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Hyunjin POV

Jeongin collapsed after not too long, I knew he was just exited by the kiss and that he wouldn't last long.

'Cute' I said taking his hand and kissing it. I stared at his pretty pale and slender fingers 'a ring would look good on this pretty fingers'

I heard my phone vibrating and was surprised by that since it was 1A.M.
When I started to get up I felt a grip on my waist, and couldn't do anything but lay back down and wrap my arms around Jeongin's neck. Now him sleeping on my chest.

I remembered about something, something important that was chilling in my jacket pocket. A little red velvet box.

I slowly got up and took it.

"I love you so much..." I said taking his hair out of his face and putted a ring on his finger.
As expected it looks good on him, everything looks good on him...

I fell asleep while hugging his waist, and one arm under his head. It went numb after some minutes but it's ok.

Jeongin POV

I woke up not remembering what we did last night, only that we left my parents' house and that Hyunjin was crying.

I turned and saw my long blonde haired boyfriend soundly sleeping. He was naked, and so was I...

'I-I am naked, he is n-naked...my back kinda hurts...OH SHOOT!'
I slapped my face and felt something cold hitting my face with it.
I looked at my hand and saw a rose gold ring on my ring finger. It was shiny and had a small diamond in the middle.

'U-uh!? W-when did i get this?'

I felt some movement next to me and saw that Hyunjin was waking up.

"Hmmmm babe come back in be~ it's so early~" he didn't even open his eyes, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I touched his hand and...sae the same ring...

"J-jinnie? Did you put this ring on m--me?"

"Yes" Hyunjin said now kissing my naked back, leaving kisses down my spine.

"What is it, now you are the one in the mood?~" I said, still looking at the ring.

"Hmm, maybe, but today we both have school and work, so I need to wait till' tonight to mess you up~"

"You have to go there today? isn't it your free day today too?" I said looking at him.

"yep. Mark needs me for one of his lessons...I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE THIS BEAUTIFUL BABY!" He said hugging my waist tightly.

"Go get ready you lazy ass!! I will go out, do you want me to get something for you?" i said getting up and putting on my underwear.

"Hmm...i want ice cream!" A naked Hyunjin said jumping up and down.

After 15 minutes he was ready and headed out kissing my cheek first.

'I'm so boredddddd what-'

My phone rang, and it was Seungmin...'he never calls me...something bad might be happening'

I answered the phone and the first thing I could hear was Seungmin sobbing...

[The call...]

[Seungmin is the one underlined, Jeongin is the one in bold]

"Seungmin what's-"


"W-wait what's wrong"

"...Chan's ex is back...a-and he
tried to do something to me b-but
Chan stopped him. The thing is
t-that now his ex is beating him
up and I don't know, he is bleeding
call someone please..."

"O-ok I will call everyone
but Hyunjin just went to
work and-"



Hi beautiful people!!
I want to say that...I WILL START A NEW FICTION!!

Yep, a new one.
It will be a Sookai/Yeonbin fiction.
If you dont know TXT please go check them out.

It will be an omegaverse, and I won't say anything else~

(I'm not so much in the omegaverse world so it might be prettyyyy bad)


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