the air is getting hard up here. You need to either go back or get in somehow." You mentioned to him.

"Give me a little juice, Friday." Tony said as he started to fly up then once he was boosted up he angled in. The view changed for a moment to show Strange being brought deeper into the ship by Ebony.

"Unlock 17:A." Tony announced. From the compound, a part of the wall was opened and released a pod that Tony had exactly asked for. It started to head towards their direction.

"Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you." Tony said.

"Peter you gotta listen to him."

"You too Y/n. I want you back on Earth." He added.

"I'm staying to help!" You yelled back and your hand slipped but the other remained on the ship.

"But you said save the Wizard!" Peter yelled back at Tony.

Peter ripped off his mask as he said "I can't breathe." Then gasped for air.

"We're too high up. You're running out of air." Tony said.

"Please Peter!" You told him, trying to get him to listen so he doesn't pass out.

"Yeah. That makes sense." Peter told Tony as he nodded his head. That's when he let go. "Peter!" You yelled. The suit then caught him and automatically wrapped itself around his body. The scene made you release a breath of relief.

"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!"

"Happy trails, kid. Friday, send him home."

"Yep." Friday replied and opened a parachute behind Peter's suit.

"Oh, come on!" Peter yelled as he got dragged back. You didn't want it to happen but you wanted him to be safe and not die. Tony must've forgotten you were still on because you started to get back your grip on the ship as you moved up little by little. Tony on the other hand, slammed his hand on hang on as he started to use his laser to make an opening; which he did successfully.

"Boss, incoming call from Miss Potts."

"Tony? Oh, my god. Are you all right? What's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just think uh, we might have to push our 8:30 res."


"Just 'cause I'll probably not make it back for a while." Tony said as he is seen in the ship looking around and his suit's helmet pulls away to show his face.

"Tell me you're not on that ship."

Tony sighs before saying "yeah."

"God, no, please tel me you're not on that ship."

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.

"Come back here, Tony. I swear to god."


"Come back here right now. Come back."

"Boss, we're losing her." Friday announced. "I'm going to—" Friday tries to say as the communications give out.

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