S1. Ep. 06 | Sober Sex

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"OH FUCK!" She exclaimed at the top of her lungs, breath ragged, as her body moved up and down with friction, his hands gripping onto her soft, smooth waist so the speed would increase. "Will- Oh damnit-"

A sparkle of his devilish grin reflected on her eyes watching as she bounced above him, increasing the pleasure that drived them mad. It was strange how never before he felt such an intense emotion with any other woman before. It was something Teresa was just...unique at. And the way she moved proved she knew that.

Since the deal was made, purely for their own benefits, that's how they have been, they'd found themselves here and there, little rendezvous, and in the past Will would've said it was ridiculous, but now? Now he couldn't stop it.

He would lie if he didn't enjoy this, to feel her soft dark brown skin against his, to feel her scent and leave traces of kisses on her curves, to feel heat of the moment as he leaned her back down so they could kiss, twirl their tongues as he fucked her incessantly over and over until they couldn't breathe anymore.

Leading to a second orgasm of that day and drifting away from his ghosts, Will Graham's fingers tangled on her curly hair strands, lips touching as he smiled subtly against her teeth, muffling their moans as they continued.

When he looked at Teresa that way, when he was high by the intensity of their actions, all the world could fade away, the killing, the madness, everything was just...sex. And he believed shallow people would only think about sex, but truth is, if that meant to be shallow, he could shallow himself to be even more shallow.

And he believed she could make her shriek and tremble on top of him once again if her phone didn't ring at that moment. The damn phone, he thought. And before she could get off him, he gripped onto her arm. "Nuh-uh-uh." He shook his finger in negative as he buried himself, thrusting his hips up and deeper into her core, making Teresa whimper.

But the phone continued to ring. "Shit...it might be from work your jerk, I need to pick it up-ah!" She groaned as he motioned once again with no warning. Will was indeed unpredictable when it came to sex, he would appear so rigid, so vulnerable and broken in real life, when in fact, he was  a..."Your fucking slut!" Teresa cursed him.

Will stopped for a moment, cock still deep inside her while he stretched his arm to get the phone on the desk next to the bed, giving it to her. "Fine." She took the phone from his hands annoyed. "Don't. Get. Off." He hissed in a demanding tone, eyes sparkling a hidden authority.

Teresa swallowed dry, ignoring the seductiveness of his sudden change of attitude and trying to keep a steady tone on the phone.

"Teresa Brooks speaking."She finally responded. "Oh, Ageng Crawford." She suttered surprised as Will gave a half smile.

His hair by now were messy brown locks scattered across the pillow, his wide chest standing as a warm carpet underneath her, serving as support for her hands. The man was a hottest crazy man in this world, she had to admit, and he fucked like no one else could.

"At the...Uhh-" She closed tight her eyes and shut down any possible sentenve that could come out of her mouth as Will moved on purpose,  she tried to give little slaps on his arms to make him stop as he giggled subtly at her irritation. "Sorry, got distracted. Baltimore Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane, yes, I know where it is." She nodded. "I'll be there soon. Okay."

A deep breath came out of her lungs as she looked back at the little troublemaker on her bed, his smile as wide as the surprising sunny day outside.

"You're an asshole." She laughed ready to kill him.

"Me?" He chuckled. "You're the one who gets on fours and-" Just them another phone began to rang. "Sounds like we have the same mission happening." He smirked as he picked up the phone. "Hello." He answered, with such a satisfied tone that even Jack was surprised across the line. "I'm on my way."

Once he turned off the phone he couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at the woman mocking him.

"What's with that voice?" Teresa teased.

"What voice?"

"I'm on my way" She mimicked in a stronger tone making him grin. "Trying to act tough, huh?"

"I don't need to act tough."


"I don't, and you know why?" He barely gave her time to think before gripling her arm and twisting positions, her back hitting the soft mattress as now she would look up and meet his face again, strong arms encaging her sides, as he got closer and whispered in a hot breath. "I'll show you tough." Will Graham said determined. "Do you think Jack will mind if we delay a few more minutes?"

"He will." The two remained in silence for a minute. "But it's not like we give a fuck anyway." The two cackled.

"You know, sometimes you are very right, Agents Brooks." He teased. "Just sometimes."

"I'm always right." She smirked and tapped the tip of his nose as he scrunched it in reaction. "Now don't waste my time, Agent Graham"


Will discovered Teresa could be a great actress if she wanted to. She'd arrive in different times than him in a crime scene, hair wet from the recent shower to take off his smell from her body, straight face as she would only nod to acknowledge his existence in the crime scenes, pretending nothing has ever happened, and no one would ever notice it.

It was funny for him though, to watch her around and keeping that little secret. To be able to admire her curves and know that he had touched, worshipped each one of them, sometimes he'd be caught daydreaming way too often about it.

The only difference that afternoon is taht they both arrived with too little time difference.

"You're both late." Jack crossed his arms, making that face he used to do when djspleased, eyebrows heavy, mouth curved as a cartoon character.

"Traffic is loaded." Teresa only mumbled as she walked past him without any further explanation. "So, are we meeting the psychos or is your agent enough?"

Will suppressed a laugh as Jack rolled his eyes and followed her inside. Appearently Freddie Lounds rumors of the Chesapeake Ripper had been largely spread, especially with a new murder happening inside Baltimore's State Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

Frederick Chilton, in Teresa's personal opinion as she would share it with Will later in bed, looked like a virgin. Not because he wasn't attractive to her, not at all, but the way he behaved, the way he spoke, and even his office screamed "I AM ALONE AND MISERABLE."

Everything smelled like alchohool sanitizer, including him, and his attempt to make a charming introduction comoletely failed as he wouldn't know how to properly greet her.

"What a strong lady."He chuckled awakwardly as Teresa shook firmly his hand.

"Agent." She corrected.


"You mean a strong agent." She insisted as he gave an awakward smile.

"Yes...of course, agent." As he finally got rid of her grip he turned back to the ither two. "And you must be Mr. Graham...or should I call you Dr.Graham?"

"I'm not a doctor."Will responded, already tedious by Chilton's formalism.

"You're not FBI either." Chilton stated. "That's a temporary identification" He pointed to his badge.

Teresa raised an eyebrow at the audacity of that little man. He was sassy, she had to admit. But if she were him, she wouldn't be caught messing around with someone unstable as Will near a crime scene.

"Mr. Graham teaches at the academy." Jack explained instead, burying his hands in the pockets of his new black coat, he hadn't washed it since he got it, so it smelled like a department store of some sort.

"Ah, a teacher." Chilton exclaimed withca  smile as if he didn't give a fuck about it. "Please, take a seat." He gestured as he quickly grabbed one of the chairs and pulled it for Teresa to sit.

She looked at him straight in the eyes, making a face, as Jack shook his head for her to accept it. But it didn't work, it was almost as forcing a child to eat her vegetables.

"I prefer to stand, thank you." She insisted while taking a step back. "Agent Graham." She pointed to the chair. "Please take seat."

It was almost a miracle for Will notnto laugh at that situation and keep a straight face as he sat down and watched Chilton's disappointed stare at the woman.

"Anyway." Jack cleared his throat as Chilton joined them by sitting at the chair behind his desk. "Dr. Chilton, we're going to need to see the crime scene while it's still relatively undisturbed."

"I assure you, for something so disturbing, it is quite undisturbed." He declared.

"Why was a nurse left alone with a prisoner in a high-security psychiatric hospital?" Teresa asked, crossing her arms.

He seemed quite bothered by her question. "For the two years since he was brought here, Gideon behaved perfectly and gave every appearance of cooperating with attempts at therapy. As dictated by our present administrator, security around him was slightly... Relaxed."

"Relaxed...around a killer." She continued and he nodded. "Wow." She let it out in an unamused and low, hoarse tone of disdain.

The doctor tried to ignore her remark. "I cannot help feeling responsible myself for what happened. He sat directly across from me and I had no idea what he was hiding. And now one of our staff is dead."

"I understand doctor." Jack replied in a very professional stance.

"Sounds like incompetence to me"Teresa coughed.

"Did you say something, Agent Brooks?" Chilton asked, Jack turned around, eyes deadly for her to stay quiet.

"Um...no, not at all." She lied, looking around the room. "Just...allergy, pollen season you know."

"Ah, I see."He nodded. "If you'd like I could examine-"

"Mr. Graham's going to need to see the crime scene with as much privacy as you can provide." Jack cut him off before any idea could've been said.

It was just the mention of it that made the doctor's eyes sparkle and turn to the agent instantly, with sudden new found interest.

"Oh, yes, that thing you do."Chilton declared with a smile. "You're quite the topic of conversation in, uh, psychiatric circles, Mr. Graham."

"Am I?" Will answered monotone. After he had entered that hospital all expressjon from his face had died, only growing space for a large straight line on his lips.

"Uh, yes. A unique cocktail of personality disorders and neuroses that make you a highly skilled profiler." Chilton responded as a nerd interested in a certain biology topic in science class.

"He's not here to be analyzed."Teresa suddenly cut him off, breaking expectatives.

Chilton made a face. "Perhaps he should be. We are woefully short of material on your sort of thing, Mr. Graham." He insisted. "Would you mind speaking to some of the staff?"

"Yes, he would." Teresa responded instead, taking a step closer, forcing Chilton to look at her. "We are very short on time and so are you to solve your security problem, Dr.Chilton." He silenced instantly, intimidated. "So if you could please escort us to the crime scene..."

There was a pause in silence, perphaps caused by Chilton on purpose, as if he waited for Jack or Will to say something contrary to the woman's attitude. But nothing was said, for the first time Jack thanked her intrusion.

Chilton only forced a smile. "Of course." he nodded. "Please come with me."

Jack and Chilton continued to talk as they walked through the hallways, a bit behind them, were the two other agents.

"You didn't need to defend me." Will muttered.

"I didn't defend you, I just wanted him to shut it." Teresa talked back at him and he chuckled. "Maybe he's right, you should stay here."

"Ah come on, as if you wouldn't miss me." He teased with a smirk.

"Not at all."

"Not at all?" He continued. "Oh is that so?" She nodded. "Not even when..."He whispered some obscenity at her ear that made her cough susprised, then pushed him away. "Pollen's season's a bitch huh."


It has been some solid minutes now that Will stood alone in a room with the corpse. Teresa was there, next to Jack at the hallway, waiting for the agent to be done.

"Have you two become friends now?" The older one suddenlt said, surprising the woman. "You defended him back there."

"He's part of the team." Teresa responded as she relied her back on the wall. "Can't let Chilton disturb the mission and offend a fellow colleague on the field. That has nothing to do with friendship."

Jack nodded. "Well, that's already a start." He seemed quiet satisified.

She looked at thr man for some seconds, noticing the wrinkles appearing on his face, or the dark circles on his eyes. She couldn't help but wonder what type of life he had away from work, or how was the joruney for him to reach that certain point.

"Can I ask you something, sir?" Teresa said.

"...Sure. I guess we have time until he's over. What is it?" Jack said unbothered.

She tried her best not to sound nosy or impetulant. "What made you chose this career?" She suddenly said, making the agent slightly surprised. "Why the FBI?"

"Are you having doubts now, Brooks?" Jack asked instead with a half smile.

"No, sir."She shook her head. "Just curious."

"Just curious, I see." He nodded slowly, as his eyes drifted away to a certain past. "I helped a girl once...it was long ago, she was being circled by these delinquents in my neighbourhood...I got into a fight but they ran off without  causing any harm to her." He reminisced as Teresa listened attentive. "She thanked me with a kiss in the cheek and many praises as a hero...but what stuck to me was 'you should be a cop'"

It was strange for her to listen to the same story she heard so many times now from the perspective of another person.

"So you did." Teresa muttered.

"I did."He nodded. "She helped me see something I actually wanted to do, that I find reason at." Jack continued. "So I did."

Teresa pursed her lips, anxious for a brief moment, thinking cautiously at what to say next, or maybe, of all the things left unsaid instead.

"What happened to the girl?" She asked instead.

At this moment, Jack's smile faded and her heart quickned in anticipation. He was about to mutter a word when Will came out from the room, still a bir disoriented.

"You done?" Jack asked as the agent only nodded, he was so pale that Teresa knew immeditaly he wasn't in his right mind. "Okay, let's see what we have."

But again, she only wished she could've heard the ending of the story she was part of.


The sound of his breath was heavy as he moved back and forth nonstop. Sweat dropped from his forehead, and his arms tightned around her from time to time by the amount of strentgh he applied increased.

When the pleasure finally overcame, he pratically fell on top of her, foreheads touching as his lungs were in ardor for relaxation, gasping for air.

"My God...."Teresa sighed as her nose touched Will's and he tried to recompose himself. "Holy shit...are you okay?" She asked as he nodded subtly, still not able to speak. "Didn't seem like it before." She whispered.

"Was it bad?" He asked as he rolled to her side on the bed, back meeting the matress as he finallylt out adeep breath.

"No, not it wasn't, it's just..."She failed to put it into words this time, the sheets were a mess, the smell of sex and sweat in the air, and her exhaustion combined distra ted her. "You seemed stressed...I mean, I tbhink you were, judging by how you slammed your dick in me."

"For fuck's sake, Brooks." He complained about her language but both of them laughed. "Did it hurt?" She shook her head in negative. "If it does, warn me next time. That's not my intention."

"I know." She only nodded as he brushed away his wet hair strands off his eyes.

Turned a bit to the side, watching the slightly toned muscles hidden underneath the sheets, the breath pacing, slower, as the eyes were lost to the ceiling, as if he observed something far away.

"I know I might not be the best person for it, but do you wanna speak about it?" She whispered, as his eyes surprisingly turned to her.

"It's nothing" Will lied, getting lost to the hazel shade of her pupils, they seemed so sweet and peaceful, almost entrancing.

"You sure?" She insisted, almost sensing the conflict in his mind. He only nodded. "Okay." She didn't insist any longer.

Teresa gestured to leave, get up from the bed when his large hand gripped onto her wrist.

"Stay a bit longer." He asked in that hot, exhausted breath. "Not gonna tire you any longer just...stay a while." He wasn't ready to let her calming presence leave just yet.

For once, she did not complain or question why. She only nodded, lying again in bed, letting him wrap his large arm around her, as she rest her head on his chest, following the movemeng of it, up and down...up and down...up and down...

And for a moment, within the hurricane, there was harmness and home, there was...silence.

And it was enough.


Abigail Hobbs was sleeping. She had the habit to snore when doing it, opening slightly her mouth and closing it again, mumbling nonsense. Sometimes she'd wake up having nightmares, living through the nightmare of her real life over and over again.

It was an afternoon filled with laughs and conversation where Teresa had visited her once again at the clinic she lived. Now the girl rest on her bed as the agent stood at a corner, nitebook on her hand as she wrote down details about the Chesapeake Ripper recent appearisons, comparing it all to Abel Gideon, who so claimed to be the ripper.

However, none of the behaviours Gideon had matched to the infamous killer, with the exception that he continously affirmed to be him. And now, to only make things worse, Jack has been receiving misterious calls with voice of a previous deceased trainee of his who was involved in a case with the Ripper.

Teresa's had was aching, she rest the pen on the desk again and ran her hands through her face, trying to recollect thoughts while the room's door opened.

"My apologies, I should return another time." A polite smooth voice invaded her ears, and when she turned to see who it was, Hannibal Lecter was there, by the doorstep, with a small bag in his hands.

"Dr.Lecter."She greeted him, shaking his large firm hand. "No, it's alright, I was just working...Abigail has fallen asleep."

"Ah that's a shame, I've brought her some food." He showed the bag and put it aside." Are you hungry, Miss Brooks? I have enough for two portions-"

"I had lunch before coming, thank you."She refused wisely as he only nodded in return. "You may stay with her, I was just leaving-"

"Oh no, please, finsih your work first, it is no issue at all."He said aa he walked next to her notebook, reading the sentences briefly. "Is it about the Chesapeake Ripper?"

Teresa wasn't one to speak too often abou her work to others who weren't part of it. But Hanninal wasn't really a stranger, he was known to the FBI, a consultant, and besides, Will's psychiatrist. Althoigh there was this...mysterious aurea around him, he was, in the end, just a man. A man who seemed to truly care for Abigail Hobbs just like her.

"Just some reports, we don't have much material on him from recent years, it's kinda messy." She responded, as they both took a seat and he grabbed the reports on his hands.

"Judging from Jack's alarming state, it seems to be an urgent situation." Hannibal pondered as he delicately flipped the pages, satisifed with the content on the pages. "You have a pretty caligraphy."

"Oh...thanks." She smiled awkwardly by the sudden compliment.

"An adequate caligraphy tells someone is very organized, I can see it from your notes that you are a very meticulous person, Miss Brooks."

"Doesn't looo like it, huh?"She chuckled and he gave a half smile.

"In the exterior indeed, you are a much more harsh, pratical person. But now I see that are much more layers within your persona." He stated. "Those, I believe, are great traits to have."

"Well, that is very kind of you, thanks, doctor." She said in a rather friendly tone that pleased him.

Hannibal set the notebook aside for a moment, then admired the figure of Abigail peacefully sleeping for a moment. Teresa could almost feel something fatherly in his eyes, something so foreign yet so gentle and sweet to her, something she never had.

"She feels in peace with you." Hannibal turned to the woman again. "You have my grattitude."

"Oh, it's not-"

"I mean it." He insisted. "After what happened, and all the FBI questioning, psychoanalyzing, and judging her...what Abigail mostly desires is to feel as an average girl again...and you made it possible to her." Hannibal explained dearly. "That is very noble, Miss Brooks."

Teresa sighed but gave a smile, she wasn't used to so many compliments. "I just thought she needed a friend." Hannibal nodded. "She feels really safe with you too, you know? You and Will." She mentioned. "Like you both are her safe space."

"Us four have experienced a life changing event, it somehow made us bond, is it not?" He declared and she agreed. "Abigail is the most brave survivor within us all, and it is great to see her blooming again."

"Do you think she'll ever..I mean, I hope so but...do you think she might ever be able to live normally again?" Teresa questioned delicately. "After all the media and the chasing...I just wish for her to be happy."

Hannibal's eyes landed on thr floor for a moment, as if he was thinking carefully about an adequate answer, then he turned to her again, as if he could read her mind and pick the best answer appropriate to that situation.

"It is still too soon to tell." He responded as he adjusted the tie around his neck. "But I do believe that whatever are the circumstances she may face in the future, she will be able to overcome them by how resilient she became."

"That is a great way to put it." She agreed.

Hannibal gave a gentle smile again. "Do you have any siblings, Miss Brooks?"

"Me?" She raised her eyebrows a bit surprised. "No, not at all...why?"

"You seem very protective of Abigail, so I expected you to already have some familiar experience...Psychiatrist's habit, I'm sorry." He joked lightly making her smile.

"It's alright.."Teresa chuckled. "I don't have siblings, only child who raised pratically herself...I guess I just know how it feels to be in a tough situation on her own, just like her."

"Did you have a troubled childhood?" Hannibal crossed his legs, already prompt to receive more information.

"I don't like the world troubled...makes me think I was some deliquent or neglected child...no, I knew I was loved." She tilted her head to the side as her midn traveled to places way far them that clinic's room. "It was just...independent. As you said, I became resilient by the obstacles in my path."

"Which obstacles?"

"Obstacles like..."She was about to answer when she suspended her sentence, realizing she was just opening up randomly to him. "Damn, you're good at this." She chuckled and he faked a smile, realizing she wouldn't speak further. "Sorry, your psycho talk made me feel quite comfortable."

"Now that is a great compliment to me." Hannibal said gently. "But you do not need to apologize, you may go on, I promise not to charge our first session."

Teresa laughed. "That's a good one, but I assure you I don't need therapy."

"Do not tell me, Agent Brooks, you are one of the non believers of therapy?"

"What? Oh, no, I do believe in it, really. I just don't feel like I need it right now." She gestured to reassure her opinion. "I know who I am, what I have to do."

"You seem to be in truce with your present, but what about your past?" he questioned.

"Well, to be as I am now, I should be, right?"

"Not most times. we can often ignore the past in order to feel better, when in fact we are just ignoring the stigma of our lives."

Teresa clapped jokingly for a minute, mimicking an amused expression at him.

"That is very smart, doctor." She complimented. "I almost feel like getting your card."

"Perphaps I could give you my number instead." He gave a charming half smile that almost made her doubt his intentions. "Tell me, Miss Brooks, do you have any plans this saturday evening?"

"Why the question?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'd still like to invite you for dinner, if you have the time for it." Hannibal invited once again. "I'll make sure to prepare one of my specials."

"Sounds fancy." She chuckled and hesited for a moment before getting a piece of paper and writting it down. "I'm not sure I might be free but, if I do make it..." She delivered to him the small note with her number written on it. "...I believe Abigail wouldn't stop complaining if I refused your invitation once again."

Hannibal chuckled in a velvet tone. "And she is correct by doing so." He smiled. "Well, I'll be delightned if you do make it." Her phone rang suddenly. "Duty calls?"

"Duty calls." She confirmed and grabbed her purse and the reports again. "I should get going. Good to see you doctor."

"I could say the same about you, Miss Brooks, have a good day at work."

Once she closed the door, Hannibal's smile almost faded, that is to say  almost, as Abigail now was awake and looking at him.

"Haven't you heard it is rude to listen to people's conversations in secret?" He remarked sweetly as he grabbed his purse to take one of his homemade meals.

The girl giggled. "I think you both would make a great couple."

"That is too soon to tell." He responded as she sat on the bed. "How can you assume it from just a simple conversation?"

"She gave you her number."

"In order for us three to have dinner together."

"It's still something." She smiled. "I like her."

"I know."

"And you seem to like her."

"She is an interesting woman." Was all he would say. "I wouldn't lie if I told you I'm not eager to know more about her." Abigail celebrated with a little shriek. as he took the bowl of soup in his hands. "Now enough, little miss cupid. You must have lunch. Here you go."


Will Graham could see the ace creeping around his classroom until the hallways. His glasses were resting now on his teacher desk and his hands covered his eyes, trying to escape the recurring state of exhaustion cycle that repeated itself over and over.

That was until he heard her steps and her voice.

"Guess I'm late for class." He opened a smile as he visualized Teresa entering the bug auditorium room, serting her purse aside. "Where should I seat, professor Graham?"

He chuckled. "What are you doing here?"

"Jack told me to request you for a meeting. He said you'd be here." She responded a bit joyfully. "Tough class?"

"They are awfully participative." He lamented.

"I thought that was a good thing?"

"Not if I'm trying to ignore them." He remarked as hos eyes traveled up and down her body. "Skinny jeans for a lecture?"

"Are you code dressing me?" She teased, hands on her hips and a smile that could melt his whoole being.

"Not if you spin around for me." He gestured with his finger.

Teresa only smiled and slowly spun for him. Her outfit didn't have anything rspecial except for the tight jeans and the average shirt she wore for work, but there was something about her that whatever shr wore turned instantly sexy to him, he couldn't quite tell.

"So?" she asked.

"Still think it's inappropriate." He joked. "How will the students be able to pay attention when you're walking around like this?"

"Well that's their fucking problem, not mine." He laughed at her words. "I think you, professor, is far more concerned aboyt my outfit than my classmates."

"Am I now?"

"Oh, you are."

He grinned devilishly.

"I certainly am." He confirmed as he grabbed her hand, fingrrs brushing softly against her skin. "Are those Levi's?"

"Forever 21's." They chuckled. "Want to have a better look?"

"No, I think I've seen enough of it." He nodded as he gestured tappong on his thigh. "You must be tired, why don't you take a seat?"

She only scoffed but did as he asked, sitting just above his thigh as he wrapped an arm around her waist, fingers brushing and tracing her skin slowly.

"So you're lecturing and going to crime scenes." She commented as he nodded, his eyes had something soft, warm in them as he looked back at her. "Are they paying you in double or?" He confirmed. "Damn, I should start lecturing too then."

Will chuckled. "Oh yeah? You teaching?"

"I could be an even better teacher than you." She mocked. "I could teach...many things."She made up.

"Such as?"

She remained in silence for a brief moment.

"I can still shoot better than you." She teased again and he laughed, his smile sparkled so charmingly in that room, she couldn't tell why. Her hands reached his hair, organizing the little messy curly strands on top. "You look tired, Mr.Graham."

"That's cause I am." he confirmed while adoring the sensation of her fingertips in his hairline.

"Can I help you with that?" She purred softly in his ear.

"Such a helpful student you are." He whispered back, fingers brushing her cheek. "How do you plan to do that?"

Teresa got off his lap and kneeled on the ground, moving his chair so she would stand between his legs. He could alrwady feel his body tense, eager, thirsty for her touch as her hands caressed his thighs.

"No one would come in on us, right?" She asked to be sure.

"Can't make any promises." He joked and she grinned. Her hands quickly unbottuned the pants he wore within the blink of an eye. "You could give classes of that."

"Very funny." She made a face and when she touched him entirely he gasped with delight. "I think you might need the full work today, right?" He nodded fastly at her words, as he could feel now her kisses lower until his cock was covered by her lips, warmfully filling her mouth.

He rest his back on the chair, hands carressing her hair, pulling further sometimes even. Eyes closing to the heavenly like sensation. "Damnit, you're getting an A+ after this..."


"Do you really think Miriam Lass might be alive?" Teresa questioned as the team gathered around the observatory where the phone call made to Jack was tracked.

"It's very unlikely since it's been 2 years but...who knows?" Beverly Katz crossed her arms to protect herself from the chilly air of that grey morning. "I just wished the Ripper could've called Jack a bit later so i could get my beauty sleep." She joked.

Teresa looked back at the observatory, and at the team with their tech equipment trying their best to shoot their shot in the darkness. Whoever Miriam Lass as Jack's previous apprentice, she seemed to be someone important, someone that he regrets, until this day, to have sent after the Ripper.

His concern over her almost made her jealous.

But those thoughts were quickly taken away as an introverted presence crossed the green field, hands buried in his pockets and hostile eyes that lightned once they met hers, sending a charming grin on her direction, expecting no one else to notice.

Teresa involuntairly smiled back before she turned once again to Katz.

"What was that?"Katz gasped.

"What was what?" She pretended to sound numb.

"Will just smiled to you." She pointed. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"No, he didn't"

"He did." Katz chuckled. "Did you two become friends now as Jack says?"

Teresa only curved her mouth thinking. "He's still annoying as fuck."

"Katz, Brooks." Jack called them, as now Will stood by his side. "Check this out"

At his small cell phone, there its was, another phone number, nothing else, as if it resembled a criptic message for him to discover the meaning.

"This was what the Chesapeake Ripper left me this time. A phone number." The agent explained.

"Well, then why don't you call it again now?" Brooks asked.

"Team is trying to have the element of surprise before entering." Will responded instead.

"Element of surprise? We don't have the time for that. If Miriam Lass is indeed alive we need to be fast." She retorted furrowing her eyebrows. "Jack." She turned to her superior, who seemed conflicted over the situation. "We can't waste time."

He took a second over her request.

"Brooks is right." He told the other two agents before dialing the phone and setting it next to his ear.

Almost immediatly, another device rang inside the old observatory, like magic. The older agent sent his team a knowing gaze and grabbed his gun before entering it.

Will and Teresa followed behind, as Graham set an arm before her, almosf in an attempt to make her stay back and be safe.

Just as when they found the sound, Jack almost dropped his gun to the ground.

"What is it?" Teresa asked, unable to see.

"Shit."Will only cursed in a low tone.

There it was, a lonely arm taken from a body still unknown to them, holding only a vibrating loud phone. Next to it, a note attached with the written "What do you see?"

And at that moment, in that pale opaque sunlight that came through the little spaces within the wood of the observatory, Teresa Brooks saq Jack Crawford vulnerable for the first time, as the past came back to haunt him in the most torturing way possible.

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