✿Fallen victim✿

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TW: extreme violence, bl00d and g0r3, mentions of d3ath

Her Highness was in her room, worried.  She was still worried for the safety of her brothers. She wished she could go with them, but she has to take care of the Empire as well. She knew her brothers were capable of defending themselves, but as the eldest sibling she had her own reasons to stress over their safety.

With Tibet, Macau, Taiwan and Japan

They walked through the thick forest. The three brothers still had their weapons out. Japan was walking next to Taiwan. She was looking at the ground while walking. She was thinking about what condition her mother would be in.

In her own state of distress, she is more worried about her mother. Taiwan looked over to her, slightly tapping her shoulder. Japan looked at him. They both stopped for a second. Taiwan handed his weapon to her.

Taiwan took off his tangzhuang and put it over her shoulders as he took his weapon back.


Taiwan said. Japan smiled at him and  wore the tangzhuang properly. They started walking again at a faster pace to catch up with Tibet and Macau.

Macau looked up, the sky was mostly covered with tree branches and leaves but he could see the sky getting darker.


Macau said. Tibet shushed Macau for a moment. He heard a splashing noises from the direction of North-East.


He said and walked towards the direction. The others were confused but followed him. While walking they noticed the forest was getting less and less dense.

But there was some other noise in the background. There was a hissing sound, like that of a snake. For a moment all three brothers looked at Japan. She gave them the same confused look back. It wasn't her making the hissing noises.

They started to quicken their pace to escape whatever hissing creature was there. But the hissing only grew louder.

They were able to reach the edge of the forest, at a shore of rocks and a stream of water flowing heavily at the speed that could easily drown any living being unfortunate enough to fall in.

There was something else at the shore. Macau recognized the creature to be a Ba She. Be She's are snakes capable of swallowing elephants as a whole.

The Ba She looked at the four of them, hissing loudly. None of them moved a muscle, they were frozen in fear.

The Ba She hissed one final time before attacking Tibet. That caused Macau to scream.

Taiwan moved his arm to cover Japan, to protect her in a way.

Tibet held the mouth of the Ba She open with all his strength. It was able to scratch Tibet's arms with it's fangs. Macau started crying in fear and trembling. He had never expected to ever see a Ba She in reality.

The snake noticed Macau crying and trembling. It moved it's tail to try strangling Macau. Taiwan got out his weapon and chopped off the tail before it could reach Macau's neck. Blood splattered both him and Macau. Macau started sobbing more as the blood splattered over him.

Japan went and hugged Macau to calm him down.

Tibet struggled and finally the Be She snapped it's jaw close. Tibet let go as quickly as he could and stepped away. The Ba She took a moment to recover as it looked towards Taiwan. Taiwan stood in front of Macau and Japan to protect both of them.

Tibet took the chance and stepped on the Ba She's head. He then took out his weapon and stabbed it in the head. The Ba She let out a loud hiss as its head was impaled. Tibet stabbed it multiple times in different areas of its head to ensure it's dead.

It's blood splattered over Tibet's lower half. He puffed as the Ba She's blood flowed like a river on the ground. Macau had finally calmed down once the Ba She was dead.


Tibet said, assuring Japan at the same time. Japan nodded. He looked around the area to scan for any other danger. For now there wasn't anything else. But with the attack of the Ba She, they all knew they couldn't take any breaks unless they wanted to greet death.

Tibet was still tired, he spent most of his energy trying to keep the Ba She's mouth open. These few hours would be their last break in their journey, they'd better spend these few hours wisely.

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