🙃 When You Change The Popular Quote 😎

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Just bored and pissed off by a random actually popular quote 😑

It started like this -

My Group Chat with my friends -

My friends all : *sending roses are red, violets are blue quote in different styles* Hey I found a very beautiful quotes

Me: *seen and put away the phone* Fine bruh.... Whatever *rolls eyes*

*Few seconds later*

Me: *listening a song* hmm~

My phone: *suddenly brust through alot of notifications along with the notifications tones* Ding-dong-ding (a million times lol)

Me: *plug out earphones irritated* AHHH!?! What the-

The phone: *shows 77 notification*

Me: Ehhh??!? *Worried for not seeing any important message or if I've forgotten about replying* *opens the phone nonetheless*

The phone: *shows all of the freaking 77 notifications from that group*

(I can't show all of the pictures as Wattpad won't give me permission 😐)

Me: *thinking it's March not February so what with those romantic stuffs blah blah blah... * Guys it's time for our board exam and this is not your entire February that week so what with those stuffs 😑🙄

Friend 1: *tagging me*

Me: 🙄😑 ya I'm not interested in those things Bye 👋 *about to leave*

Friend 2: *replying me*

Me: *sigh* Ok I'm ugly, Thank You! 🙏

Friend 3: *sending something*

Me: Ok I'mma definitely a fool talking with all of you ☹️

Friend 4: *send a photo*

Me: HEY?! Ok that's crossed the limits *pissed off* 😑

My Friends: So what about you? *Trying to laugh and creeping the hell out of me*

*After sending alot of random things*

Me: *can't take this anymore* What do you think I'm leaving this by muting you? I've something to show. *I won't give up until it's over* ☝️

Me: 😃😄😁😆😂🤣😉😇😝😛😋😼

Friends: What the-

Me: *smirking in the background* 😼

Friends: But Roses are red, Violets are blue...



Me: From the same place where you all got these 😁

Friends: Aww please don't mind us 😥 *tryna getting sympathy*

Me: Whatever taste your own medicine 😂

Friends: 😟🥺

Me: *raise eyebrows* 🤨 well

Friends: You're so childish like always.

Me: I thought about giving you a last chance *sigh* Ok my last warning and don't try next time calling me for notes and lessons 😾

Me: Ba-bye~ *left*

*Few seconds later*

My phone: *received alot of apologies and buttering messages*

Me: SCREW OFF THOSE PEOPLE!! *Take my book and left my house, went to my neighborhood garden/ small forest like*

Peace ~ 😇🌬️🍃

See you later 💙🙃

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