Rescue misson

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I sat at home, packing Achilles stuff, my soulmates stuff. Why would he do that? I thought. I had tried to text and call him but it didn't deliver. I was not ready to live alone again, without Achilles.

When I was finally done putting his stuff in boxes, I set them outside near the front door. You would think I would be sad, but I'm mostly angry at Achilles!

He is stupid most of the times and makes horrible decisions but...I LOVE HIM!

I slammed the door shut and laid down on the soda, I said I would fight for us, for patrochilles!

Why didn't I...but its to late now they are engaged! Even if achilles was trying to protect me I still feel betrayed! You know what, I bet I could find his mothers address...I ran to the library, they have computers, that I'm gonna use to find my Achilles.

I stayed at the library for three days straight. Looking for anything.
When I finished my long hours of search I found the address, it's was "1 Elacole" road!

I rushed to my car. I opened the door, blasted Rihanna to prepare myself snd started driving at impossible speeds to rescue my Achilles. I almost crashed into serval cars, but being cautious was the last thing on my mind.

When I arrived I noticed that the place was huge, there was lots of cars parked so I assumed they were having a "yay my son isn't gay anymore party!"

If I was going to do this, I needed a plan. I couldn't just walk in! Or could I...?

I grabbed a black hoodie out of my car and put it on over my face, walking into the house along with some others.

It's was even bigger on the inside, very modern and futuristic. The light fixtures were stunning—Focus Patroclus. I must find Achilles!

I pushed my way through a lot of party guests, murmuring sorries as I walked by.

Along the way I got distracted by a grand, wooden book shelf, I couldn't help it!

I noticed all of the books were older, some I haven't read but the others I remember had questionable characters.

Then someone bumped into me which took my out of my trance. I walked away from the bookshelf, stuffed my hands in my pockets and headed to keep looking for Achilles.

From a few feet away, I saw him. He was standing with his mom, my dad and Deidamia. They all looked happy besides Achilles, who still looked as stubborn and crazy as ever.

Everyone was gathered by them, I tried to stay away but not to far that I couldn't see them.

I spotted loads of gift on the table I stood by,  engagement gifts? it's only been a day!

After a few minutes, Achilles started to walk away, and I followed him discreetly.

He went into the men's bathroom and I stood outside and waited.

Luckily, the hallway was completely empty.

When Achilles walked out he waved at me, he's so friendly...

  I looked around to make sure nobody was looking and took my hood off.

  "Pat-" I covered his mouth, trying to keep him from accidentally revealing to telling everyone that I was here.

I pulled him into the bathroom, shutting the quietly door behind me.

"I'm here to rescue you!" I whispered. "What? Patroclus...Im doing this for you..." He said, pure sadness his eyes. "And how would you even do that? There are so many people!" I took my hoodie off and gave it to him, and I messed up my hair, "We can blend in, get out of here!"

"Where would we go? We cant get away from them, Pat." He looked me in the eyes, shaking his head.

"We will figure it out...please, for your soulmate."

He sighed, "I hope you know what you are doing..."

  When we both walked out of the restroom, there was a man waiting in line for the bathroom, just staring at the two of us.

  "Uhm, we were just talking in private." I said, trying to make my voice more manly incase this guy somehow impossibly knew my voice. This was a real over-thinker moment that made me want to slam my head into a rock.

He just flashed me a weird look and walked into the bathroom. Me and Achilles walked out of the hallway, we could overhear people were asking where Achilles was.

I could tell some of the guests were having mini panic attacks, which gave us a perfect distraction to get out of there.

We made a run for it, pushing through the crowd. I could tell Achilles was unsure about this.

We got in the car as quickly as possible,

  "seatbelts!" I yelled, not wanting to have a repeat of our first kiss— I mean the crash part. The kiss was great.

  His mom ran outside, but before she could get to us I was backing out of the driveway. I rolled the window down just to wink at her before I drove away with her precious son.

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