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After an hour of walking or so, the Purple Dragon's and Lillie arrived at a warehouse which was on some serious lock down with having more locks and even an few metal chains to bolt the doors locked tight and there was even a few old style keypads. "A warehouse?" Lillie asked, she looked at the trio and she tilted her head a bit.

"This is where you're gonna prove yourself kid, we'll make a game out of it." Jeremy said, he looked at Lillie and the child's eyes lit up as she jumped excitedly but almost tripped over her feet as Jason looked at the kid who balanced herself so she didn't fall.

"So.. what game is it exactly?" Lillie asked, she looked at the trio and Kendra walked over to Lillie as she then crouched down next to her. "It's simple, all you got to do is go into that warehouse and retrieve some parts for us. For every one you grab, you get one point." Kendra explained.

"But... isn't that stealing? That's bad.." Lillie said, she backed away a bit and she seemed a bit skeptical about the game and she then looked at the warehouse while Kendra stood back up. "It's just one harmless game and besides, it's not stealing." Kendra said.

"Yeah it's uh.. borrowing! There's a huge difference." Jeremy said, backing up Kendra's statement as Jason felt bad that they had to lie to a kid but he didn't step out of line otherwise he'd wind up getting teased about it.

Lillie looked at the trio before looking back at the warehouse as she then stomped her feet onto the ground a few times, a determined look on the child's face when she stopped. "Okay, let's play!" Lillie chimed.

"One problem. How is Lillie gonna get in?" Jason asked, he took notice of the locks and extra security as Kendra scanned the building as she then spotted an open part of the skylight on the rooftop.

"Simple, the roof." Kendra said, Lillie ran to the alleyway near the warehouse and she began to stack some old crates and climb up them as she then got on top of the dumpster.

But the kid still had a ways to go as Lillie grabbed a few milk crates and stacked them on top of the dumpster, using them as a tower but it wobbled as Lillie was a few inches away from the roofs edge. "Should we help?" Jason asked, seeing that the kid had some struggles as Kendra gave Jason a look.

"No. The kid has to do this herself." Kendra stated, Lillie stuck her tongue out and decided to risk it as she jumped up as high as possible which knocked over the crates and Lillie grabbed ahold of the roofs edge tight so she was left dangling.

Jason immediately got a bit worried when he saw this but knew that Kendra wouldn't allow him or Jeremy to interfere as he saw Lillie swing her body weight up, the girl climbed up and managed to get onto the rooftop.

"I did it..!" Lillie went over to the edge for a moment and smiled before she went to the skylight and peeked inside, seeing more sealed crates and such, she then grabbed the makeshift rope she made out of her sling backpack.

Lillie tied the rope to a pipe on the rooftop and tugged hard, making sure it was secure this time before she climbed down into the warehouse. Lillie landed on top of one of the crates with a soft thump and she then searched around, her cheeks puffed up adorably as she was very determined on winning this game.

After about fifty minutes, no signal or signs of Lillie were seen as Kendra scoffed with her arms crossed over her chest while Jason silently but nervously tapped his foot against the ground while Jeremy did seem puzzled why the kid hadn't come out. "It's been a while, you don't think she's stuck do you?" Jeremy asked.

"Better hope not, otherwise this kid is gonna be a waste of our time." Kendra remarked, she thought that this kid had some serious potential but she had a hunch that she was wrong and shook her head while Jason took notice of a familiar little figure on the rooftop.

"Look!" Jason pointed and they saw Lillie had gotten out as she carried around the throw blanket but it was tied shut like a makeshift bag, Lillie used the rope to get down from the roof and lower the throw blanket bag down. The little girl walked back over to the trio with a tired pant, she had a few scrapes on her cheeks and a bad scrape on her knee but she held up the throw blanket to Kendra. "Is.. is this enough?" Lillie asked.

Kendra grabbed the throw blanket and untied the knot sealing it shut as the dragons saw that Lillie got her hands on quite a few different parts, pieces for drones, new gear for them to use for their hacking tech and much more while Jeremy gave a whistle in amazement as Jason was practically blown away that the kid grabbed so much. "Dang kid! You win, no doubt about that!" Jeremy said.

"Alright shut it. Lillie." Kendra handed the throw blanket bag to Jeremy and she walked up to Lillie as Lillie stayed quiet, admittedly nervous and she shut her eyes tightly before she felt her hair being ruffled. Lillie opened her eyes and she looked at Kendra who had a small impressed smile on her face.

"I gotta say, for a kid you're pretty fast on grabbing as many points as possible. Alright, you can join us. But, you need something to show that you're truly apart of the dragons." Kendra said, she pulled her hand back and snapped her fingers.

"Let's head back to headquarters, the kid needs the proper gear." Kendra said, Lillie got little stars in her bright orange eyes and she smiled a little as Kendra and Jeremy went on ahead while Jason went over to Lillie and he grabbed a bandage from his jacket pocket.

"Here, look. Don't tell Jeremy and Kendra about this okay? They'll make fun of me if they found out I've gone soft.." Jason sighed, he crouched down and he then applied the bandage to Lillie's scraped knee as he was then patted on the arm by the child.

"I won't tell, pinky promise?" Lillie asked, holding her pinky finger out as Jason rolled his eyes playfully but he gave a small smile as he held his pinky out and shook it with Lillie's pinky finger too. "Promise." Jason said.

"Hey! Hurry up, both of you!" Kendra called, Jason snapped out of it and he got back up onto his feet as he then picked up Lillie as best he could, carrying her in one arm as Lillie gave a giggle while Jason ran to catch up with Kendra and Jeremy while he had a child in one arm.


When they got back to their headquarters (The highschoolโ€“) they made sure to disarm all the security cameras connected to the computer lab and Lillie looked around curiously, Jeremy emptied out the throw blanket and handed it back to Lillie once all the electronics had been put in another kind of space.

Lillie put the blanket away in her sling backpack and she then sat down on the floor as Kendra went to grab something. "So.. what do you guys do here?" Lillie asked, softly rocking back and forth out of boredom while she looked over at Jason.

"Usually we make all sorts of gadgets or other times we practice different VR simulations." Jason said, holding up a VR headset and Lillie gave a nod in understanding as she was a bit amazed by all the different technology they had but didn't know ow it was used for completely different purposes.

"Found it. It's a first concept thing but, it seems to be your style kid." Kendra said, she came back with a purple satin winter poncho with darker purple fluff around the edges of the poncho sleeves, bottom of the poncho and around the rim of the hood as it also had a signature light purple dragon symbol on the back of the poncho.

"Oh wow! It's so pretty!" Lillie got up and she went to Kendra as she looked at the pretty purple poncho, she was handed the poncho and Lillie put it on as it was a perfect fit.

"Nice to know it fits, plus none of us could ever pull that thing off." Jeremy said, currently working on another drone but focused on the coding while Jason handled building the drones with the new parts Lillie got.

"It does look comfortable, congrats Lillie..!" Jason gave a small cheer but saw Lillie looked rather tired and Lillie yawned a little as she rubbed her eyes, Kendra groaned quietly and she went over to Jason as she then pushed him lightly over to the kid.

"Take care of sunflower there, she's got another mission tomorrow. Don't screw this up jase." Kendra hissed out the last part and Jason flinched but understood as he walked to Lillie.

"Um, Lillie? Don't you have a place to sleep?" Jason asked, Lillie stretched a bit and she gave a nod as she looked at Jason before she was given a phone of sorts. "Here, this way we can keep in touch. Anyway, you better get some rest. Kendra says that you've got a mission tomorrow." Jason said.

"Okie dokie!" Lillie chirped, she smiled a little as she then put the device away in her sling backpack and she headed back to her makeshift shelter after waving goodbye.

It took some time but she made it back as Lillie entered the shelter and she then set up her bed despite it being cardboard as a base but she seemed happy that she made some new friends and better yet, she was apart of a group.

"A brand new mission tomorrow, I wonder what it could be?" Lillie pondered and she then hung the sling backpack up on a broken part of a milk crate as she hugged her plush bunny close to her, she gave a soft yawn and rubbed her eyes before she began to doze off to sleep yet again.

"Maybe.. it'll be even more fun.." Lillie mumbled, she slowly fell asleep and curled up as her new poncho kept her warm plus the throw blanket provided additional warmth so the kid didn't get even more cold during the night.


Kendra was working with the new parts that the kid had gotten from the warehouse as she gave a small laugh to herself. "I can't believe that kid fell for it, but I wasn't wrong about her quick reflexes to grab as much stuff as possible." Kendra said, she then checked the blueprints they made for their newest drone as Jason was lost in his thoughts as he worked.

"Yeah, that kid's got some spunk. Hard to believe an orphan like her is wondering around the streets." Jeremy pointed out, he was working on some additional coding as Jason lightly tapped his fingers against the workbench before his thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"If we keep up this whole game thing for the kid, she'll get us enough parts for Project: Alpha Beta." Kendra said, she grabbed her smelting tool and kept working as Jason knew all too well what the Alpha Beta project was but if the kid was involved then Lillie was in a serious risk of danger.

"Um.. shouldn't we just... I dunno, let the kid take it easy for a while? I don't think she needs to get wrapped up in that project yet." Jason said, he immediately got nervous when he saw the glare Kendra sent his way.

"Shut it Jase. Sunflower is going to get us those parts, even if it kills her. Don't go soft just because she's a kid, it's a sign of weakness." Kendra spat venomously, Jason flinched quietly but one hand balled into a fist and he then went back to work after making a note which he tucked away into his jacket pocket as he knew better to go against Kendra.

He may have been a bad teen but he wasn't a monster, he wasn't going to allow a little girl to get tangled up in this web Kendra weaved while he gripped the note in his pocket quietly. On the note was something Jason had planned behind Kendra and Jeremy's backs, if things went south with Alpha Beta.

If Project Alpha Beta were to otherwise fail or be unsuccessful, I must hide any trails leading to Lillie from Kendra and prevent Kendra using her for the Alpha Beta project.

Goal: Protect the Sunflower.

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