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Seungmin came running into the living room where Jeongin was peacefully chilling, playing some video games, and listening to music.


Jeongin threw his controller on the floor
"What!? Oh my god hope it's not broken!! You dumb ass what is it!?"

"Didn't you see? You and that Hyunjin guy are all over the internet!"
Seungmin put his phone in front of Jeongin's face.

It took him a second to focus his sight on the screen, but when he saw the picture he snatched the phone out of Seungmin's hand and zoomed the picture...oh yeah, it was Jeongin and Hyunjin kissing in the parking lot of the school...


"I don't know but I think that by now even Hyunjin will know it"

"Shit now everyone will talk shit about me, and about Hyunjin! What if people now think that I am with him for money!? I need to transfer! I'll go to Mexico!"

Seungmin pat on Jeongin's shoulder and sighed
"Jeongin it's ok, we will protect you. And plus, didn't you need to go to babysit Hwang's kid?"

Jeongin got up and looked at the clock, fortunately, he still had an hour and a half before going out. He sighed in relief and slapped his forehead
"Ok...I still have time. I'll go shower and dress up now"


Jeongin took off his T-shirt and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

'Should I start working on my waist...even the butt. The rest is fine'

He winked at himself and took the rest of his clothes off, and got in the shower.

When he was done he took a towel and wrapped it around his hips, and looked again at his reflection 
'I wouldn't look too bad in a skirt'

Jeongin took another towel and started ruffling his hair, drying it a little.
He got out of the bathroom and went to his room, and looked for some nice, formal clothes...

In the end he chose some ripped black tight jeans, a pink and black v-neck sweater, and white Nike Air Force 1.
He grabbed a brush and brushed his, now, dry hair.



"Bangs or no bangs!?"


Jeongin brushed his hair down and applied some cream on his face.

He went downstairs and grabbed his phone, glasses, and wallet, and put them all in his backpack.

"Jeongin do you want my car?"

"No no it's ok, I'll go on foot. His kindergarten is really close to here and I wanted to take him to the park later"
Jeongin put on the jacket and then the backpack.

"Ok do as you want"
Seungmin looked back at his homework
"Oh, and later I won't be home, Chris wants me to try on some clothes–"

"He just wants to see you naked"



'Aish...that guy'
Seungmin slapped his forehead and shook his head.


Jeongin arrived, in perfect timing, and saw many women, guess the mothers of the little kids, standing outside and talking... then...he spotted a familiar face...

'Hyunjin? What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be at work?'

Jeongin went up to him and tapped on his shoulder, getting his attention

"I should be the surprised one, you told me to come to pick Byul up last week. What amounts you? You don't work today?"
Jeongin tried to get closer to Hyunjin without being noticed by the others and hugged his arm.

"Oh sorry"
Hyunjin sighed
"I forgot to tell you that I was free today–"

"It's absolutely fine! I really had nothing to do and..."
Jeongin started playing with his earlobe and blush a little
"...and I like staying with you..."

Hyunjin just stayed silent, making Jeongin get nervous about what he just said, and looked down...
Hyunjin looked down at him and pulled his arm away, making Jeongin think that he had made something wrong...but actually, he just wanted to change the position, and put his arm around Jeongin's waist.

Jeongin looked up at Hyunjin, who was calmly waiting for his son...WHO ABSOLUTELY DOESN'T KNOW THAT THESE DUDES ARE BASICALLY DATING!

Jeongin pulled a little the older's jacket.


"Y-Your hand..."

"What, you don't like it?"

"O-Of course I like it B-but we are in public and–"

"I don't care about what others think, if I am happy with what I do then I keep on doing it"


"Ok kids!~ you can go to your parents!"
The teacher said clapping her hands and smiling.

Byul put in his little school bag his papers, drawing, and markers when a classmate of his came up to him.

"Byul Byul!"


"Do you want to come with me to the park? Mama is taking me there!"

"I have my dad waiting me and–"

"And your mother? She is still busy?"


Byul picked up his backpack and went out of the class stomping, followed by his classmate who was running after him.

"Oh Byul look! There is your father! Have a great day!"
The teacher gently patted Byul's head and waved at him.

Byul went running towards his father who picked him up and smiled at him.

"My heavy little boy, how was today? Did you make new friends?"

"No, but I made a drawing!"
Byul tried to get it from his backpack.

"We will see it later, but now, say hi to Jeongin"

"INNIE! Hi :3"
Byul waved with his little fat hand.

"Hi Hi Byul"
Jeongin smiled.

"Shall we go home?"

"O-Oh, why not go to the park for a little? It's still not too cold outside, and Byul can play and get a little bit of fresh air"

Hyunjin looked at Byul, who had big sparkly eyes, and sighed
"Fine, but not too long, I am tired"
Hyunjin put Byul down who started running happily.

"Can I hold your hand?"
Hyunjin asked looking at Jeongin holding a hand out for him to grab.

"O-Oh s-sure"


I didn't check the chapter so if there are grammatical errors sorry

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