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As the sky grew darker, it was beginning to get dark and Leo carried Lillie on his shell as they made their way back to the lair and the two were completely unaware that Leo had been bugged. When they got back, Leo tucked Lillie into bed and he made sure that the kid had her plush bunny as he then saw Lillie shift a bit under the blankets. "Everything alright kiddo?" Leo asked.

"I'm scared.." Lillie responded, she hid a little under the blankets and she did seem slightly afraid as Leo gently patted the kid's head. "Relax Lil's, no monsters are gonna get you. You're safe." Leo reassured the child that nothing could harm her physically but soon he saw Lillie come out of hiding from the blankets.

"It's not that, I'm scared that Kendra is gonna hurt me again. S..s-she can't.." Lillie trembled softly and she flinched a bit but felt Leo ruffle her hair as she looked at the red eared slider for a moment. "Lil's, we aren't gonna let that happen. Like I said, there is no way we're letting Kendra lay a finger on you, nothing bad is going to happen as long as we're here." Leo responded.

Lillie calmed down a bit and she laid back down on the air mattress as Leo got up and he went to leave before he heard the kid speak up. "One more thing Leo, can um..." Lillie mumbled.

Leo looked over at Lillie and he arched a brow bone at what she wanted to say but soon Lillie was able to get out what she wanted to ask. "Can you ask Donnie to come here?" Lillie asked, Leo was a bit surprised but nodded and he left the room to head to Donnie's lab to find the genius.

The blue masked turtle was certainly surprised why Lillie wanted to see Donnie anyway since as far as he was seeing, the two had some very unsteady ground between them yet he had also picked up how the softshell would try and be a bit more caring with the kid.

Leo got to the lab after a bit and he moved the curtain door to see Donnie who was locking up the configuration chip in a special safe with an electric numbered lock, Donnie shut the safe door and pressed in the numbers on the lock as a gentle beep came from it once it was secured.

"Hey Dee you got a second?" Leo chimed up, Donnie looked over at his twin and he sighed a bit since it was almost time for them to go out on patrol tonight so he assumed that Leo was here to bug him about it. "What is it? If you're here to nag about patrol tonight, I am fully aware of it." Donnie retorted.

"Mm.. not exactly that. Lillie wants to see you, don't know why though." Leo shrugged and Donnie arched a painted brow but he gave a nod at his brother in understanding as he then went to Mikey's room since the kid didn't have a room yet, the softshell took a peek into the room when he got there and he saw Lillie was still awake.

"Everything okay here? Nardo said you wanted to see me." Donnie responded, he walked over to the kid and Lillie looked over at Donnie as she held her bunny plush in one arm.

"I'm worried. I know that I'm safe but, Kendra is still out there.. I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Lillie said, she pulled the blanket up a bit to comfort her and Donnie gave a sigh since he and his brothers kept reassuring Lillie that she wouldn't be harmed by Kendra anymore before he heard her speak up again. "You promise that nothing bad will happen?" Lillie asked.

"A promise?" Donnie arched a painted brow and Lillie held her thumb up which made Donnie confused but he had remembered about reading something about kids making pinky promises but this one was much different. "Since you don't have pinky fingers, press your thumb against my thumb. My mama taught me that this was a different way to do a pinky promise." Lillie responded.

"This is so childish.." Donnie mumbled and he rubbed his temples but knew the kid wouldn't get to bed unless he promised so he held his thumb up, pressing it against Lillie's thumb gently as Lillie did the same. "I promise from here on out, nothing terrible will ever fall onto you. Even though we've said this a few times already.." Donnie responded.

"Donnie.. please?" Lillie wanted him to take it seriously and Donnie sighed softly but he understood as he started over. "Yes, I promise that nothing bad will ever happen to you. I won't allow it and neither will my brothers." Donnie said, Lillie smiled a little before sleepiness began to wash over her and she rubbed her eyes as she laid back down on the bed.

"Now go to sleep, you need to get all the rest you can get." Donnie responded, Lillie yawned and she slowly drifted off to sleep as she hugged her plush bunny. Donnie tucked Lillie in before he left the room quietly to let her sleep, not aware that something else would happen while he and his brothers were out.


Lillie was fast asleep and she gave a sleepy hum while she nuzzled her pillow, she felt so cozy under the safety of the blanket but the silence was long as a faint chirp like beep was heard and Lillie gave a tired groan while she moved in her bed when she heard the noise. She hid under the blanket with a tired hum but the beeping didn't go away as Lillie woke up and moved the blanket but was still a bit scared of the darkness of the lair, she was able to find a flashlight Mikey would keep hidden incase the power would go out.

Lillie clicked the flashlight on and she held her plush in one arm while she began to search the lair for any signs of what the source of the noise was, she didn't hear any snores or noises in the other bedrooms. Before she left she grabbed the emblem Donnie gave her incase something deadly was here to harm her. "Where'd they go?" Lillie mumbled, she walked around while she searched for the beeping noise.

Lillie checked each bedroom for anything odd and she shivered since it was a bit chilly in the lair, she checked Raph's room and it was quiet, no beeps just a few weights, plushies and such. She then searched Leo's room which had no source of beeping either, just a few shelves of different action figures, a few posters and comics on the floor as Lillie checked Donnie's room and she saw how much cleaner it was than the other two she checked.

Lillie saw Donnie's hoodie left on the bed and she put on the hoodie as it was quite baggy and big on her, she noticed it had the faint scent of coffee on it but relaxed at the warmth of the hoodie. "Soft.." Lillie hummed happily before she heard some odd clacking noise and she peeked out of Donnie's room, seeing something crawl it's way to the lab as Lillie quickly hid and she felt her heart racing but she knew she was alone.

Lillie took a shaky breath but gripped the flashlight and looked back out as she flashed the light at it, seeing it was some sort of large robotic spider and it crawled its way to the doors of the lab and up to a electric lock pad to unlock the door. She watched it attach itself to the pad and hack it as the lab doors opened, the robotic spider jumped off the lock and scurried into the lab as Lillie snuck into the lab after it while the robotic spider scanned the surroundings before locating the safe and jumped up onto the chair and onto the workbench.

The robotic spider hacked the keypad and soon the safe opened as the configuration chip was grabbed by a claw that came out of a panel on the bottom of the robotic spider, Lillie quickly ran over and she grabbed the robotic spider but yelped ad it was stronger than her and tried to run away with the chip in its claw. "Give that back!" Lillie exclaimed, one of the robotic spider's legs jabbed Lillie in the stomach rather harshly and Lillie coughed but accidentally let go of the chip. She ran after the robotic spider and she followed it up topside and Lillie tried to keep up with the robotic creature.

The robotic spider climbed up the wall of the alleyway to get to the rooftop and Lillie climbed up a trashcan, reaching a fire escape ladder and she focused on the chase of the creature as she climbed up to the rooftop. The robotic spider reached the rooftop first and crawled away and there was another drone waiting for pick-up for the chip, Lillie gave a yell as she jumped after the robotic spider until she stomped on it, quickly grabbing the configuration chip but it didn't stop there. Lillie felt something hook to the back of the hoodie and she was lifted up into the air by the drone, Lillie squirmed and she was taken somewhere before remembering the panic button.

Lillie grabbed the emblem she had stuffed into the pocket of the hoodie and clicked it as she saw it flash gently, she looked worried about where she was going and hoped the brothers would find her soon. The drone took Lillie to a rather tall building and dropped her off on the rooftop as the child gave a yelp when she landed on the rooftop with a thump. "Ow...." Lillie propped herself up with one of her arms and heard footsteps approach as the child felt her blood run icy cold when she heard a familiar voice.

"Finally found you sunflower.." Lillie looked up and saw Kendra as she felt her fear getting the better of her, she backed away and Kendra reaches to grab her but Lillie rapidly scrambled onto her feet and ran. Kendra ran after her and knew that the kid had nowhere to go, Lillie kept running and held the configuration chip case in her grasp as she spotted a place to hide it in a blind spot so she tossed it to the spot once Kendra had her focus on her. Lillie screamed as her forearm was grabbed and yank back in a harsh manner, Kendra pulled Lillie to her and she looked rather crossed with the girl.

"Let me go! You're hurting me!" Lillie exclaimed, she flinched as Kendra loomed over her and she felt her fear settling in yet again as Kendra grabbed Lillie's face with one hand. "Where is it sunflower? I know you have it! Give the configuration chip to me and I might just let you go." Kendra said.

"I'd never give it to you! Donnie was right, you're just a bully!" Lillie spat in Kendra's face as Kendra let go and she was grossed out but this only made the lilac haired teen even more furious, she knocked Lillie to the floor and then kicked her away which sent Lillie tumbling until she hit the large AC unit on the rooftop. Lillie coughed and held her side in pain before Kendra went to her and grabbed Lillie by the scruff of the hoodie, she gave a whistle as the drone hooked to the hoodie and lifted the kid into the air as Lillie felt hot tears pricking at her eyes.

Lillie silently begged in her head for the brothers to save her and she was practically scared out of her wits, in quite a bit of pain as well as Kendra wiped her face while glaring at the girl. "This should teach you a lesson on what it means to leave." Kendra hissed.

"Let Lillie go!" A voice rang out, Lillie looked up and Kendra looked over to see that Donnie and his brothers arrived as Donnie had tracked down Lillie's signal from her panic button thanks to the emblem. "Oh good, now the party can get started.." Kendra remarked.

"Leave Lillie out of this, let her go and you might just leave with your bones in tact." Raph said, he was beyond mad that Kendra had the nerve to lay a finger on Lillie as both he and Mikey got worried when they saw the kid's condition now.

"Aw.. protective brotherly bonding, how cute. But, I don't think you've got much of a choice here." Kendra then snapped her fingers and Lillie yelped as the drone flew over the edge of the building, Lillie looked down and saw the streets below as her heart raced while the brothers eyes widened.

Donnie clenched his teeth and he looked angry that Kendra would be willing to risk a child's life for something she needed, Mikey noticed something from the corner of his eye and saw the configuration chip case as he used his stealth to retrieve it.

"What is it that you want?" Donnie inquired, he tried to keep calm and he didn't want to risk Lillie's life as Leo tried to keep calm as well but to him he was worried sick since this situation was too familiar when he was dropped off a rooftop building by Draxum.

"I think you know, Von Ryan. That configuration chip, it's important not just for me but you as well. However, sunflower here seems to be important too, so which are you gonna choose to save?" Kendra inquired, looking over at the brothers and Lillie squirmed a bit as she looked at the brothers with her bright orange eyes. "Don't give her the chip guys!" Lillie exclaimed, she felt the drone jerk slightly as it threatened to drop her.

"Well sunflower doesn't wanna make this easy, so how about this?" Kendra grabbed a controller and pressed a red button as the brothers heard a loud buzzing of blades and soon several lion dog drones flew at the brothers and Raph, Leo and Mikey had to attack but it left Donnie to deal with Kendra on his own as Mikey accidentally dropped the configuration chip case and it hit Donnie's foot. Donnie picked up the case and he looked at it before looking at Kendra and then to Lillie. "So what's your choice?" Kendra asked.

"I would never give this piece of technology to the likes of you and I am certainly not going to allow you to cause anymore harm to Lillie either." Donnie stated, Lillie looked at the purple masked softshell while Kendra gave a laugh and she wiped a fake tear away.

"Wow, bold words yet no actions. I gotta give you props for that. That's the sad thing about having a special connection with someone like sunflower here, the more you love them then it makes it harder to let them go. How about I demonstrate?" Kendra clicked another button on the controller as the drone that held Lillie made a beeping noise as the brothers saw the drone drop Lillie, the child falling as she reached an arm for them.

"LILLIE!" Raph exclaimed while Leo and Mikey were in shock, they couldn't believe what they witnessed. Donnie felt his heart drop at what Kendra did and he wasn't just going to stand by as his body moved on its own and he started to run at Kendra as he yelled, landing a hard hit to her side with the tech bō but was kicked in the leg in response as he was knocked down.

"Donnie wait!" Leo yelled, he tried to stop Donnie from doing something completely crazy as he was worried for his twin, he didn't want the kid to die but he also didn't want his twin to get seriously harmed in the process.

Donnie scrambled back up to his feet and ran off the edge of the building and jumped, diving after Lillie as he tried to get in close enough to grab her. Lillie screamed as she fell and she was terrified that she'd hit the ground before looking up and she saw Donnie as Donnie quickly activated his Flight Shell and flew down after Lillie.

"Almost..!" Donnie reached a hand out to her and Lillie tried to reach for Donnie quickly as the softshell grabbed hold of her sleeve covered hand and pulled Lillie into his arms, Lillie clung to him and she whimpered as Donnie pulled up as best he could and flew to another rooftop that they both landed on. Donnie panted and he caught his breath after the adrenaline rush he had saving the kid from splattering to the ground, he looked down at Lillie in his arms as he saw her trembling.

"You're okay Lillie, I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Did I not promise you that earlier?" Lillie looked up at him with tears in her eyes and Donnie patted her head softly as he was hugged by the little girl, Donnie wasn't all that good with physical affection but he allowed the kid to hug him and he held her close as he gave her a hug back.

"T..thank you.." Lillie shakily breathed out and Donnie sighed but looked up once he sat back up, seeing his brothers found the two of them as Leo used his portal to take them down to the rooftop the two landed on, Raph went over to Donnie and Lillie first to make sure they were safe. "Are you two okay?! Nothing broken?" Raph asked.

"No, the two of us are alright.." Donnie sighed and he got back up as Leo flicked Donnie in the back of the head and Donnie recoiled as he looked at his blue masked brother with confusion. "What was that for?" Donnie asked.

"For being crazy! You're both lucky to be alive! I was worried!" Leo exclaimed, Donnie reassured his twin that he was okay as he then handed Lillie over to Mikey as the orange masked turtle held her but noticed Lillie's worried and scared expression, he rubbed her back to calm her down. Donnie then checked his gear and saw the configuration chip was gone as he looked back up to the rooftop where Kendra originally was. "She got her hands on the chip.." Lillie spoke up.

"I know. But we'll have to deal with Kendra another time, for now we need to get back to the lair." Donnie sighed, he didn't know what damage they could have gotten but he was just relieved that the kid was okay. Leo agreed with Donnie for once and the red eared slider then slashed a portal open as the group returned home to recollect themselves, Kendra gave a soft laugh as a drone dropped the configuration chip case into her hand and she smirked a little.

"Just one step closer to my plan, you put up a lot of resilience sunflower. But next time, you won't be so lucky." Kendra then headed back to the school as she was unaware that she had been spied on, Jason wore his vigilante gear and he activated his gauntlet as he checked the monitor while he had to figure out his next step to prevent the Alpha Beta project from coming to light. He typed up a code on the gauntlet as he then sent a file, hoping it would go through as he softly sighed before recording a voice message to attachment.

Project Alpha Beta [Blueprints]
To: Lillie Juil
From: _Eclipse.Wolf_

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