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"Hey Innie look, the CEO of the HJ company is looking for a babysitter! Pfft! How can that cold-hearted man even has a son! Of course his wife ran away from him!! AHAHA!!" Seungmin said a d started to laugh.

"LET ME SEE!!" Jeongin snatched the phone from Seungmin and looked at the announcement.

'Waaaa!! A job!! The CEO of the HJ company!! It is the biggest clothing company ever!! I even love all those super expensive clothes! He might even pay well since he is rich'

Jeongin sent himself the link of the announcement and then gave back the phone to Seungmin.


"You look so excited" Felix said rolling his eyes and starting to scribble something on a piece of paper.
"Hey Lix you-"

"DON'T call me that way" Felix looked up at Seungmin with anger burning in his eyes.

"Hey man if you are having problems in your sort of relationship then talk about it with your partner! Don't blame it on us!" Jeongin started to yell at Felix who was looking at him with an angry and shocked face.

"Fuck you all" Felix got up giving a middle finger to both of the boys, leaving them to look into each other's eyes.


Felix got out of the class, bumping into someone but not really caring, and just went straight to the school gates.
He had tears in his eyes, from making his two best friends angry and for having so many problems when he could just stop faking to date with a dumb rapper who can't even sing nor dance, and that can't even-

"Hey Lix"
"I came to pick you up since you have been bagging me to come here so that you can-"

"Fuck you too. Go away, I don't want to see your goddamn face for the rest of the day. You are the reason why I can't have a normal life!
Can we stop faking?! And you will find someone that you truly like and same for me!"

Changbin was just standing and looking at the guy who was breathing heavily and crying.

So I am not supposed to love you because we started dating for business? What if I caught feeling all of a sudden?...-
Listen I don't want to argue with you, here, and now, so please get in and we will talk later"

"I don't want to, I'm going to Chan-"

"Damn! Chan here Chan there, Chan is cool, Chan is this, that, I am tired of this dude! And you know it!
And u should be the old one, he is two years older than me!!
Oh and maybe he is the one you love huh?
Ok go to him, don't call me for anything and don't get in the house if I am there.
Thinking that maybe I could make you love me even if we started to date because of business..."

Changbin turned around, got in the car and went away, leaving Felix not knowing what to do...
It was true...he liked Chan, the CEO of his modeling company...this love wasn't reciprocal.
Chan was just a friend of Felix's family and didn't absolutely think of something more than friendship.

"C-Chan...can I come to your office...?"

"Sure what is it? Did something happen?"

"I...I will say it later...I'm on my way"


Felix knocked on the big white wooden door and opened it.
He spotted Chan, looking in his direction with a smile showing his dimples.

"Good afternoon Felix, since you are up...can you go get me a coffee?"

"Ugh, fine sir" Felix said taking the coins from Chan's hand and going to the coffee machine.


"So, no homework?"

"Nha...I will do them later"

"Ok...so...can you tell me what happened? Another fight with your man?" Chan looked up from his papers.

"...yeah...I really hate him now! He told me that he thought it could work but ew he is not even my type! He ain't tall, he ain't smart, he ain't nice to me, he ain't talented...he is not like you..." Felix said the last words whispering.

"Hm? I didn't get what you said at the end"

"I said that he is not like you!"

Chan looked at Felix with question marks popping out everywhere, he didn't understand.


"Yeah like you. I like you" Felix got up from the chair and went towards Chan placing both his hands on his shoulders and getting closer to him with his face.

"Felix stop. You know that I am not interested in you, so stop"

Felix wasn't really listening to him, and sat on his lap and hugged Chan's neck.
Their lips were just some millimeters away when Chan pushed him away and made Felix fall to the ground.

"Felix stop! Give me your phone a d I wi call Changbin! You are getting back home now"


"No buts! Why the hell did you try to kiss me?! I know Changbin, even if just a little, but I know him! He never liked me because I am close to you...and he cares so much about you...are you doing this to make my relationship with him even worse!?
He never really talks to me but he talks a lot about you, all those love songs he wrote and never sang were all dedicated to you!
I have seen him hurt a long time ago...
and it wasn't nice! So don't hurt him!"


"Felix, I don't love you, got it?" Chan turned towards Felix with a blank expression.

"I will call a taxi for you, and when I will be back I don't want to see you here, ok? Well, bye" Chan said, closing his laptop and putting it in his bag.
He took his jacket and went to the door and closed it behind him.

Felix got up and ran to the big window of the attic where Chan's office was located and watched as the older went in the car and drove off.

'I-Is he really leaving me...?
Now I have nowhere to go...'

His ringtone started to play and he went to look on the screen who it was.
It was Changbin...never in the whole galaxy had he thought of asking him to get him after he got dumped by Chan...


"Why are you crying"

"I-I'm not-"

"Lies! Tell me where you are and I will pick you up"

"I don't need you!"

"Ok, call Chan since he is better than me"

Changbin was about to hang ups when Felix started to sob harder and in a low voice

"...I'm at Chan's office..."

"Ok. Come down, I will be there in 10 minutes at least"

Changbin ended the call and went to pick his helmet and motorcycle.


Jeongin got home after a loooong day of shopping. He went to all the clothing shops near his house to find something nice to wear for the appointment with the HJ CEO.
He literally was exhausted and as he arrived home he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep immediately...

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