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[Sorry for the mistakes the you might find in the chapter but I didn't check it :> ]

Hyunjin and Jeongin got out of the car, Jeongin holding the black dress in a hand and now wearing a jacket.
He was kinda scared by the idea of meeting someone that might have found out that he was not a woman, but he walked inside the restaurant anyways.


"Tch! No absolutely! I'm not wearing a wig and a dress for you, nope"
Jeongin waved a hand in the air.

Hyunjin smirked and hugged Jeongin from the back, caressing the younger's waist that looked even smaller in the black dress he was wearing
"You look perfect"
He kissed Jeongin's cheek. He slowly moved his hands on the other's ass, squeezing his butt cheeks and made the younger yelp.

"H-Hyunjin if I get hard it won't be that easy to cover you know..."
Jeongin bit his bottom lip, wrapping a hand around the other's neck while whispering in his ear.
Hyunjin mumbled something and slipped a hand under Jeongin's black silk dress, slightly pulling the younger's leg up
"Come on let's not...get all the attention please...I'm already embarrassed enough"

Hyunjin let go of Jeongin's thigh and adjusted his jacket, slicked back his hair and held out a hand
"Shall we go, my lady?"

"Aish...stop that..."
Jeongin grabbed Hyunjin's hand and they went in the restoraunt.


The restoraunt looked really expensive, it had a red velvet like carpet that led to the entrance and went all the way to the cashier counter, it had golden ornaments and lots of...mirrors.

The writers were all dressed the same, black gilet, black pants and white shirt, men and women.
One of them saw Hyunjin and Jeongin  walking in and went towards them greeting them with a smile
"Good evening sir. Do you have a reservation?"
She spoke to Hyunjin.

"Yes we are–"

"Hwang! My boy!"
An old man walked towards them with his arms open and a smile plastered on his face
"How are you doing"
He hugged Hyunjin, than he looked at his left and saw Jeongin, standing there like a pole while playing with the edge of his hair
"And so this is Byul's mother?"

Jeongin tilted his head looking at Hyunjin who slightly panicked

"Oh, um...hello"
Jeongin tried to talk not too loudly and high pitched his voice a little.

"Can I call you Miss Hwang?"

"Y-Yeah sure..."
Jeongin scratched his neck.
It somewhat felt nice to be called that...Hwang...the surname of your lover...it's kind of an old fashion thing to get the husbands surname after marriage tho...
'We are not even married...and I'm not even a Miss!...and I suddenly became Byul's mother...!'

"Come on let's go"
The man turned around and lead the way towards a room where they were going to eat.
Inside there was the man's wife, waiting for them to come back
"This is my wife, please have a seat"


'Fortunately this people are blind as fuck and can't see that I'm a man...–'

Hyunjin and the old man were talking about new clothing collections, models, photographers, they were talking about a lot of shit ok?
When suddenly Hyunjin placed his hand on Jeongin's thigh and started rubbing it up and down, slowly, making Jeongin shiver and squeeze his legs together.
He gave Hyunjin a pinch on the arm and made him move his hand away, placing it on the back of the chair.

Hyunjin cleared his throat and took a sip of his red wine and got up
"Ok, I'll go out for a smoke"
He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and got up.

Jeongin pulled a little Hyunjin's gilet, taking his attention
"C-Can I come with you...?"
He spoke quietly, looking up at Hyunjin with big eyes.

Hyunjin smiled and sighed
"Sure baby"
He placed a hand on Jeongin's face and gently pulled him in for a kiss.
Jeongin blushed and, panicking, he grabbed his bag and got up getting out of the room first


They went out in the garden of the restoraunt and Hyunjin took out his electric cigarette, while Jeongin grabbed from his bag tobacco, filters and rolling papers to make his cigarette
"Wow why don't you just buy one of this?"
Hyunjin said taking a drag from his cigarette.

"I don't like it. It tastes like butt"
Jeongin licked the paper to close his cigarette.
He tried to light it but his lighter wasn't working
"Oh come on"

Hyunjin smirked
"Well it looks like you won't smoke"

"I don't care, I'm never going to buy one of those technological cigarettes"
Jeongin said still with his own cigarette in between his lips.

"Come here"
Hyunjin took out a lighter from his pocket and lit Jeongin's cigarette
"There you go...now what can I have in exchange?"

"Hmm be proud that you made me happy"
Jeongin blew smoke on Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin looked at Jeongin from head to toe
"How much was the dress?"

"Maybe around...hmm...30 dollars, I don't remember actually. Why?"

Hyunjin smirked again and pulled Jeongin close by his waist
"Later I will rip it off from your body and than we will fuck till morning~"
Hyunjin kissed Jeongin's neck and than started sucking on the spot, leaving a hickey.

"Hell no man, you need to pay me later if you're going to rip it, and tomorrow I have school"
Jeongin grabbed Hyunjin's face in between his thumb and middle finger.

"I'll pay you, and tomorrow I will bring you to school"
Hyunjin said while Jeongin what squishing his cheeks making his lips pout.

Jeongin let go of Hyunjin's face and kissed him on the cheek.
Hyunjin's grinned and slid his hands, one stopped on Jeongin's ass, and the other kept going and he slipped it under the dress, grabbing on the younger's thigh.

"O-Ok now stop, let me finish my cigarette and let's go back inside"
Jeongin blushed and pushed Hyunjin away.


(I'm still not over this)

(Not even this)

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