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Later that night, Johnny came home, his mind preoccupied despite the light buzz from the beers he'd shared with Michael. Their conversation had left him unsettled, a gnawing worry that he couldn't shake. The fact that Kreese's grandson was in his dojoโ€”it felt like a cruel twist of fate, one that Johnny couldn't ignore. Why hadn't Zeke told him? Was he afraid? Did he not want him to know?

As Johnny paced through his small apartment, his thoughts circled around Zeke. He could still vividly recall Kreese's betrayal, the way the man had twisted him up, manipulated him, and ultimately tried to kill him.

The idea that Zeke, Kreese's blood, was training in his dojoโ€”under his guidanceโ€”felt almost too much to bear. He thought about kicking Zeke out, ending this connection to Kreese before it festered. After all, Zeke was just a kid, but the memories of Kreese lingered, sharp and painful.

But then Johnny remembered his conversation with Michael at the bar. Michael had noticed Johnny's unease when Zeke's name came up, and with a hint of something manipulative in his tone, he had tried to reassure Johnny. Michael had asked him not to give up on Zeke, explaining that the kid had it roughโ€”he'd been kicked off both the football and soccer teams at his last school. Zeke needed something solid, a place where he could find his footing. Michael had even hinted that Zeke's troubles might run deeper, making Johnny feel as if turning him away would only add to the boy's struggles.

Johnny sighed and rubbed his face. He decided to bring it up with Miguel and Hawk. They had spent more time with Zeke; maybe they had some insight. As they gathered in the dojo the next day, Johnny laid it out for them, watching their reactions closely.

Miguel's eyes widened in shock when Johnny revealed Zeke's lineage. "Wait, Zeke is Kreese's grandson?" he asked, clearly startled. But then he quickly defended him. "Sensei, Zeke helped me when Kyler and his friends were beating me up. He didn't have to, but he stepped in. That says a lot about him."

Hawk nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and he's helped me gain confidence. I mean, I was a loser before I started Cobra Kai, and Zekeโ€”he's been there, man. He's a good guy."

Johnny listened, his resolve wavering. Zeke was a 16-year-old kid, with the potential for both good and bad. Maybe what he really needed was guidance, not rejection. And after all, it wasn't like Kreese was going to walk back into their lives any time soon...right?

With his mind made up, Johnny called Zeke into his office later that afternoon. Zeke entered, his expression cautious as he stood before Johnny, clearly sensing something was off.

Johnny didn't mince words. "I know who you are, kid."

Zeke's eyes widened, his posture stiffening. "You do?"

Johnny nodded, leaning back against his desk. "Your grandfather did a lot of damage, not just to me, but to a lot of people. He's the reason I almost lost everything. So, yeah, I thought about kicking you out."

Zeke's expression darkened, a bitter edge to his voice. "Are you going to?"

Johnny paused, weighing his words carefully. "I won't. But you need to understand something, kid. This dojo? It's mine. Not yours, not your grandfather'sโ€”mine. You follow my rules, and you respect what I'm trying to build here."

Zeke nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "I understand, Sensei."

Johnny's gaze softened just a bit as he gave a curt nod. "Good. Now get your ass out to the mat. We've got work to do."

As Zeke left the office, Johnny watched him go, the old wariness still simmering but tempered by something newโ€”hope. He would keep an eye on Zeke, make sure the past didn't repeat itself. But for now, the kid had a place in Cobra Kai. It was up to him what he did with it.


As the practice test neared its end, the room was filled with the quiet hum of pencils scratching against paper and the occasional sigh of frustration. Demetri glanced nervously at the clock, anxiety tightening his chest. "What's going on? The test is almost over," he whispered, his voice tinged with panic.

Miguel looked up from his paper, unfazed. "It's just a practice test. Relax."

"Easy for you to say," Demetri shot back. "You both have a girlfriend."

Zeke, who had been staring blankly at his paper, mumbled bitterly, "Had a girlfriend."

Miguel glanced at his friend with sympathy, but before he could say anything, Demetri continued his rant. "I gotta do well on these so I do well on the actual test, so I get into a good college, which will lead to a good internship, then a high-paying job, and then, after a couple promotions, I should have enough confidence to get a super-hot girl."

Demetri sighed, glancing at his friends. "You got the karate thing. He's got the moves. I gotta play the long game."

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. Students shuffled their papers and began packing up, eager to escape the confines of the classroom. As they filed out, Miguel caught up with Zeke, his concern evident. "You okay, man?"

Zeke shrugged, trying to mask the hurt with indifference. "What? Because Moon broke up with me? Sorry, it just was so sudden."

Miguel nodded in understanding. "Well, sorry anyways."

"Whatever, I don't care," Zeke muttered, though his tone betrayed him.

As they walked down the hall, Zeke's eyes caught sight of Moon laughing with her friends. His heart sank as he noticed a guy approaching her, and when Moon spotted Zeke, her laughter faded, replaced by a frown as she turned away. Zeke sighed heavily, trying to push the image out of his mind, but the sting remained.

Sensing his friend's turmoil, Miguel tried to distract him. "Well, you're not the only one dealing with relationship problems."

Zeke raised an eyebrow, interested despite himself. "Trouble in paradise with LaRusso?"

Miguel hesitated, running a hand through his hair. "I don't think so? I think she's embarrassed by me. I have never met her dad, or her mom, she always deflects when I bring it up, and yesterday, I went over to her house, and I saw a guy in there with her, having dinner with her family."

Zeke furrowed his brow. "So? She might have a brother, doesn't she?"

Miguel shook his head, frustration creeping into his voice. "Brothers don't look at sisters like that."

Zeke smirked, trying to lighten the mood. "Down south, they do."

They both chuckled, but Miguel's expression quickly grew serious again. "I'm serious, man. I don't want to think Sam would do that, but I don't know..."

Before Zeke could respond, Sam appeared, slipping her arms around Miguel and kissing him on the cheek. Miguel's worries seemed to melt away in her embrace, and Zeke, not wanting to intrude, walked off down the hall, the sight of Moon's frown still fresh in his mind.


Miguel and Zeke lounged on a bench at the park, both lost in their own thoughts, trying to make sense of their relationship problems. Zeke sat with his arms crossed, his face a mask of frustration, while Miguel kept staring at the ground, occasionally shaking his head as if trying to dismiss an unwanted thought.

Aisha approached them with a teasing grin. "Look at you two, moping around like a couple of lovesick puppies."

They both shot her a stern look, which made Aisha back off with a smirk. "Okay, okay..."

Demetri and Hawk popped up from behind them, full of energy. Demetri was holding a bag of chips, which he extended toward the two somber boys. "Come on, eat something. It'll make you feel better."

Miguel waved him off. "Told you I'm not hungry, man."

Demetri, ever the pragmatist, shrugged. "I still think you're overreacting."

Miguel looked up, his frustration evident. "I'm not overreacting, dude. I know what I saw."

Hawk chimed in with his usual bluntness. "All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode. Big deal."

Zeke, still bitter over his own breakup, tried to reassure his friend. "It's like I told you, it's probably just her brother or something."

Miguel shook his head, his voice laced with anxiety. "No, dude, brothers don't look at their sisters like that."

Demetri, ever the comic relief, quipped, "Depends on what part of the country you're in."

Miguel sighed, clearly not amused. "Look, I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me."

Zeke glanced over at Miguel, curiosity piqued. "What happened?"

Miguel explained Johnny's old story, how he'd dated a girl named Ali back in high school, only for Daniel LaRusso to come along and steal her away, leaving Johnny with a broken heart and a grudge that had lasted decades.

Zeke's voice dripped with bitterness as he muttered, "Like father, like daughter."

Hawk, always one for action, offered his advice. "All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance."

Demetri immediately countered. "Don't listen to Eli."

"It's Hawk," Hawk snapped, his irritation clear.

"Yeah, whatever," Demetri dismissed.

Zeke nodded in agreement with Hawk. "If some kid is sticking his nose into someone else's business, then they should teach him a lesson."

Demetri looked at Zeke incredulously. "And you wonder why Moon broke up with you."

Zeke's anger flared instantly, and he stood up, glaring at Demetri with an intensity that made him flinch. "The fuck did you say?"

Demetri cowered under Zeke's gaze and quickly relented, muttering an apology.

Zeke scoffed, shaking his head in disgust. "That's what I thought. I don't have time for your shit, Demetri."

Aisha, sensing the tension, tried to steer the conversation back to Miguel's situation. "The fact is, Sam's given you no reason not to trust her."

Miguel sighed, nodding slowly. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

But Zeke could tell that Miguel was still pissed. Whoever that kid was with Sam, if there even was someone involved, was definitely barking up the wrong tree. And if so? He'd have to be taught a lesson.

Just then, Aisha pulled out her phone, her expression quickly turning from mild amusement to anger. "Oh, that little bitch."

Everyone turned to her, confused.

"What?" they asked in unison.

Aisha held up her phone, showing them a comment on one of her posts. "You know that video I posted of me breaking that board?"

Zeke nodded. "Yeah."

Aisha's voice seethed with anger. "Look what Yasmine commented."

The comment was a cruel dig, fat-shaming Aisha and making a snide remark about how she was shocked the belt fit around Aisha's waist.

Zeke rolled his eyes, dismissing it. "Whatever, she's a bitch anyway."

Miguel's eyes widened in concern. "Oh, shit."

Aisha wasn't done. "I gotta do something."

Hawk immediately jumped in, his tone mischievous. "All right, how about we kidnap her and have my boy Rico tattoo 'bitch' on her face?"

Demetri, always the voice of reason, interjected. "Calm down, Hawk."

Hawk turned on him, his voice rising. "All right, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it."

Aisha, however, seemed to have a plan. Her anger turned to a sly grin as she pulled up an Instagram story on her phone. "Wait, wait, wait. I've got a better idea. Look."

They all crowded around her, peering at the screen.

Miguel read it out loud. "Yasmine's throwing a birthday party at the canyon later?"

Zeke's mind raced, a plan already forming. "Not if we strike first."

Hawk grinned. "Hell yeah."

As they planned their next move, Zeke couldn't help but think of Moon. If Yasmine was going to be there, Moon certainly would be too. Maybe he could actually talk to her, maybe even try to make things right. It was a long shot, but it was better than doing nothing. And if it didn't work out, well, there was always someone else who could use a lesson in humility.


Zeke stood outside the liquor store, hands jammed in his pockets, trying to push away the flood of thoughts that kept creeping up on him. Hawk and Aisha were inside, working their magic to get what they needed for the party, while Miguel paced a few feet away, phone pressed to his ear. Zeke couldn't help but overhear Miguel's strained conversation with Sam.

"Hey, Sam, it's me... Um..." Miguel hesitated, his voice unsure. "I wanted to call and say that I apologize for earlier today. I was feeling off. But I really would love to see you today. Cobra Kai's throwing a party at the canyon. We're heading out there right now. Just... let me know when you can come. Bye."

Zeke watched as Miguel ended the call, the frustration clear on his friend's face. He pulled out his own phone, staring at the screen. Moon's contact was still there, untouched. He hadn't blocked her, though he couldn't quite explain why. His thumb hovered over the call button, but he hesitated. Calling her now would just be... weird. Too desperate. Instead, he sent a quick text: "Heading to the canyon with the crew tonight. Be there if you want." He doubted she'd see it, or care, but it was better than nothing.

As he slipped his phone back into his pocket, Kreese's words echoed in his mind, their intensity gripping him again.

"He thought he was in love. It distracted him. He lost his focus. Just like you're doing now with this Moon girl."

"If you want to tap into your full potential, you need to forget everything else. And strike."

Zeke shook his head, trying to shake off the nagging doubts that were starting to weigh him down. He couldn't afford to lose focus, not now. Just as he was starting to feel the anger building up again, Hawk strutted out of the store with a triumphant grin, his arms full of clinking bottles.

"Holy shit, how did you pull that off?" Zeke asked, genuinely impressed.

Hawk flashed him a cocky grin. "You underestimated the power of the Hawk."

Miguel, now off the phone, walked over, his mood lightening just a bit at the sight of their success. "I will never doubt you again."

Zeke managed a small chuckle, the tension in his chest easing slightly. As they started walking back to the car, he pushed away the thoughts of Moon, Sam, and everything else that had been eating at him. Tonight was about his friends, about showing everyone who they were. The rest of it? He'd deal with that later. Right now, he needed to stay focused. Kreese's words played on repeat in his mind:

"Forget everything else. And strike."


Zeke slipped through the back door of his house, moving as quietly as possible. The house was dimly lit, with only the faint glow from the living room TV spilling into the hallway. He headed straight for his room, his mind focused on grabbing the cash he had stashed away. He needed it to buy a keg for the partyโ€”a move that would solidify his status at the canyon tonight. But just as he was about to make his way back out, his mother's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"ยฟZeke? ยฟQuรฉ estรกs haciendo?"

He turned to see Diana, standing in the doorway of the living room. She looked at him with a mixture of concern and suspicion, her brow furrowed.

"Uh, just grabbing some cash," Zeke said, trying to sound casual. "I'm meeting up with some friends."

Diana didn't look convinced. She stepped closer, crossing her arms as she examined her son.

"Zeke, no me mientas. Yo sรฉ que no es sรณlo por dinero. Te veo... estรกs diferente desde que terminaste con Moon. Mรกs callado, mรกs... enojado. No quiero que pierdas el rumbo, hijo. Sรฉ que es difรญcil, que duele. Pero la rabia no es la manera de lidiar con esto."

Zeke looked away, his jaw tightening. "I'm fine, Mom. Really."

Diana wasn't finished. She stepped closer, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Mira, Zeke. El enojo no te va a llevar a nada bueno. Lo sรฉ porque he visto lo que hace. Te consume, te transforma en alguien que no eres. No quiero verte perderte a ti mismo por una relaciรณn que terminรณ. Moon era importante para ti, lo sรฉ, pero eso no significa que debas perderte en esta oscuridad. Tienes un gran corazรณn, hijo. No dejes que el enojo lo endurezca."

Zeke shifted uncomfortably under his mother's gaze. She was always able to see right through him, and that made it hard to hide how he was really feeling. But he wasn't ready to let her in on everything.

"I get it, Mom. But I'm fine. Really."

Diana sighed, her expression softening as she continued, "No te estoy diciendo que no te sientas mal, pero sรญ que encuentres una manera de lidiar con ello que no te destruya. Estoy aquรญ para ti, Zeke. Siempre. Si necesitas hablar, si necesitas desahogarte... no lo hagas solo. Estoy contigo, hijo, en lo que sea."

Zeke nodded, though his expression remained guarded. He appreciated her words, even if he couldn't fully embrace them at the moment. "I'll be fine. I just need to clear my head, that's all."

Diana studied him for a moment longer before speaking softly, "Te quiero, Zeke. No te olvides de eso."

"I love you too, Mom," Zeke replied, his voice a little softer. He then quickly excused himself, feeling a bit guilty as he left the house.

Once outside, Zeke met up with a trusted contact who had always come through for him in the past. The exchange was quickโ€”cash for a keg, no questions asked. With the keg secured, he headed out to the canyon.

When he arrived, the party preparations were already in full swing. Hawk, Aisha, and a few others were setting up lights and arranging tables. Zeke hauled the keg out of his car, setting it up with a determined expression. As more people began to arrive, the energy of the gathering began to shift, building up the kind of night Zeke hoped would take his mind off everything. The loud music, the laughter, the flow of alcoholโ€”everything seemed like it was going to make him forget, at least for a little while.

But in the back of his mind, his mother's words still lingered, even as he tried to drown them out with the noise around him.


The sun had just set over the canyon, casting long shadows as the first wave of people arrived for the party. Zeke stood near the keg he'd brought, watching as the crowd slowly grew, filling the air with excited chatter and music. He was trying to keep his mind off everythingโ€”Moon, his mom's lecture, Kreese's wordsโ€”when he noticed a familiar group approaching.

Kyler's car screeched to a halt, kicking up dust as it parked haphazardly at the edge of the canyon. The doors swung open, and Yasmine was the first to step out, her expression a mix of disdain and irritation.

"Finally," Yasmine groaned, flipping her hair as she surveyed the scene. She turned to Kyler with a sneer. "Your driving sucks, by the way."

Kyler shrugged, clearly unbothered. "Whatever, dog."

As they approached the party, Yasmine's eyes narrowed at the sight of the crowd. There were way more people than she expected, and most of them were definitely not on her guest list.

"No effing way," Yasmine muttered, her voice dripping with disbelief.

Moon, stepping out behind her, seemed more intrigued than upset. "Cool, how did all these people get here so early?"

Yasmine rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Seriously, Moon? Do these look like people I'd invite?"

Kyler, sensing Yasmine's irritation, tried to play the role of the tough guy. "Fo' sho," he said, puffing out his chest as he started toward the crowd. "I'll tell these losers to bounce."

But as he got closer, Kyler's bravado quickly faded. He spotted Miguel and Zeke among the partygoers, both of whom had left quite an impression on him. The memory of the beatdown they had given him and his friends flashed vividly in his mind, especially the sight of Zeke's fury.

A flashback hit Kyler, reminding him of that day in the locker room. Rory had been trying to show off, bullying some kid when Zeke walked in. Without a word, Zeke had shoved Rory against the lockers, the sound echoing through the room. Rory had tried to fight back, but Zeke was relentless, his fists moving faster than Rory could react. Punch after punch, Zeke had torn into him until Rory was a crumpled mess on the floor. The locker room, once filled with mocking laughter, had fallen silent as everyone realized just how dangerous Zeke could be when pushed.

Rory, standing just behind Kyler, also saw Zeke and froze. He'd only recently gotten out of the hospital after that fight, and the sight of Zeke brought all that fear rushing back. He had tried to convince everyone that Zeke had attacked him unprovoked, but after the video of them beating up Miguel surfaced, no one believed him. His parents had been furious, and Rory was left with more than just physical scars.

"Dude, what's the holdup? Let's go," Rory urged, his voice betraying his anxiety.

Kyler hesitated, then saw the fear in Rory's eyes. "Uh, you know what, let's just find another spot or we could go home or whatever," he stammered. "Not really feeling this."

Rory, visibly relieved, nodded quickly. "Yeah, let's get out of here."

Yasmine, however, was not having it. "Hey, you guys are a couple of pussies. You know that, right?"

Kyler barely looked back at her. "Yeah, whatever." He turned to Rory and Brucks. "Let's roll."

As the boys retreated back to the car, Yasmine noticed Moon heading down the hill toward the party. Her frustration flared. "Moon, what the hell are you doing?"

Moon didn't even turn around. "I'm just going to get a beer," she called back casually.

"We have beers!" Yasmine shouted, her voice rising in disbelief.

Kyler, already in the driver's seat, called out one last time, "Last chance."

But Yasmine, torn between following Moon and leaving with the boys, hesitated too long. The car door slammed shut, and Kyler pulled away, leaving Yasmine standing alone on the hillside. With an annoyed huff, she reluctantly decided to follow Moon down to the party.

As she caught up to Moon, Yasmine's irritation simmered, but she knew better than to argue with her friend. The party was in full swing now, and it was clear that it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.


As Zeke and Aisha approached Miguel, their conversation reflected the frustration they all felt.

"Still nothing?" Zeke asked, glancing at Miguel's phone.

"Nope," Miguel replied, his tone tinged with disappointment.

"Maybe her phone died," Aisha suggested.

Miguel shrugged. "Whatever. Let's get the party started without her."

Zeke checked his phone again and saw that Moon had seen his text but hadn't responded. He sighed, taking a swig from the keg as he watched her walk down the hill with Yasmine. He would talk to her later, once the crowd had thinned out a bit.

Meanwhile, Moon spotted Hawk near the keg, his distinctive Mohawk standing out even in the chaotic party. She walked over with a warm smile.

"Hey, I love your Mohawk," Moon said, genuinely impressed.

Hawk, initially taken aback by the compliment, felt a rush of confidence. His nervousness dissipated as he straightened up, flashing a grin. "Thanks, I appreciate that."


The night was slipping into chaos as the alcohol flowed freely. Zeke and Miguel had both been drinking, with Miguel downing more than his share. Aisha noticed Miguel reaching for another beer and raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Another one? Are you good?" she asked, her tone a mix of concern and amusement.

Miguel, slightly slurring, waved her off. "Yeah, I'm fine, Aisha. Thanks."

Aisha hesitated, then nodded. "All right."

Miguel reached for another beer, only to find the cooler empty. Frustration crept into his voice as he looked around. "Zeke, they're all out of Mr. Pibbs. Where are the Mr. Pibbs?"

Demetri, lounging nearby, casually raised his can. "I got the last one."

Miguel shot him an irritated glare before wandering off, his mind clouded by alcohol and frustration. Zeke, equally annoyed, wandered the party, trying to shake off the feeling of anger that had been simmering all night. He had been avoiding Moon, partly because of the alcohol, but mostly because he wasn't ready to confront her. Yet, deep down, he knew he needed to talk to her.

Eventually, Zeke found Moon by the bonfire, but what he saw stopped him cold. Moon was locked in a passionate kiss with Hawk. The sight hit Zeke like a punch to the gut. It had only been a week since they broke up, and now she was making out with one of his friends?

As they finished the kiss, Moon smiled but then noticed Zeke standing in the background, his expression shattered. Her smile faltered, guilt washing over her as she realized the hurt she had caused. Unable to face him, she quickly turned away and left without a word.

Zeke stood there, devastated and furious. The anger boiling inside him threatened to spill over as he approached Hawk.

"What the hell was that?" Zeke demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of hurt and rage.

Hawk looked guilty for a moment but then tried to play it off with a cocky grin. "All right, let me let you in on a little secret. It's not just a haircut or the back tattoo. It's a way of life, man. You just gotta feel the energy."

He patted Zeke on the shoulder, attempting to lighten the mood. "Don't hate the player, man. Hate the game. We'll find you someone else."

Zeke, seething, swatted Hawk's hand away. He was furiousโ€”not just at Hawk for betraying his friendship but at Moon for moving on so quickly. Before the situation could escalate further, they were interrupted by Aisha's voice, yelling at Yasmine.

"You think it's funny crashing my party?" Yasmine sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

Aisha shot back, "It's not really your party 'cause we were here first."

Yasmine, her voice rising with anger, retorted, "Yeah, well, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool. But we all remember who you really are. You're just a fugly b*tch, and your friends are all freaks. And psychos." She shot a venomous look at Zeke. "Come on, Moon. Let's go."

But Moon stood her ground. "No, I'm staying. I apologized to Aisha for what we did, and you should too."

Yasmine rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You deserve them, Moon."

As she turned to leave, Yasmine shoved Aisha, but Aisha wasn't about to let it slide. "Hey, Yasmine!" she called out.

Yasmine turned back angrily, "Huh? What?"

Aisha grinned mischievously. "Let me help you to your car."

In a swift motion, Aisha grabbed Yasmine's waistband and yanked her underwear up in a vicious wedgie. Yasmine let out a high-pitched scream as everyone around burst into laughter.

"No mercy, b*tch!" Aisha declared, throwing Yasmine to the ground. Yasmine scrambled to her feet, trying to run away in pain and humiliation as the crowd roared with laughter.

Zeke, his anger momentarily forgotten, doubled over laughing. "That was fucking awesome," he said, unable to contain his amusement.


The night had spiraled from bad to worse for Zeke. He'd had more than a few drinks, each one making him angrier and more hurt over Moon and Hawk. The sting of betrayal from seeing them together gnawed at him, and he couldn't shake the image from his mind. He had avoided speaking with either of them all night, but the alcohol wasn't doing much to dull the pain. Sitting on a rock, he pulled out his phone, stared at Moon's contact, and finally blocked her number. As he did, Miguel sat down beside him, his face flushed with the effects of his own drinking.

"Rough night?" Miguel asked, his voice a bit slurred but laced with genuine concern.

Zeke let out a bitter laugh. "I caught one of my friends making out with my ex-girlfriend. Pretty rough night."

Miguel frowned, trying to find something comforting to say. "Sorry, man, but at least it's Hawk and not Kyler, right?"

Zeke wasn't amused. He gave Miguel a hard look before shaking his head. "It was a good joke, man. Just not in the mood."

Miguel shrugged apologetically. "Sorry."

Without another word, Zeke stood up and wandered off. He needed to clear his head, or at least distract himself. He ended up mingling with other partygoers, trying to forget the sting of the night's events.

But his distraction didn't last long. As he was talking to a group of kids around the bonfire, he heard the unmistakable sound of Miguel's voice rising in anger.

"No, no, no. You don't get to turn this on me!" Miguel was shouting. "I texted and called you all day, and you couldn't answer me back once?"

Zeke's stomach churned as he turned toward the commotion. He saw Miguel in a heated argument with Sam, and standing next to her was another boy Zeke hadn't seen before. He immediately headed over to them, his protective instincts kicking in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who the hell is this?" Zeke demanded as he approached, eyeing the boy with suspicion.

Miguel glanced at Zeke, his frustration clear. "I told you, man. I told all of you."

Zeke narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Wait a second, this is the little shit you were talking about, Miguel?"

Sam stepped in, trying to defuse the situation. "Zeke, this is none of your business."

But Zeke wasn't backing down. "My good friend's girlfriend sneaking around his back? That is definitely my business. Who the hell are you?" he snapped at the boy.

The boy, who Zeke now realized was Robby, squared his shoulders. "Back the hell off," he warned.

"Robbyโ€”" Sam started, trying to calm the situation, but Zeke cut her off.

"Oh, you're Robby, huh? Butting yourself into my friend's relationship? Bold move, man." Without warning, Zeke shoved Robby to the ground, his anger finally boiling over.

"Zeke, stop it!" Sam yelled, panic edging into her voice.

Zeke ignored her, his eyes locked on Robby. "You say something, princess?" he shot back at Sam, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Robby quickly got back to his feet, his expression hardened. "You wanna try that again?" he challenged, his stance ready for a fight.

Zeke grinned, a wild look in his eyes. "Oh, let's try that again. I'll kick your ass, you little bitch."

Before anyone could react, the two boys squared up, ready to throw down. Zeke swung first, his fist aimed at Robby's face. Robby effortlessly blocked the strike, his movements fluid and controlled. Zeke's frustration mounted as he tried to land another hit, but Robby countered, his fist slamming into Zeke's face.

"Zeke, stop it!" Sam yelled, stepping between them before the fight could escalate further. "Both of you, stop!"

Zeke, his pride wounded, shoved Robby again. "Like father, like daughter. LaRusso," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

At that moment, Hawk joined Zeke and Miguel, sensing the tension but unsure how to defuse it. Sam, her patience finally snapping, glared at all three of them.

"What the hell was that? My dad was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament. I won't be there." Her voice was filled with disappointment and anger.

Robby, his eyes burning with fury, shot a final glare at Zeke before following Sam up the hill. Zeke returned the glare, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Let her go, man," Zeke muttered to Miguel as they watched her walk away. "She's not worth it. That kid will get what's coming to him."

As Robby and Sam disappeared into the night, Zeke couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't over. There was something about Robby that got under his skin, something that made him want to settle the score.

But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside. The next time he saw Robby, Zeke knew he'd be ready. Ready to teach him a lesson he wouldn't forget.


Michael sat on the porch, the evening air cool and crisp as he took a deep draw from his cigar. The smoke curled up into the night sky, and for a moment, he let himself relax. The past few weeks had been tenseโ€”between work, family, and keeping an eye on Zeke, it was hard to find any peace. Just as he exhaled, the screen door creaked open, and Kreese stepped out, joining him on the porch.

Kreese nodded, taking a seat beside his son. "Michael."

"Dad," Michael greeted, tilting his head slightly in acknowledgment. They sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the quiet before Kreese spoke up.

"Zeke's doing well. The kid's got fire in him, just like you did when you were his age," Kreese began, his voice carrying that familiar mix of pride and steel. "Cobra Kai's making a comeback, and with Zeke in the mix, we've got a real shot at the All Valley."

Michael took another drag of his cigar, letting the words hang in the air. He knew his father well enough to understand what that meant. Kreese saw potential in Zekeโ€”potential to be molded, shaped into something fierce, something dangerous. But that was what worried Michael.

"Yeah, he's got the fire," Michael agreed slowly. "But I wonder if you're pushing him too hard, Dad. He's just a kid, and you know how it was for me back then. I don't want him going down the wrong path."

Kreese leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded his son. "Zeke needs to be tough, Michael. Life doesn't give you anything for free. If he can channel that anger, especially with what's going on with this Moon girl, he can turn it into a weapon. That's what Cobra Kai is aboutโ€”taking what hurts and using it to win."

Michael shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. "I get that, but there's more to life than winning. Zeke needs balance. He needs to know there's more to him than just fighting. You've been around him since he was five, Dad. I just want to make sure you're not pushing him too far."

But he was really only saying this to please his wife.

Kreese waved off his son's concerns. "Michael, you're too soft. Zeke's strong, but he's got to learn how to be ruthless. I'm not leading him astray. I'm making him into someone who can survive in this world. He'll be fineโ€”better than fine, he'll be a champion."

Michael sighed, flicking ash from his cigar. He knew arguing with his father was pointless; Kreese had always been set in his ways, a man who believed in strength above all else. But that didn't stop the nagging worry in the back of his mind.

Their conversation was interrupted by the buzz of Michael's phone. He pulled it out and saw a message from Zekeโ€”drunken, rambling, but clear in its request.

Zeke: Dad, can you pick me up? Don't tell Mom. I really don't want another lecture.

Michael chuckled softly. "Speaking of Zeke, looks like he needs a ride. And he's already afraid of Diana's rants."

Kreese smirked. "Smart kid."

Michael shook his head, still amused by the thought of his wife's fiery temper when it came to their son. "Yeah, well, I don't blame him. She can be pretty scary when she gets going in Spanish."

He stood up, crushing the cigar underfoot. "I'll go get him. And don't worry, Dadโ€”I'll make sure he's ready for the tournament. But I'm going to make sure he's ready for life, too."

Kreese nodded, not entirely satisfied, but he let it go. "Just remember, Michaelโ€”no mercy."

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