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[I changed a little the end of the chapter♡]

As Felix stepped out of the class his phone vibrated and he looked at it, but made it fall on the ground and broke its glass.
He bent down to pick it up and cleaned it on his shirt.
When he opened it to see the notification...it was...nothing, just a simple reminder he put on his phone...

He sighed and just kept on walking.
After a good 15 minutes, he arrived home, tired and hungry. He knocked on the door a couple of times but nobody answered, so he decided to knock again...but nothing.

'Nobody is home? Weird...'

Felix thought for a second and then remembered that that morning he took his keys.
He looked in his bag and found them, and opened the front door.

As he went in he found a note on the kitchen island.

'Honey we went to the dentist with your sister, I prepared some food for you and it's all in the fridge!

Eat well, my dear!'

Felix sighed once again and went to the fridge and opened it
"How many times do I need tontell my mother that i am vegetarian"
he rolled his eyes and closed it.

He went upstairs and threw himself on the bed...

'Damn...life is boring...'

He switched his phone on and looked at the time. It was 3:04PM, and he even saw a notification from Jisung.

F: "Hey Han...Sorry if I didn't answer you I was walking home"

J: "It's ok man! I just wanted to know how it was going with the spring collection–"

F: "The collection!..." Felix slapped his forehead "I completely forgot about it...sorry"

J: "What sorry! You still have a lot of time, and remember you can always ask me for help"

F: "No no absolutely, I will finish it in a week I swear!"

J: "Ok!! But remember ask me for help if you want!"

F: "Ok ok ok bye bye"

J: "Bye baby!!!"

Felix chuckled a little, but than he thought of the collection...where did he put it...
He got up and started to look for it in his room, but nothing...

'No....don't tell me...I left it at Changbin's place...maybe it's better if I start a new one...'


Felix got up from his bed and changed clothes, he grabbed his bad and his keys.
He still didn't give Changbin back the key to his apartment.

He got out of his house and starred walking in Changbin's house direction...


He stopped and looked around the parking lot of Changbin's house, and there was no trace of the older's car, so he got upstairs and to make sure he wasn't there he knocked on the door....
no answer...

He took out of his bag the keys and opened the door.
As he opened it he got hit by a strong smell of alcohol...but to what he remembered...Changbin didn't drink...

Felix went to the kitchen leaving the door open and saw nobody, only two bottles of vodka sitting on the counter, one half empty and the other completely empty.

'That's why in here it all smells like alcohol...'

He closed thw half empty one and closed it, putting it in thw right place.
Than he took the other one–

"What are you doing here"

Felix got surprised and the bottles slipped out of his hands and fell on the ground shattering in pieces.


"Got out"

"W-Wait I just need a thing–"
Felix backed away a little.

"Not now. Get out of my house" Changbin grabbed Felix by the wrist and dragged him to the door.

Felix shook Changbin's hand away from him
"I just need a thing damn it! Gave me 5 minutes!"
He raised his voice...but regretted it...

He got slammed onto the wall harshly by Changbin, banged his hand on it making Felix flicker.

"Who do you think you are huh? Going around my house like it's yours...you little bitch–"

Felix slapped Changbin across the face without thinking.
When he realized what he did he covered his mouth with both his hands and stared with wide eyes at Changbin who was holding his cheek.


Felix got thrown on the ground and he hit his head on the ground.

Fast enough...just him wanting to get his stuff and get out turned into a fight between the two...


Felix was on the ground, with no more energy left in his body...he was heavily breathing and had multiple bruises on his face and body.
Same went for Changbin, who was on top of Felix, panting and with blood dripping from his nose onto Felix's face.

Changbin raised his fist and with the other hand he grabbed Felix by the collar of his T-shirt.

Felix looked at Changbin with tears in his eyes, that soon started flowing out.
He covered his face like if he wanted not to be seen by the older, like if he wanted to disappear...
"C-Changbin w-wait..."

"I-I'm sorry...really r-really sorry..."


He heard what sounded like...sobs...and uncovered his face...just to see tears streaming down Changbin's face.

"What do you want from me...huh?" Changbin slowly putted his fist down and with both of his hands grabbed Felix's T-shirt and putted his head on the younger's chest.

"C-Changbin I–"

"I tried my best to make you feel comfortable in this situation but you never gave a little bit of that love back...you always gave it to Chan...
Chan here Chan there...
What does he have that I don't?"

Felix started at the cealing...what did Chan have that Changbin didn't...?
He didn't know how to answer...

"You shouldn't compare yourself to Chan...and I don't know how to answer your question...–"

"Than let me be your everything! Let me be the reason why you smile everyday! I want to help you i want you to rely on me. Tell me all your problems tell me everything that's on your mind...be with me..." Changbin got his head up and looked at Felix...

Felix paused...did he really want Changbin in his life...as more than just a business thing?

Changbin's phone started to ring, so he got up from Felix, took a tissue to wipe the blood off of his nose, and answered the phone.


"Changbin...sorry for calling you this late"

Changbin looked at Felix, who was still on the ground but slowly getting up
"There is no problem Ms. Lee, what is it?"

As Felix heard that Changbin was in a call with his mother he looked at him and tried to hear what they were talking about...

"Changbin...have you seen Felix anywhere? It's already 9PM and we haven't seen him the whole day–"

"Chill ma'am, he is here with me"

"Oh thank god! That's a relief that you two are still in a good relation and that you two took time to talk"

"Yeah...we talked..."

"Ok, could you tell Felix to call me?"

"Sure Ms. Lee, well, have a great night"

"You too dear"

Changbin looked at Felix and sighed "It was your mother, she said to call her"
He bent down to grab the pieces of glass on the ground, and the blood started flowing from his nose again "Damn it"

"L-Let me do it..."

"No Felix go call your mother, she is worried about you"



Felix came back from Changbin's bedroom and saw Changbin cooking, thing thst he didn't see him do often.

"What are you cooking...?


Felix said going to sit at the table and scrolling through his Instagram.

'Guess I won't eat dinner–'

"I made Japchae for you, I know that you are vegetarian"
Changbin put a plate in front of Felix, who looked at him with his mouth slightly open.


Changbin slammed a hand on the table, making Felix flicker
"Be with me"


"I said be with me"

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