Nightmare P2

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A/N: holy shit...last chapter yall! There is music and you can start it now! I am so exited yet sad for this to end. I hope y'all loved this fic as much as me! I have ideas for another Patroclus and Achilles AU, so this is not the end of my Achilles and Patroclus! I love you all so much and I can't wait to see what other Patrochilles fics I write and how my writing improves!
-Mentions of abuse
-Mentions of SA
         I woke up from a nightmare, One that was partially a reality.
     You see my nightmare was about Achilles being soulmates with Deidamia and actually being together forever...well then she turned into the beast from beauty and the beast and told me I was worthless but the first part of it was what hurt the most! I think?
      I must have been loud cause Achilles jumped of the couch, I hadn't even realized that he was laying like right next to me, and almost on top on me! "Bad dream," I grumbled, It knew it was at least 6 A.M so I could get up and just start my day if I wanted too.
     I groaned and sat up, Achilles yawned, he was clinging to me. "Why do I exist today!" Achilles whined, I used to ask myself that all the damn day.
      "If your up for it doing something that would probably be best for both of us!" He sat there for a moment, considering it. "Do I have too..." I thought about it, I would never force him to do anything so I came up with a better idea of what to do! "I'll be back in 30 minutes!" He grabbed my arm "slow down cowboy! Where are you going?" "Secret," I winked and grabbed the keys off the counter, he plopped back on the couch, "No kiss goodbye?" I laughed, "Right almost forgot" we kissed and I rushed to get out of the door. "Feed Helen!" I reminded, then I ran out the door. I was gonna make today an amazing stay at home day!
       At Walmart I grabbed everything I could possibly imagine Achilles wanting or needing. I got 3 tubs of ice cream, got a bunch of board games and card games, candy and a bunch of crazy shit. If Achilles was depressed, I would make his depression enjoyable! (Don't ask me I have no idea what I meant by that)
       I stood at the checkout line in lane 6, some lady in front of me was being a Karen, so I had to wait. "No way the coupon is expired! Why can't you give me a new one?" I sighed and gave the worker a sympathetic look, it's tough that people can be so clueless and rude!
        The lady finally had it and just payed, giving the cashier a nasty look. The guy scanned my stuff, I helped him bag it, paid and then went on my way back to my Achilles.
       Carrying all the bags in was a struggle, I had 4 bags on each arm, but I managed. (barley) When I entered I saw Achilles petting Helen on the floor, aww. They looked at me, Helen meowed and Achilles smiled. I grabbed two spoons and handed some ice cream to Achilles. He quickly became obsessed with the flavor I got him, Oreo, he ate it like the world depended on him finishing all of it. "Brain freeze!" He winced and closed his eyes, I laughed "You did that to yourself!" He pouted, "Did not ask!" He moped, shoving ice cream in his face. I wiped the ice cream off his cheek, "I love you, silly." He just stared, but not in a weird way.
       A loud knock on the door startled me, I stood up but Achilles didn't even mind to try. He just ate his ice cream on the floor. I opened the door to reveal Achilles father, Peleus. I was about to shut the door when he walked inside, uninvited. "They are gonna be here soon," He turned to Achilles, who had ice cream leaking down his chin, and gave him a hug. Achilles smiled, I could tell if he tried to say anything he would choke on his ice cream. "Patroclus, thank you," Peleus stood up and shook my hand, I was baffled. "Why?" "You just seem like a great boyfriend to my son." "Thank you?" He flashed a weak smile then his face hardened. "They are coming, what shall we do?" I knew who he meant. Deidamia and Thetis, and maybe even Menoetius too. That is my fathers name. But I don't consider him a father. Just like he never considered me a good son.
          Achilles spoke first, "We shall not back down, but we do not get violent unless they do." Peleus nodded and Achilles put the ice cream back into the refrigerator. I could tell it was hard for him to set down his new favorite ice cream. "Let's not let them come to us, why not just go to them ," Achilles suggested, walking out of the apartment with me and his dad following.

      "Achilles," Said Thetis, clenching her jaw. For some reason she has always reminded me of a spider. Maybe it's her looks, maybe it's her creepy personality, but I think it's maybe because I have a fear of them! It's probably all. Me, Achilles, and Peleus stood facing Deidamia, Thetis and Menoetius. We all shared one thing in common, we just wanted this to be over with. But neither of us were willing to let the others get their way. It was like a never ending nightmare. Achilles looked at me for reassurance, but I had none to give. I knew talking it out would not work in this scenario. I could not do things my way, so I did the thing everyone, even me least expected. "Deidamia, If your that lonely, desperate, and slutty to get yourself someone who actually cares for your existence than maybe nobody ever will. And then maybe you'll just sexually assault some more innocent men!" She gasped, And looked at me furiously, but I wasn't done. I turned to Thetis. "Mom of the year right here, if the year was 666. Good thing Achilles didn't inherit your looks. Or personality," She balled her fists, "How dare-" Peleus stopped her from taking her rage out on me. I faced Menoetius. I can't say I wasn't scared, But I felt brave against him for once in my life. I surprised myself with the words that came out of my mouth, "There's someone out there for everyone. For you, it's a therapist. You haven't changed for all my life. You really should. Being an abusive fuck sounds a little boring when everyone ends up hating you." He was bewildered. Everyone was. I knew my words enraged them more, but I didn't care. They have insulted and hurt me and my boyfriend for to long. I didn't expect Deidamia to actually frown and sigh. She seemed disappointed in herself, my first thought was "wow I did that! Do it again!". Thetis looked mad and overwhelmed, but also a little sad. As I suspected, my dad only got angrier. He was never going to accept the fact that he was in the wrong. I didn't know what to do next. I hoped Achilles or his father knew. I wanted to hide and run but I knew it would just prove how worthless and weak my father thinks I am. My father lashed out and tried to hit me. But not before Peleus could smack him. Achilles stood wide eyed in shock of my current events. His mother gave him a disappointed look, and pointed at Deidamia, he shrugged "Mom," He smacked his lips "I'm gay". Horror struck his mother face, but only partially because because of what she said, part of it was her realizing she was a bitch of a mom.
     Deidamia became quite interested in her feet, staring at them silently. "I guess I'm sorry" Thetis mumbled, tucking a strand of her behind her ear. "It will take time to forgive you mother, for now don't contact me." She looked angry, but much less understanding. She pulled Deidamia's arm and they stormed away. I remembered Peleus and Menoetuis, they were not yelling but not peacefully talking. I walked up to them, meeting eyes with my father, "Menoetuis, you were never my father, your just some asshole who had sex with my mother!" He balled his fists at the mention of mom. I had opened the Pandora's box of rage and despair for him, and maybe even myself . "I hope you die and stop wasting perfect air. You know what, fine! Goodbye forever Patroclus." He spat, slurring my name. Achilles flipped him off as he stormed away. I hoped that was the last of him. Forever. Achilles ran and hugged me, "Patty," He squeezed me a little to much. "That was so brave." I pat his back, "Achilles, air" He pulled away "Sorry" "It okay" Peleus smiled, "I am sorry that I didn't help you two sooner" "It's okay sir, we are free from them now! I think?" He smiled and pulled me in for a hug that I did not expect. "You are perfect for my son, Patroclus." I looked at Achilles and he gasped, inching towards me. "What?" "Your eyes..." He grabbed my face, kinda harshly and pullled me towards him examining my eyes. "There beautiful," He stammered, "I meant- I meant to say both brown!" He was blushing ferociously. "They are?" He nodded, his were both green, that didn't change. "How?" I asked, beyond confused. He kissed me deeply, "I know why, you are my soulmate, Patroclus. " The blood rushed to my face, I hoped I wasn't blushing to much. I guess he can feel it? I have no idea how that works, but in Achilles we trust! "Uh yay!" Said Peleus, awkwardly. Me and Achilles laughed "Sorry sir we forgot you were here!" "Please call me Peleus, Patroclus." "Ok, Peleus." We smiled, I felt so free. Like a bird finally released from a cage. No more abusive parents to deal with fire a while! I think the evil homophobic mom and soulmate snatcher are done with there schemes for a while too, finally. Now I felt like I was living my best life! Briseis waved at me from across the street. "Do you want to go to Odysseus ice cream with us!" I yelled, I hoped it was loud enough for her to hear. She gave me a thumbs up and started to walk in our direction. "Who's that?" Asked Peleus "Briseis, aka my bestie!" Achilles frowned "I'm your bestie to right?" "Of course!" He grinned and took my hand, and put his arm around his dads shoulder "I love you both!" "I love you too son" Peleus responded right before me, "I love you to dork" Achilles was blushing and grinning like a mad man. After a few minutes Briseis arrived. "Hey everybody!" Briseis cheered, "Who's this dude? Never seen him before" "he's my dad." said Achilles, proudly. "Cool! I'm Briseis" "Nice to meet you, dear" Peleus smiled at Briseis. She nodded and examined us all, "Let's go!" We all headed to my car to go to Odysseus ice cream shop. I remember talking to Achilles there. Our first conversation. I remembered it very well. Aww, gosh the memories! We got in the car, Achilles opening my door like he always does, and I drove us to Odysseus ice cream. We sang "Don't blame me" by Taylor Swift and I blasted the music and I sang along. So did my soulmate, my best friend and my future dad in law. Forget that last part! Or don't? Anyways, I am excited to see what happens next in my life, now that being afraid of my father isn't haunting me anymore. I can finally let go and be with the people I care about most in the crazy cruel but beautiful world.

                                    The end

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